For the love of god fix the dungeons

I can handle so much of the jank in this game but losing keys in dungeons due to disconnect or game desync is seriously sapping my joy

I already hate your dungeon design and 1 shot over reliance but I suck it up but it’s getting to be too much not even getting to say I lost a key because I made a mistake

Now it’s I lost a key because I was trying to play

So frustrated this is still a thing


Praise jeebus. Let’s hope it does what it says it does because this has sapped my joy

100% agree! the past 10mins i loose 7 keys due dungeon desync or freeze to the loading screen… this is very frustrating. looks like make it worst instead of fixing the issues…
I need the dungeon runs to make my legendary items and im stuck because cant finish any dungeon. So the game is unplayable for me atm. :frowning:
Please FIX IT!

Does this problem only happens at higher level dungeons?

Just did Tier 1 and 2 Julra in a row for the first time this cycle… No lags, no desyncs, no dcs…

No, it happened at any tier. Dungeons seem a lot better since

The guy two posts above seems to indicate otherwise.

Not sure about him but I ran 4 more after patch and things seem more stable

You guys are welcome. I did it boys. My post fixed the dungeons

lol I kid, the timing though was hilarious

I did the dungeon several times after and no problem. seems it’s better. :+1:
In addition, I rebooted my broadband router just in case, perhaps.
tbh, I want 300% or more increased cooldown recovery speed on all loading screens this game, in… one or two cycles? :clown_face:

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