Forged Weapons do not scale with Area of effect

Forged weapons summoned from the Forge Strike skill do not scale with any area of effect like they should.

The engines of war passive skill node states "Forged Strike and Weapons hits deal damage in a larger area.

The forged weapon default melee strike has no area of effect or cleave to it at all and these nodes do not do anything to make it hit more than one target.

They have a secondary AoE attack on an 8 second cooldown, but this is not affected by increase in AoE either.

Increased melee area of effect on my weapon also has no effect.

There is also a node called Forgemaster that turns a sword into an axe with +100% increased aoe. The axes also hit only single target making this useless.

Tested this on the group of 7 training dummies. Even with 200% aoe it was never able to hit more than 1 dummy with the regular attack or 2 dummies with the aoe attack.


The issue seems to be that the actual attack of a Forged Weapon is missing the Area tag.

Compare Manifested Armor with Forged Weapon minions.
Manifested Armor’s Melee Attack does have “Area” tag. (so its attack can get bigger)
Forged Weapon’s Melee Attack does NOT have “Area” tag.