Gathering Storm and Tempest Strike Rework | Coming to Last Epoch, Feb 21st

Nice! Hopefully Tempest Strike keeps the attack speed into pen conversion, had a build planned around that :smiley:

Sorry, subskills… I’m more tired than I thought ! (edited original post)
Anyway that’s good news ! Can’t wait for the 21st.

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as a shaman main, this is awesome

These skills look amazing! I am especially interested in Gathering Storm. I am planning on starting the cycle with this build. For full clarity on the wording here, if our minions trigger Storm Bolt, will it scale with the character’s damage modifiers since it uses the Gathering Storm’s version?

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YES! Finally a lightning caster skill for Primalist. (even if it is restricted to staff…)

Will there be any changes to the Shaman mastery passive bonuses? The totem mana cost reduction, flat attunement and elemental res while a totem is active all feel really boring/not impactful.

This looks awesome!!!

Moroida already my main, i mean primalist, lessssgo :love_you_gesture:

Awesome work! This is the Shaman we need :smile:

One question regarding the Tempest Strike Totem: What happen to the attack speed bonus if I remove Frigid or Thunder Tempest when Tempest Strike is converted to totem? Will it be converted to cast speed bonus?

I actually disagree. The mastery bonus is good. -5 mana totem cost, +10 attunement and 50% elemental resistance fit spell caster / totem build well even they look boring. It is the Shaman passive tree needs some adjustment as they are underwhelming right now imo.

Holly mother of god.
This is a shaman call.

Thank so mucj

So did you actually re-work any shaman specific stuff or just the base primalist skills?

I actually agree that the mastery bonus is very boring.
Also does not have impact on a lot of Shaman builds.

Shaman Mastery bonus is one of the few mastery bonuses that you do not utilize at all on some builds.

All other masteries have unspecific enough mastery bonuses, that are still fitting the theme, that most builds on that mastery make use of them.

You have a point. Sure the Shaman mastery bonus only affect totem build / spell caster but still most players who play melee attacker / companion focus as Primalist will go either Beastmaster or Druid anyway. That’s just the nature of how these mastery classes work.

I agree the Shaman mastery bonus is boring too but I don’t hate it. Of course it is good if there is improvement for the mastery bonus but I am fine what it is for now.

Meanwhile the Shaman passive tree is the one that needs to be changed the most as those passive nodes are really mediocre or bad as compared to Beastmaster / Druid.

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Gathering storm might be the buff to lightning bug we have been all waiting for.

Yeah it could go either way now but I hope it keeps it.

I’ll mess around with my kinda maxed Lightning spellbear before patch, its bearly(pun intended) downing T4 bosses hopefully doesn’t see nerfs.

exactly…they nerfed defense imao…

I was wondering if we could fit the skill to swarmblade form.
Trying to figure out what skill tree to give up for it, if serpent strike, we lose a huge defense for the build, free dodge while face hitting mobs.

If spriggan companion, we loose base CRIT chance which is huge, and also 72% CRIT avoidance.

I still don’t see clearly how to fit it in the lightning bug.
But I’m excited with the possibilities and to try them out.

This looks amazing — little bummed that it costs mana now, but really looking forward to picking up my shaman again.

The graphic update is so good. Can’t wait for release!

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Finally, true lightning bear is coming! :zap: :bear: :zap: