Gender locked classes? Really? Refund

-before reading this, I understand the reasons for having gender locked characters, so no need to try to explain it.-

I’m hoping someone with some pull sees this. I’m just one guy, and yes I should have done my research before buying the game, but it is so disappointing to buy and download the game only to discover that I can’t be a male necromancer, for example. In 2024, character customization is HUGE for generating recurring revenue. I understand that resources might be needed elsewhere, but character customization is inherently limited with a gender locked character creation system, and there are many so many players who won’t give this game a chance, especially in the western world, based off of this. Heck, I’d rather have mediocre cut scenes and subpar voice actors if it meant getting to have the choice of male and female for ALL classes.

I only play male characters. For me, my characters are like an extension of myself. It may seem silly to some, but it does matter to a lot of players. I hope that actual plans to address this are announced soon, because “maybe” isn’t going to get my money now, or for any microtransactions going forward. I want to like this game… and I want to get my friends into it… but the gender lock is an instant turn off to many of them as well. For now, I’m going to refund, but if actual plans to address the gender lock are announced I’ll give it a shot.


You’re telling me that you never identified as a 90 lb goth girl? I find that hard to believe.


I haven’t. But more importantly, my RPG characters don’t lol.

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Well, I am sure EHG will change all of the characters, add in a character creator, and remodel every class specific armor to accommodate it so you will buy their game for $35.

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Yeah, my skinny Gnome Barbarian has nowhere else to go except Baldur’s Gate, and even there he is punished for it!

There are 5 Roles to play in this Role Playing Game.

But hey, have fun with your obese Necromancer or Asian-looking Druid in D4!
Oh wait…

I would hope they’d strongly consider it for a bunch more people to buy their game for $35 plus recurring revenue for years to come.

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Best example that when ppl are spoiled they invent “problems”. If thats the major issue why u ask for a refund …oh man good luck in life.




I just assume they’re secretly all trans people too afraid to come out of the closet.

It makes me want to help build a more tolerant world and at the very least, convert my aggravation with them into pity, that they need games that desperately to cope with their IRL issues.


Not at all.

It’s not that deep man. I’m just choosing to not give the game my money. I understand the reasons for not having it. This isn’t some political stance.

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did you complain about Diablo 1/2/3 or POE having locked gender classes?

Yes. And then I gave more of my money to games without gender lock.

I’m not sure how so many people are completely missing the point with this. If you don’t care, fine, but these responses are bizarre.

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He claims he sees his character as an extension of himself… better not become a parent. He´d need a straight jacket coz he wouldnt know how to deal with the “unpleasent” gender of his child if its a girl. XD
Geez I just noticed his post is a playground for me being snarky. I better have some cake :rofl:


It must be really exhausting being you.


It’s not that heavy, man. I just think it’d be better for the game to have the option, and my personal preference for character aesthetics happens to align with it.
You’re making some pretty silly assumptions. It’s a video game. Our differing priorities aren’t hurting anyone.

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I’m gonna be honest here:

If you and your friends are turned off by playing a female character, you’re a) missing out on a lot of great games, and b) kinda sound a bit misogynistic.

The only cases I have encountered where that wasn’t true, those people turned out to be eggs and were more afraid of being feminine than playing one.

Not saying you’re either, but your stance on this is very bizarre itself and I hope you use that $35 to talk to someone about this maybe having some underlying psychological reasons.


The only reason for not having this in the game is because they’re a small team and don’t have time to waste on this when there are still many more important things to implement. They’re still finishing the animations for the models that do exist.

And yes, they are aware that some people will probably leave or not buy the game because of this, but they are also aware that a LOT MORE will leave if they don’t add endgame, for example.

So, in short, I’m pretty sure that this will happen, eventually. It’s just not a priority right now.


It may come as a surprise but 99% of people don’t care as long as the skins and skills look cool

I can picture you buying PONG in the 70s and complaining that there isin’t such options at the start screen, incredible

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Ah, so YOU stole Llama8’s cake!

Personally, if I get a choice, I’d rather play female characters. If I’m going to be looking at a character for hours on end, I’d rather look at a more pleasing form (to me).