Fix temporal sanctum

Maybe some people are trying to help & provide other options or viewpoints but don’t appreciate being told that subjective things are actually objective (when they’re not).

Don’t bother, I’m pretty sure he has you blocked as well. Because it’s easier to block people that disagree with you than to engage in conversation. Just like it’s easier to say “I don’t like this, remove it” rather than to actually come up with alternatives. He doesn’t want to eat vegetables, even if they’re good.

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Today twice trying to get through dung and 2 eternal loading ;/

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This game just eat my key and without even starting the dungeon…

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Yea it’s really bad this should be a #1 Priority to fix since it’s a core part of crafting and game.

Yup just have to force stop the game over and over.

Yeah, making a slam is a 50/50 thing these days cause you get stuck on so many loading screens :frowning:

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I have had all sorts of issues with dungeons. Infinite loading screens, being disconnected, crashing in the middle of the dungeon. Makes me never want to run dungeons tbh. Especially now that the settings menu gets bugged and custom keybinds stop working when it is.

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Also CDs are bugged. When you zone into any zone now it puts all your spells on CD so you can’t use them. If you used them before zoning in it resets them instantly. So now before zoning anywhere I try to use my ablities first so I have them availible. It’s wild how much core gameplay is broken right now.

this was actually happening since release, i write a report several times im past 6 months, no answer and no fix at all

They are literally fixing anything BUT their most important dungeon.

Cant progress prophecy’s
Cant slam unique

meanwhile they are hotfixing endurance and xp per monsters lmao


I think it would be useful if you provide some info on your internet connection setup - like are you on Wi-Fi or cable, are you using VPN? What Firewall software are you using etc. Because there have to be some pattern.
I’ve for example had no problem with running any dungeons for at least half a year. And many others either. So the devs could want to know what type of network setup might cause such a problem.

fios gbit (980/840 current speed test)
no vpn

It’s clearly not a networking issue, its a dungeon issue.

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id be 200% available to provide that information and any information needed IF SOMEONE AT EHG WOULD JUST ASK LOL. im literally willing to pack up my desktop and fly to their offices to show them in person. but 7 days of radio silence despite multiple threads (some with the info you asked for) speaks volumes to me brother.

I mentioned this in another post regarding the dungeon and how to fix the issue of this nonsensical gating of legendaries, and some white knight internet warrior who for some reason belittles every suggestion aiming to improve the game or calling out actual game breaking bugs stated that EHG mentioned that they want there to be some kind of “friction” to attaining legendaries. I guess this on going bug that hasn’t been fixed since 3 hotfixes ago is that so called “friction”.

Yes, I have not had any crashes / load screens / bugs in TS that I can speak of … I’ve run it a bunch of times in 1.1 and personally have had no issues :confused: Not to minimize the issue, but it seems to only happen to some individuals.

excellent contribution! well, im glad we all know that its not happening to you!
this is like telling a homeless person “well, im not homeless” unprompted. nobody claimed it was happening to everyone…

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Excuse me, but OP posted:

In the original post. So please feel free to make a correction via edit or new reply. :wink: Check for yourself.

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It is happening to me too. Sure, it can be really frustrating, especially knowing that the problem was there a while ago and then got fixed… just to reappear again.

But I don’t think the general section of the forum is the correct place to talk/vent about it. You should open a ticket in-game with the Report a bug thingy. Everyone experiencing those dungeon problems should do it.

I’m sure the devs are doing what they can to fix the most pressing issues. But they have to know what is pressing. The in-game bug report form is a way better tool to communicate it. It’s not lost in the weeds of the quite active forums, it does not looks like a pity party / throwing tantrums and terminally online empathy-lacking forumers will not put oil on the fire of your frustration.

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ive done multiple ingame reporting, posted on multiple topics in the bug/technical problem forums, im not sure what else i can do besides wait i guess. a singular employee to just let us know its on their radar is the very least im asking at this point. i gave up after 7 days of the problem, ill check back next league. maybe. glhf. (lol about the terminally online empathy-lackers, i know the exact 3 people youre talking about XD)

You can be certain that it is on their radar. They monitor the forums, reddit and there’s the bug reports. They just don’t answer to everything otherwise they’d spend their days on the forums.

Regarding this specific issue I’ve searched their discord and found this answer from them just today saying “not all bugs are easy to find the cause of, or fix. Our team has been working on this since we first found out.” and earlier today “the team are testing a fix for this though I don’t have an ETA on when it will be game ready”.
So yes, they’re very aware of this.

Networking issues are notoriously hard to debug, even worse than most hardware ones. So yeah, at this point all you can do is wait.