Fix temporal sanctum

It’s not people’s imagination. Hearing lots of complaints in-game chat also. The game isn’t crashing or anything. It either gets stuck forever (or too long for ppl to wait) on the loading screen into lvl 2, or 3, or you do port, but the map is empty and nothing is really happening. Which means it’s the server.

So why doesn’t a mod go and change the forum it’s in?

AGREED Trash bug thats been here since launch but seems to be infinitely worse this season. Right now i’ve wasted 45 min and 5 keys IN A BLOODY ROW. Do something, this is bottlenecking endgame for many people.

day 12 of pretending dungeons crashing is an isolated issue where only “some” players are having issues with. Meanwhile everyone i know cant run sanctum more than 2 outta 10 runs, discord in shambles. 12 days of their most important dungeon being broke…

So happy they are fixing endurance and xp from monsters, when they fix dungeons in next cycle i will be back. good thing this game was in beta for 6 years