Game crashes on PC until hard reset

Have we seen ANY solutions provided to ALL of the Crashing issues described, mentioned and discussed in the forum BEFORE closing them?
I have not.
The game continues to crash randomly despite troubleshootings completed and running on Medium Graphic settings on AMD GPU 6600 series, while still looking… let’s name it “not good”.
Worst Part - the crashes are causing the whole PC to freeze until hard reboot, how this is acceptable?

same issue here i can play for 10 -15 min before reboots my pc

In my case the “freezing” happens when game got past 16GB of ram and starts using the paging file, made a work-around of terminating it before it goes past the memory threshold.
Yes you’d have to restart the game everytime but at least it doesn’t crash/freeze your rig forcing you to reboot.

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