French Translation is a Mess and Impact the Gameplay

If it was only a couple of mistakes here and there, it would be ok.
But the current translation is impacting the gameplay, and everything is confusing, especially for Spells.

First off, depending on where you are, the spells and/or effects/affixes have differents names.

Ex: In English, when you want to build a Minion based build, you look at Affixes with “Minions”.

In French, you have the Affixe “Sbire”, which translate into “Minion”. But you also have the affixe “Invocation”, which translate into… “Summon”… But when you switch the game back in English, “Invocation” (“Summon”) becomes “Minion”…

I took one exemple, but there are a lot of problem like this, when multiple “key words” or “names” are used for the exact same thing. (It’s even more annoying for Mage, especially the Rune Master Class, which is a clusterf**k, even more than the Acolyte.)
I haven’t played other Classes yet, so I won’t talk about it (albeit I’m pretty sure the same problem might exist across all Classes).
Mind you, in English, there’s only 1 Keyword, so it definitely is a translation problem, and a big one.

Does anyone have this kind of problem in other languages?


It’s the same with German. Plus text didn’t fit in boxes because it’s too long, tags for elite monsters partly messed up, some strings are not translated, translations are simply wrong or didn’t make sense at all.

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Same with the German translation.

I think the game has been translated with AI until now, in my opinion native speaking humans should improve the translations because it´s now “final”.

A lot of people would do this for free, I´m sure, if EGH let them help and give them access to the text files.


I agree ! The French translation is… exotic! It seems to have been done by a subcontractor with no mastery of the video game universe. There are quite a few terms that are either meaningless or confusing.

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We raised concerns about it in september (2023) because the french translation (and other ones like chinese) was catastrophic and was not much more than an automatic google-translation.

Community was kinda shocked that EHG paid a company / external team to do it… and that was the result. It felt like EHG got scammed or something. And then, after community voiced concerns, EHG got kinda radio-silent about that topic; only saying in streams that “People are working on it”.

Which was a bit of a lie because the translation still has very … “basic issues”. Something that takes 10 seconds for anyone that speaks french to spot, like “5% augmenté santé” for “5% augmented life”.

I’m not even sure they changed anything. Most of what was listed here is still in the game.

I highly recommend not playing the french version because there is a few game mechanic terms that are confusing, misleading or plainly false.

But to be honest, at the moment, I really don’t care about it. It’s so low in the priorities of things to fix. Servers and online obvious problems, skills not working as intented, passives that are waste of points because they just don’t work, big flaws in design for Merchant guild, etc… the translation is clearly at the bottom of everything :stuck_out_tongue:

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I started to play the game with the French translation… and immediately noticed that it suffers from:

  • bad spelling and missing translations for the texts and general lore.
  • wrong grammar and syntax especially for items.
  • messages not fitting in the UI & framebox.

Maybe EHG should do what Crate has done for Grim Dawn, which is to give to the users the tools and methods to create the language translation pack ?

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Vous m’en voudrez pas de répondre en français sur un post qui parle de la traduction française. <3. En terme de bug bien hard qui rend TOTALEMENT incompréhensible un affixe pour quelqu’un qui ne connais pas la version anglaise il y’ a ça “1.5 seconds of frenzy after you use a traversal skill” devient en français “1,5 dégâts de froid”
Un autre parce que c’est drôle : “19% increased area for area skill” devient “19% de dégâts de lancer et vulnérabilité au feu”

Void et Glancing blow qui ont chacun 2 traductions différentes. Tellement bien pour un nouveau joueur qui va chercher la différence

Bien dommage que je n’ai pas stocker d’autre objet a effect expérimental parce que de mémoire un autre parlait de dégâts de foudre. Plus drôle encore, l’affixe experimental que je cite là, il a été patcher… A MOITIER BORDEL ! Ils ont fait la deuxième ligne, pas la 1ère… C’est a pleuré. J’osais pas critiquer avant la 1.0 parce que EA oblige bug, mais la 1.0 est dans un état bien triste (surtout les trads…)

J’avais fait un post fin février pour dénoncer justement l’état honteux de la version française. Et en relisant mon topic je suis tomber sur ça

For example, “increased area for area skill” becomes in French “dégâts du feu augmentés et vulnérabilité au feu”(increased fire damage and vulnerability to fire).

Ils ont remplacer une erreur de traduction pour une autre erreur.

J’ai laissé tomber depuis longtemps ce combat avec les trads.
Ils auraient dû, comme dit plus haut par un autre gars, laisser les outils nécessaires à la communauté pour traduire le jeu si ils manquaient de thunes. Ils l’ont pas fait, le feront surement pas.

Je joue en anglais, et je déconseille de jouer au jeu en français en l’état. Vraiment dommage :confused: