Fix temporal sanctum

What the actual fk are you guys doing?!

Another hotfix without addressing your main endgame gate not working?

I have used 5 keys this attempt alone and still have not made it through the sanctum cloister load screen without crashing.

The last 5 keys I tried I made it through ONCE only to desync before the last door.

This is happening to everyone, how the actual hell are we supposed to make legendary items when the dungeon doesnt work?

This makes Diablo 4 look like a good game at this point, if anyone wants to white knight this you need help.


Not to minimize your issue, but it’s clearly not happening to everyone.

It should be fixed, certainly, but clear hyperbole doesn’t help your argument.


got 2 keys same way from me

its happening to enough people it should warrant a response at the very least, but 6 days of being walled off from further character progression is just too much, im considering a chargeback and league start practicing poe instead of spending hours just to ATTEMPT a 1LP slam (let alone have it be successful…).
but i agree, it would make me take things less seriously if people were reporting in hyperbole. i understand the frustration though since ive been dealing with this problem for almost a week now with no signs of it stopping. i have sympathy for all the other people having this problem.


bumpp complete sentence character count so i can post this bump

I’m currently frozen in Temporal sanctum. Have to force stop the game. Lost my key, this place is the worst. This system and mechanic is the worst. Just let us unlock the Legendary Forge please and thanks.

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4 more dcs and 2 desyncs this morning so far trying to slam more items.

So sick of this garbage


open game
1 minute
login and character select
5 seconds
open bags right click sanctum key to travel to sanctum
5 seconds
evade into stash to pick up key, evade into door to put in key, wait till youre down the stairs before shifting (it will rubber band you back to the start otherwise), walk to next zone
speed run zone
if you desync, start from begining
else if you make it to the next zone, cross your fingers because you might have an infinite load screen.
if you have infinite load screen, start from beginning.
if you make it to the end, you have a 25% chance of getting the 1LP item you wanted.
if you got it, nice.
else cry and go to start.
i take a shot every time i have to close game and restart, im an alcoholic now.

but in all seriousness brother, i got another day of doing this in me then imma drop game perma and start practicing for the new poe league. what you playing man? melee lookin siiiiiiick



If it’s pissing you off enough (which is understandable) then just stop playing LE till they’ve fixed it. Life is too short to be that pissed off by a game.

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Or stop slamming gear. No build requires legendaries, so another alternative is to make a new character and build that up until you again reach a point where you feel like you need legendaries to improve.


i want my t7 mana legendaries so i can one shot bosses, unless you know another build that can do it too. and you dont get to dictate how i enjoy games i feel. i dont tell casuals they should play the game another way when they encounter gamebreaking bugs. i enjoy games by minmaxing one build (spending time on alts that dont improve my currency per hour is a waste of time PERSONALLY) and trivializing endgame content. i grind double digit mirror builds in poe, i have expensive tastes. if i cant do that, then yes, ill just take a break for now. thanks for the constructive help though


im a caretaker for 2 kids and 2 aging adults while working. the moment i drop the kids off and have my freetime, i want it spent productively. ur right, i dont have to be upset about the game not working, ill play somethign else instead. glhf, see you in a week in wraeclast bro.

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Woah, dude, chill. No need for the animosity. I’m not trying to tell you how to play the game.

But your options were getting triggered by a game issue or leave. I was pointing out that there’s another option.
You can make another character and enjoy leveling that until such time as EHG fixes the DC issues. Or don’t. It’s your choice. I never said you should do that or that you had to do that. Just that it’s an option.
I literally said: “so another alternative is”

Exactly! Your time is precious & should be spent on something that’s going to help you unwind & relax.

I don’t think he necessarily was, I think he was just stating how he prefers to play, what his aims are.

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maybe its an issue of trying to read intent over text (for both of us), but i feel like if someones only responses in a thread discussing a problem is to minimize and deflect (
if youre homeless, just buy a house dude, if youre depressed just be happy about something else"). so to clarify, im aware of my alternatives, im just plain not interested.


It’s fine, sometimes text is a poor medium for conversation and misunderstandings occur. As long as it doesn’t escalate (as it sometimes does) it’s all good.
Anyway, I don’t know if a fix for this will come soon. We hope so, but networking issues are never an easy issue to figure out for devs.

So I really would advise you to stay away from dungeons until then, because it’s frustrating to keep losing keys and getting disconnected from the game. Not as a general rule, mind you. Just in this specific instance because I doubt it will be fixed soon.

Yea that’s the best part of ARPGs it’s been that way for decades since D2.

Yea let me help you out against the forum warriors. Go to your profile, click on preferences, click on users, then add and they are now ignored. Since I see several replies to you I have on ignore it seems like the usual suspects.

The main aspect of LE is slamming 100’s of legendary items to make various builds, play Alts, twink characters. There is no way around this. All builds require Legendary items and most are 2-3LP.

I usually don’t make an Alt until I have 4-5 Legendary items with 2-3 LP waiting for them. Because that is the most fun thing you can do. There is nothing better than having a great low level 3 LP awesome item and that is WHAT GETS YOU EXCITED about making an Alt.

I agree with what your saying and don’t let the vocal minority that hasn’t a clue of what ARPGs are about annoy you.

With that said I managed to just get 1 slam one of my 3 LP hazelroot It was annoying as always. I need to slam several more 2-3 LP items for this new Alt which is just a true pain since this is a main part of LE we need to do.

we’re good bro. i might be gone in a day or two, but ill be keeping an eye on the game. so far its been the closest to poe for my palette cleansers between leagues. see ya.


its fine man, no need to get upset at someone just trying to help. see ya next league tho, maybe in poe too.

Some people aren’t trying to help and are trying to tell you how to play the game or you aren’t having fun correctly. Hopefully they fix Temporal Sanctum and it’s atrocious system to slam Legendaries. The last time I quit LE was when I alt F4 in there. Just a huge waste of time and a badly designed gate-keep.

I’d love for them to give us a way to unlock the legendary forge and have it at the End of Time or Harbinger Area. It really sucks running Temporal Sanctum 100’s of times every cycle to slam items. It’s just hours and hours of frustration that kills the excitement of playing LE.

Would be nice to get us doing the things we enjoy more like creating Alts and making new builds which is a strong point of LE. Instead of having Temporal Sanctum as a bottle neck in the way.

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