Not that it would make my unhappy, but what makes you so sure about that? The description for the rank is very (almost intentionally) vague in my opinion and open to interpretation.
I see, those likelihoods for LP1 etc. on last epoch tools refer to a second roll.
Do we have knowledge about the chances for LP or not, did I miss something obvious?
Edit: found this on Reddit.
Looks like the entire system is not entirely transparent. According to the linked spreadsheet LP2 probability depends on LP1 probability and so on.
Yes the system is not transparent and it shouldn’t be.
What has been datamined already is too much for me personally.
I just hate exact numbers for drop/rng things to be revealed because then people will always refer to these numbers instead of experience and feel.
Same with when drop rates or any chance based things change, stuff like that should not be in Patch Notes, because then people will hang up on X% and Y% blablabla.
As long as the devs give the information how we as a player can increase our odds and what affects it and what not, that is more than enough than we need to know.
On the other hand I would like to know what I can reasonably expect from my investment. Somewhat vague descriptions leave me empty handed because I do not know what they exactly do. Like this one. Suddenly I was showered with LP1s, but I saw no change with the number of LP2s or LP3s I have gotten so far.
That gave me the “experience and feel”, to quote you, that rank 6 of COF only affects LP1. Which made me look at the rank’s description again.
You forgot to add that it’s just your opinion and is objectively incorrect. If you want to live in mystery, just play without consulting drop rates.
Nobody is forcing you to check em.
The game doesn’t revolve around what you like and hate. Having exact data will decrease the situations with people who argue claiming to know more than others. Why do you care about what people refers to? Just do your business.
Every change needs to be addressed in the patch notes, especially if a development team claims to be transparent. The community is free to discuss and argue about the changes.
I don’t care for them personally but it just creates a lot of angry threads where people are upset that item X with drop rate Y didn’t drop after Z kills.
Because humans are inherently bad to deal with numbers and statistical probabilities.
And neither it does revolve around you. This is a gaming forum where users are can share their experience. I never claimed that my statement or opinion is the law.
But you did claim that my opinion is objectively incorrect.
So what are we going to do now?
While transperency is good for a lot of subject matters, there are some where I do think it is a net negative for the game and its community.
I don’t say they need to absolutely hide it and make sure nobody ever knows them.
But having them revealed vs. not having exact both brings advantages and disadvantages and I think the disadvantages outweight the advantages.
So I prefer a loot based game to not give too much exact data away and let people focus on actual playing the game.
Absolutely hate that game, so this doesn’t do anything for me
Yeah, the availability of a list of information allows it to be consulted by those who wish to do so and in no way forces those who prefer to avoid it to do so.
That’s the way it is. Keep denying others a freedom according to your taste anyway. You are free to do so.
You really live in a world where everything is black and white. I envy you for that.
Makes things a lot easier.
In your head maybe it is, that doesn’t mean it is objectively correct
I am still of the opinion that too much information about certain things in video games is a net negative for the game. Whether you agree or disagree this is a opinion that I have for a long time across various different video games and genres.
Modern technology and the ease of spreading information is a net negative for a lot of video games and it invokes a very entitled mindset among many gaming communities which I strongly dislike.
Are we still talking about the same game? The kind where it’s crucial to have access to all the numbers and all the variables we’re going to interact with in order to have advanced planning regarding our progress? If you like wasting time, I assure you that is your mere taste.
You also claim that denying others a freedom that in no way affects the way you play is ok. A truly amusing way of reasoning.
It has advantages and disadvantages to have exact numbers. But there are a million threads about this, many in which I stated my reasons why I dislike having exact dps numbers available.
It would affect me. And it already does.
This is the same with debates about mastery respec. “Give people options, you don’t have to use that option if you don’t like”.
But it does change how the game is played, how it is percieved and it fosters a specific meta. All of this does affect me, evne if I don’t use that option.
If you can’t comprehend that there are things other people don’t like, that seem obvious to you. Well there is nothing that I can do for you.
Yeah, it’s very bad to know if your build upgrades are affecting your character as you expect and to test if all the class and skill nodes are working correctly. It is definitely very subjective.
The availability of information literally forces you to go and see the drop chance of the item you are going to farm. This is a very serious problem.
The option to change mastery allows you to change the character behaviour. It is not the same thing at all. This is also an objective fact.
And what’s stopping you from switching to MG if you are wanting to be able to trade with CoF chosen? CoF is already giving you a immense increase in item drops, at the end, it is all still purely RnG but with increase drops means increase chances in general. The item you might be hunting could also just be more rare than others. Different uniques have different rarities.
Could it be you are just playing a less effective build? While I’m not telling you to copy any builds , start to finish, as you shouldn’t, there will always be meta, stronger skills and classes than others. There are several builds right now that I would say are meta, which you can easily tweak around to your liking, along with the passives, and can easily grind up to 500 corrupt or so with ease using all < 2 LP items.
The bigger issue is that too many items are close to useless and cannot compare with your BiS items… You do not really have as much choices for equipment as you should/can in this type of game… The power level is too far apart.
If you can play 450 corruption it is ok if you can’t improve (or it’s at least very hard) because thats late endgame as far as the devs are concerned. If you enjoy the game keep playing and hope for the best (the joy will be great if you find it), if not play a new character and have the thrill of finding good gear again. I don’t think they should mess with the numbers right now.
I’ve already done 500+. Could probably do 600 or more. My build is very good. I wouild describe my gear as basic BIS. I have the right stuff, but low LP. This build can go 1800+ with good gear, so there is definitely room for improvement. The cycles are limited in duration. If I have to farm for weeks to get a single upgarde, that is not fun for me. There was a famous quote from a major game developer who said if you’re not anxiosuly anticipating that next upgrde we aren’t doing our job. At this point I don’t see farming much longer for upgrades without my action bearing fruit.
450 is really not that high corruption for the more powerful builds. I’ve heard of this build doing 1800+ corruption with the right gear. I’'m not saying I want LP2, 3, and 4 dropping like crazy, but I’d like to see at least a few 2s after farming for 50 or so hours. It’s not enjoyable for me to do the same grind without seeing some kind of benefit.
That’s the thing, its weird. With CoF introduced, it’s more towards the route of a, self exploration solo type game except its online, this isn’t going to work for a game of such size playerbase. On the other hand, MG is needed and designed for Massive online games such as this.
At the end, it’s all most targeted to RnG. I have found dozens of LP2’s and 3’s in around amount of hours many times throughout different corruptions. Just bad RnG if you aren’t seeing several 2LP’s in that time. Or I just have really good RnG? I don’t think so but I won’t argue on that. Problem is getting the right lp on the right items that I need.
Higher corruption and depending on what unique youre farming will help with the impact on that. You’re already super ahead of many others with CoF and higher than avg corruption I think, just bad RnG.
It’s hard to get a middle ground. I would say you had your fun as you experienced all content already, pushing further corruptions is just extra. Time for a new character maybe.
I would say the game is more limited for fun rather than the lack of drop rates. More people will be bored than excited to keep playing because drops just dont give you that excitement for whatever reason. Drops are suppose to be exciting upon drop but for some reason, it just doesn’t give you that same excitement as a drop from a game as outdated and dull as D2.
You get your next drop then what? You aren’t pushing new content but new corruption which is the same content.
You do find something that is promising but it doesn’t really help progress you as much as it should.
Oh, I’ve gotten a ton of LP2s, some LP3s, and even a few LP4s. Just not for the gear I need. Somewhere in an earlier post I listed what I need and the chance of getting it. For the boots I want to upgrade to LP2 there is a 1.5% chance it drops. That’s a lot of runs before you see it. Some of the other stuff I want seems even more rare. Like I have the belt I want with LP0, and have yet to see another belt drop. The thing for me is I’m farming five different pieces on one timeline and can’t seem to any upgrades to LP2. It’s not necessarily bad luck, it’s that the drop rates for the gear I want are really low. I’m on Day 6 now of farming this stuff at least 10 hours a day and still can’t get an upgrade. It’s frustrating.
Oh, you’re talking about something else, the specific uniques that you need are extremely low and all on the rarer side… Ouch… yeah, that must suck. Yes, some help with that would be cool but I never look at those %'s so idk… I always based the drops on what I feel and compare it with others… You can be finding one item way more often than the other person for the same thing, just happens to be like that however it was made…
Those twisted hearts people keep talking about like its hard to drop but i have found hundreds of them in my 200+hours of play time… dozens of 2 LP while people are struggling are still saying they found only a small fraction of what I did in similar hours… The best thing I can suggest is get the right blessings to further help with the drop rate for a higher chance… As for finding higher LP on your BiS items, GL…
The game isn’t intended for you to easily push into the 1000’s of corruptions anyway, you can tell by this because it offers no new content … It’s just a thing for people to keep pushing and farming but theoretically, you will have probably completed the game and all of its contents at low hundreds corruption. I would just play a new character, keep grinding at its current state or wait till more stuff is added but I don’t think drop rates need to be changed as urgent as you make it sound…
I’d rather them work on having alternatives and more choices for your build, in ways, this is sorta like helping with the drop rate “problem” but giving players more choices and varieties for builds.