Game IS amazing BUT Monoliths need better in game explanation, or clearer pointer to game guide

I got to the Monolith. I played this game a few months back , all the way through to the monoloths, and they were different. Upon my return and playing the game through monoliths again, i see they have been changed. First off, yes, i do recall the old monolith deteriorating your progress, but there was nothing preventing you from rerunning the very same one over and over. You can no longer do that, once you complete a zone in this new setup. Its been changed quite dramatically.

I dont care for this new change, i started to feel like i was playing POE again. Being punished more than rewarded.

Dangling rewards on nodes, and then taking them away if you die. But ok, fair enough, i can deal with that i guess… but , then all my timeline stability is detiorated for each death, closing the quest timelines i have already opened. I am probably a miniorty in this feeling, but the reason i walked away from POE, was because it started to be far more wasteful of my time (all games are , but well, you know), and it just does not feel rewarding. At all. I really did start feeling this again with the new monolith setup.

I will say , this game is pretty damn sweet, through out the story. Smooth as butter, runs excellent, looks friggin beautiful, but i cant do it. I hope the direction of this game in the long term doesn’t carry on this feeling i felt, and i realize to many, most , or some , it might not. It did for me , so for now, i will depart.

Good luck EH. Overall, nice stuff you have here. Just not quite for me since the updates. Cheers.


Before you depart do you want to leave feedback how things could change for the better? What you want to see that keeps you engaged and what might work with the new system in place? This kind of feedback is intresting :).

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Hi there, I was trying to avoid leaving anything that pointed at "how to do " because honestly, im not the one making the game, and thats just not my thing.

What i do know, is that between the carrot dangled reward on each node, that you lose if you die, and the back peddled stability which causes you to actually lose opened ‘quest’ lines, was what broke my enjoyment.

If i did not have my quest map taken away, and i could have at least run that one map over and over, i would have been ok i think. But you can not run one map over and over, You can not enter that ones you have completed. You can only risk starting a different new node for a reward, or rerun that node for no rewards basically (and also , i am not sure, but i observed arena keys listed in rewards, so i am curious, were arena keys removed from the chest drops on completion?)

I just felt like, there was multiple punishments for death, and there was not much reward (even if successfully completing the nodes - most of the nodes offerened stuff that was not relevant to my character anyways.).

But, having said my piece, truly, all other aspects of this game are pretty damn nice. I just feel the end game isn’t my thing. I just want to kill shit and find cool stuff. Not constantly be aware of my impending punishment and setbacks if i die.

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Don’t take this the wrong way, but it sounds like “dying” is the issue here. Imo the endgame should have some incentive to perform in Softcore, else you could just essentially corpse-rush everything for the same rewards, which kind of goes counter to the philosophy of working on and improving your build.

If you’re repeatedly dying and feeling set back, you should take it as a hint to work on your gear and setup, or maybe to go back a notch and farm easier content for upgrades.

I think the current system of rewarding good play/setups is fine.


NO worries mate, I get what you are saying, however, ‘corpse rushing’, as you put it, would only get you so far… in fact, i doubt it would get you past the first monolith story boss… lol.

Either way, it still doesn’t change my personal feelings on this. And hopefully no one else takes my words the wrong way. All in all , i enjoyed literally every aspect of this game, and nearly every minute of it, until the last few minutes (which were very few in contrast to the time spent playing through the story.

But yea, i am sincere in saying this game has ALOT of bloody awsome stuff goin for it. Just not my end game cup of tea.

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Between this and xp penalty… I much prefer xp penalty honestly

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See, I think XP penalty feels worse, actually. Because it’s the difference between losing the chance for progress with some drop luck, and actual progress in the character level. Most players would focus on their XP more as direct progress, I imagine.


I agree. I prefer loss of exp (you cant unlevel). D2 never left with me this feeling.

Both would be best, because you get your “avatar reincarnation”. :grin:

This forum sometimes veers towards “let me explain why your feedback is wrong, please change your own mind”… you’re not rubbing most people the wrong way by giving your opinion.

We can agree to disagree.

All feedback is valid, but sometimes the question has to be asked if the right '“culprits” for a negative experience are being examined.

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But the problem is , the ‘right culprits’ is subjective. Each to their own. :smiley:

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If you force everyone to be analytical you silence a key casual demographic that will do no such thing… getting raw feedback and taking it and moving on is valuable. Or in other words, let people speak from their heart… it’s how a lot of people play!

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IMO you should be punished somehow when you die in endgame, and LE does it very well.
Rewards lost isn’t gamebreaking, there are ways to reset the timeline, you lose no xp. Besides, each island takes like 2-5 minutes, so it’s not a huge loss.

Also, keep in mind that the game is still in Beta, so what we see now might not be what we see on release. If you want changes, make suggestions.
Plus, according to the roadmap, Monoliths aren’t the only endgame. Two more systems are planned, and whatever Lost memories and dungeons are.

I approve of the new monolith system, have just unlocked the Empowered timelines and can’t wait to take on the empowered bosses.

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Yes, I prefer XP penalty too. Let me have more tries against boss to learn mechanics and my mistakes, instead of having to reset and farm another nodes for stability. Then I go back to the boss and made the same mistake again due to rush-the-monolith-node feeling carried over to the boss stage.

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If this is so , than perhaps i have overlooked something?

How does one reset the entire timeline?

Dying never is a good thing in ARPGs, it doesn’t have to be in LE. It simply highlights to casual players they’re doing things wrong, losing many rewards if they die a lot, implying “hey, maybe you should rework a bit your stuff, your build, etc, this way you could get more rewards…”

At some point there has to be some way to punish players who do not care about anything and YOLO echoes, this is an ARPG, not an offline RPG, time is the most important currency for ARPG players, wasting it constantly and asking for no counterbalancer is non sense, this type of game feeds on that. POE for example constantly destroys hords of players who will never have an exile close from LVL 100, most of them will stay with meh builds at lvl 90/98.

Here, anybody can be lvl 100, without any difficulty.

And that’s what i’m talking about. LE’s farm is partially targeted, you just have to give a bit of attention and you’ll understand how monoliths work, why it works this way, and how can you adapt to maximize profit. You can chose your rewards and focus your target farm on money, uniques, shards, glyphs, idols, gloves, boots, two handed swords, etc… And i’m not talking about the echoe’s rewards themselves only, blessings orient your farm, combine several of them with reward’s nodes, adequate levels of rarity compared to your build’s efficiency and you’ll drop what you need/want.

Monolith’s system is meant to be intelligent and adaptive, your needs, your monolith.

Reset might not be the right word.
Killing Shade of Orobyss resets the web, keeps stability but adds corruption, though you can reduce it.
Then there are nodes that either rerolls the rewards on islands you haven’t completed OR enables you to run completed islands again (though you have to travel there again). Can’t remember their names now, but they are fairly distinct.

Ahh i see, Aight, Thanks mate.