Forge Guard finally figured out take a look Cof

Edit also feel free to share your ForgeGaurd builds!
Post the link to it in a comment .

I’ve tried all kinds of builds on forge guard
But I think I finally figured it out .

DPS forge guard sucked .
Health Regen forge guard sucked
Max crit forge guard sucked .

So only forge guard is the slow Immortal build
Can’t die just takes ages to kill bosses ill
Just look away while holding the attack button lol…

1597 Health 1530 endurance threshold with 56% endurance . Will try and find 60% endurance somehow eventually.

44% crit chance 253% crit multiplier
82k damage unbuffed 144k buffed

101 health gained on block.
Max crit reduction on being hit.
Buffed 408 health Regen
10.8 % damage leeched 105% leech rate
80% armor mitigation 82-83 % buffed and in battle
88% block chance un buffed 127% buffed
Max resistance way over capped
And 58% armor mitigation for Dot.
66 % block effectiveness spikes to 75% buffed
16.7 mana Regen

I also self cast sigils of hope and went with str rings instead .
3 sigils is optimal for self casting easy and quick to maintain .
Anymore makes the build to clunky and hinders it’s flow imo…
And wasting a ring space for sigil ring is bate imo.

Could also achieve 60% cool down reduction by switching belt and lowering damage leech by like 3% and endurance threshold by 300 .
Which will make mapping a lot faster with shield dash.
Edit* tested it and created mana issues, so it slows you back down so not worth doing imo.

Also can cut the damage leech in half and gain 15% more armor mitigation over time by using the skill passive for having 31 attunement.
Bringing the total dot mitigation to 73%
What’s better 73% dot mitigation and 5.8 % leech ?
Or 11.8 leech and 58% mitigation for dot?

  • I believe there’s a curve to mitigation so eventually your effectiveness and return rate reaches a optimal peak then kinda levels out but I dunno how much that number is .

At some point though, much leech is pointless right ?because I can’t over leech at least not with these items.

Gonna try and find gloves with like 22-25 armor mitigation plus 10+15 % on top of it on the gloves as suffix and may switch out my amulet for 20% less damage over time amulet just if I can get a few items to make up for the resistance losses.

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What criteria are you judging these builds by?
Can they kill Aberroth? T4 Julra? What corruption level did you get to on each one?

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I’m grinding to fight aberoth now ,
T4 julra was a nightmare but possible with perfect mechanics with dps forge guard
T4 lightless arbor almost always killed me DPS mode or even health Regen mode .
Haven’t done soulfire bastion really no items I’ve needed .
I’m currently around 500 corruption multiple timelines where I hit my wall with my DPS builds .
The DPS builds are good up until around 450+ corruption then since your not melting everything instantly to death you have to take damage and that damage melts you .
So I had to find how to switch to immortal build and I’m having way more success 450+ corruption so far .

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Well, considering there are good Forge Guards at 1000 corruption on Youtube, your builds probably weren’t up to speed :stuck_out_tongue:

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Maybe ,maybe not with enough time I’d make it to 1000 on any of the builds.
But as for it being fun doing it and a fully well rounded build .

I can now face tank all dungeons t4 without dieing ever and gonna see how far it can also push corruption

I can do 1000 corruption and kill abberoth in under a minute with max block bleed forge strike summoner setup. Most viable high end builds for FG are very narrow though.

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Ya I’ve seen some interesting things on forge guard minion builds but Ive yet to play one ,

Link your build

It’s here.

For that, you can try and get the “Blinding Light” node in the Paladin tree, if you’re not already counting on that… It gives 5% blind chance and 2% endurance per point.

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Interesting :thinking: that would absolutely be useful thanks and I looked at the build you linked , its interesting but still very surprised if it’s doing 1000+ not saying it’s not but would be​:exploding_head:.

Because my 320k DPS 100 % crit rate build spiked to 620 k buffed
Doing 40-60 k crits per hit starts to buckle 450+ like I can keep going but I do die and it’s like 1/6 or maybe 1/8 each mono mostly cause I’m multi tasking .lol

And that build is using peak of the mountain like my crit build was .

Also yo crow bar matt
I do like that your build is original that’s what’s cool about it .

I tried to many ways if building my own forge guard but they were good but still died to t4 dungeons easy now I face tank them lol .

Got 100% crit 340 crit multi but used Regen , health on block and health on stun for sustain .
But nothing beats health on hit leech mechanics .
Imo it’s superior in all ways really.

That’s not really the bleed version I been playing around with Apogee of frozen light as it actually triggers the “death” of a minion when you summon a new forged weapon at max stacks.
Regular build is just basically every bleed item you can think of and Bleed 1 hand axe. It kinda sucks for mono clear though because of no aoe so I am trying to do a more crit based build.

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Excuse-me, do you really do not use Forge Strike on the skills bar? Do you use only Warpath to summon weapons? I tried that, but didn’t feel like I was summoning weapons enough to maintain 12 active constantly.

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I’m gonna attempt to find tune my build my helmet could use t7 Regen + dex or vitality+

oh man that t7+t6 helmet slam is epic! Very nice Peak. One question though why did you take %chance to chill blessing? Your minions already have it via the weapon don’t they?

I imagine you are referring to the “chance for Minions to Chill Attackers when Hit”, which means that the minions have to get hit for them to apply Chill to the enemy. Depending on the enemies’ attack speed and possible stuns on them, or even just on a general notion, trying to chill the enemies that way is surely not as reliable as just hitting them yourself, and in that building it seems like you will be hitting them a lot with Warpath. So it’s better to keep the blessing.
This is what I think, anyway. It’s not my build.


oh my bad. I missed the ‘WHEN hit’ part. Thanks

Does anyone know if less damage taken over time is the same or different then armor mitigation applies to damage over time , how does it overlap or effect one another ? Aka an amulet that says I take 20% less damage over time ?
Right now I’ve accomplished 95% armor mitigation applies to damage over time + 20 % less damage over time taken. :thinking: Any body know ?

I’ve had to juggle a few things but I’m going for full immortal build . I’ll post here soon .

I don’t know 100% for sure, so if I’m wrong someone will come along and correct me, but I’m pretty sure they’re separate multipliers, so both apply.
So if you take a 100 dmg hit and you have 50% mitigation from your armor via armor applies to DoT and you have 20% less damage over time taken, you’d only take 40 damage.

Take it with a grain of salt until someone either confirms or corrects it, since I don’t usually delve too deep into the mechanic interactions of games.

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So youd say it’s after the armor mitigation?