Force move

Hello, I’m a Last Epoch beginner but hack’n slash veteran (D3, GD, PoE, Wolcen, older ones).

I saw several posts about “force move” but they are closed, so I’m opening my thread.

I get the 5 skills only design choice, but I’m really annoyed by the attack-or-move design choices, but maybe I missed something.

I’d like to have :

  • Requirement 1 : Two different skills on left and right clics
  • Requirement 2 : Left clic moves if not targeting an enemy or breakable
  • Requirement 3 : A dedicated force move button (to mouse thumb button in my case)

It does not seem possible in 0.7.7, or is it ? Regards.

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It is, and i actually did already if you configure the Control’s shemes a bit. Sorry to copy&paste my older post for this but:

Don’t mind the A, it’s my “forced move” button, but you simply need to switch the left-button to “move and attack” (click on the left-click skill which allows you to change to move and attack) which use the skill on the right button-slot, and change the controls from Q to Right Mouseclick, W to Q, E to W. and R to E.

That’s it, now you’re set up to classic controls (i guess if you want to be more classic you also can assign the QWE to 1-3 or 2-4 Numbers if you prefer it that way), have a left-click attack / skill, a rightclick Skill, and three Skills bound on QWE.

And for your forced move (that’s also an extra setting in the custom-key settings) you set it to your liking (i did on a).

/Edit: So basically after setting “leftclick” to Move & Attack, you assign the first Skill to the Right-Click and the rest of the 3 Skills to your choice. And than set a seperate button for forced move.

I dont know if we do the same thing. Your descriptions sounds complicated :sweat_smile:

You set “move” to any key you want. Then you set “left click” to any ability you want.
Next you click the move command on your action bar an click on the feet.


Thanks for the suggestion @RawSuicide , but it does not respect my requirement #2 : when I left clic to an empty area, the character attacks whithout moving. :cry:

Hi @TheLightningYu could you attach a snapshot of your key bindings ? Thanks.

Ah, sorry :sweat_smile:

Didn’t they change it a few patches ago such that if you used a melee skill and weren’t in range then you’d move into range? I know it doesn’t work particularly well (like if you’re holding down the melee attack & the first target dies & you move on to a second target that’s out of range you won’t move).

Add to the list: Bind more than one skill slot to the same binding

I tried various configurations but cannot get my 3 requirements. It seems that my requirements #2 and #3 and mutually exclusive, which is very sad and ruins the fun to me. :confused:

I don’t get the complaints about this, to be honest.

I recently configured my g13 gaming keyboard for LE and switched many key bindings. For the first hour of playing after this I accidentally opened a tp instead of drinking a potion. But the brain adapts to this very fast. And now I cannot think I could ever player with another layout.

It’s not that this game is not playable.

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