Are Forge Weapon + Unique Affix interactions in the roadmap?

After some forum searching, it’s pretty well established that forged weapons absorb weapon stats, but not unique affixes. And it appears that there are some normal affixes that seem to be bugged and not working such as area, link to that thread;

I’ve read that devs would like more forge weapon interactions in the future … I’m just wondering if we’ve heard any specifics about what other interactions they foresee and whether it’s actually planned, or just hopefully coming one day maybe? That’s my main goal with this thread, just getting more info on what we’ve heard via Mike’s live streams or other sources.

FG having the ability to apply unique affixes to their forge weapons would make them so strong, think The Last Laugh giving all 12 forge weapons the affix that kills enemies with 16% health or less, and with the 1.1 addition of Phantom Grip, giving forge weapons Rule of the Simoon’s fire tornado procs on-hit (due to forge weapons absorbing glove stats)… There are a lot of uniques that would skyrocket FG’s power if their forge weapons could utilize the affixes.

As an FG enjoyer I really hope this is on the way in the near future, it makes my forge sad that these interactions would seem inherent but simply aren’t implemented or aren’t working. I highly doubt this is near the top of the queue for updates/patches/fixes, but it’s one of the reasons I sort of fall-off FG around level 80-85 most times I make one.

I’m also interested to hear other Weapon / Glove unique affixes that other people have thought of using for FG, and hope to use in the future. I was so excited for Simoon’s tornadoes but only my character can proc them not my forge weapons :disappointed_relieved:

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What are all the current interactions?

  • Warpath summons Forged Weapons.
  • Multistrike summons Forged Weapons.
  • Rive summons Forged Weapons.
  • Rive can convert Forged Weapons into Scrap Metal, giving Armor and Rive damage buff instead.
  • Forge Strike and Smelter’s Wrath can get a damage buff per summoned Forged Weapon via a set item.

As for thoughts… imagine Keeper’s Gloves would work on Forged Weapons. Each Weapon would summon its own pack of Bees :rofl:

Plus anything that specifies minions, such as Void Cleave’s Molten Blade’s node.