Game freezing but player responsive

As many others are experiencing. Every few minutes The game becomes unresponsive. More like it seems the player and enemies are there, except the players skills don’t respond and the enemies are invisible. This is happening to me every 3-5 monoliths and EVERY time trying to do sanctum. I ran 6 sanctums in a row, the same thing every run. I can no longer progress.

I’m attaching graphics, player files and dxdiag, as well as a 30 second recording of the issue during gameplay.
le_graphicsmanager.ini (472 Bytes) (108.5 KB) (4.8 MB)
DxDiag.txt (115.4 KB)

now this HAS to get some EHG attention! he brought the receipts!

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An update which may assist in finding an issue.

I am playing on the same laptop but a different connection / service provider between home and work. I have just had a 2 hour session of sanctums and monos without a single glitch.

Home network crashes
100Mb Fibre line with a 160ms Latency on LE. I’ve run cable straight to router and on laptop wifi with no improvement on either.

Work Network runs fine
20Mb Fiber line with a 210ms latency on LE. My laptop running on wifi and cable, no issues.

Both connections routers and networks are handled by the service providers so I can’t give more information.

I have attached my last good session files below, maybe there’s a clue in a comparison.

DxDiag.txt (115.4 KB)
le_graphicsmanager.ini (472 Bytes)
Player.log (1.3 MB)