Gender locked classes? Really? Refund

You can’t even tell male or female for your character in a game like this 97% of the time anyway!

People who get all up their butts about “being” a 30 pixel tall girl in a game are weird.


And I am going to refund if they implement those :rofl:

I can understand their point of view. Some people identify with their characters. I’m just not one of them. I think getting to the point where you simply can’t play it is extreme, but I’m not judging them.
Ultimately, the amount of people that feel this way (meaning the ones that don’t play without this option) isn’t enough to make it a higher priority. But I expect it will eventually happen.

Cool story bro.

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D3 didn’t.

Fixed that for you.



Same here!
Usually my female chars are much more than the male ones.

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I absolutely agree with you, thats why i was kinda forced to play my african Voidknight. Kinda ridiculous that you still have trouble to find an arpg game where you can actually create your character. I doubt that they will ever change it, sadly.

Wasn’t the gender unlock only in RoS?

If you would really understand that their resources are needed elsewhere you would not have made this post.

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Can I meet you halfway and implement 1 transgender option?
Like a transmale Sentinel?
You can even chose his sexual orientation freely!


@GIANTENEMYBIRD This request has been asked many, many times on this forum. Unfortunately you will find a lot of “I don’t care” people, not only caring but being rather nasty about it too, hence you won’t get a debate about it. I’ve asked for it too and got the same insults, I don’t want to play a male, I’m female and I want to hear a female voice from my character not a male one and run like a female too, so I’m stuck with Acolyte or Rogue.
The devs have said that sometime in the future it may happen. I play PoE as well, but they at least have Scion which can be any class, and Diablo III have all classes with both sexes. Perhaps the Scion would work for this game. Or go with New World, where males and females all look the same! (just joking, their characters look abysmal).

i think they care more than they think :wink: they’d simply not comment if they truely didnt care heh

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Truer words never spoken.

As for the OP:
If this is the sort of a ‘problem’ that you consider to be an actual problem, then you’ve been living an overly comfortable life for way too long.

But that pales before the actual issue here.

If this would be a personal trouble and disturbance for you, you’d simply claim a refund through Steam and leave the community quietly. Done and done. Maybe you’d decide to write a negative feedback review on the Steam service page stating the nature of your displeasure for someone else out there to maaaaybe heed your advice and save himself a whimsical bit of effort. But you did not do that. Oh no, no, no, no. You came to the game forums instead and started a forum thread on the matter for the sole purpose of creating a ridiculous spotlight for yourself and instigating trash talk.

Your actions are unwelcome. Your point rings hollow. You are free to take back your money and leave peacefully and quietly, just the way a regular unsatisfied customer - not a spoiled attention seeker - would do.

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It was. Funny how even the Smol Indie Company™ could not satisfy the needy needs back then, eh? I bet that was the sole reason why D3 was not as much of an enjoyable experience it should’ve been after being developed by that specific team. The lack of gender choice.
And I suppose it was also exactly the reason why RoS was such a noteworthy improvement. The addition of gender choice.

Our world has degraded immeasurably over the course of the last thirty years.

Mama told me if i got nothing good to say then don’t.

So how is everyone doing today? :slight_smile:


Weren’t you the one who said that women generally want to play female characters?
Just because i’m a woman doesn’t mean i want to play a female character. The logic doesn’t work for everyone.

I don’t like high-pitched voices. It’s not cute, it’s annoying. Female characters often run as if they urgently need to go to the toilet or walk as if they are on a catwalk. The hip swing is sometimes just ridiculous.
The difference between an adult female character and a minor character is sometimes non-existent. I don’t want to play as a young little girl. I’m an adult, and if i wanted to have kids around i’d make some or something.

In MMORPGs you have the “boob bonus”, which means you get treated differently and usually more kindly. To be honest, i find that part interesting and often think to myself that men certainly don’t have it easy.

Anyway, back to LE. I would love to shut the rogue up. She’s annoying as hell. The acolyte is okay, i think. I play the paladin most of the time.

So i’m a female and prefer male characters.

btw, I learned here on the forums that it’s “gay” to play your own gender because you “stare at your own ass” all the time. isn’t that funny? ^^

some people are just sad and need to complain about any think these days.

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I don’t like high pitched, cutsie voices and “chest” sliders either. I find the two females we have in LE quite adequate, and extremely well done, they have sensible voices, nothing over sexualised at all. Not keen on the weird head throwing back of our goth girl, but hey ho she’s a weirdo anyway. I take no notice at all of the juvenile comments from obviously juvenile people. So what the “don’t care” (they do definitely) people say is irrelevant. So I’m a female and prefer female characters (minus high heels, large boobs and cutsie voices).


While I don’t share your reasoning, I wish there were more options for physical customization of my character.

Character customization is one of my favorite things in ANY game, including ARPGs.

-I am enjoying the game anyway because I can appreciate the time and work spent in skill customization, etc, not being able to customize even the physical appearance of my character was the biggest deterrent to me about this game.

You are absolutely right though about “should have done research before buying”. I knew what I was in for, decided to try it anyway. I like the game (although looking forward to some wrinkles being ironed out), if you NEED/MUST HAVE control of your character appearance----yeah, you should research ahead of time.