Feedback on Moderation Policies and Actions

Well, I never. Given I’m a member of the hoi pilloi I believe the term you are looking for is “Sirrah.”

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This thread is about moderation policies and actions.
Something EHG usually does not ddiscuss in public related to specific cases.

But you insisted on doing yours as an public example.

People are interacting with what you ahve said. All of this is still on topic. They just disagree with you.

It is totally fine if you feel a certain way and nobody wants to take that away from you.
But you might also want to consider refelcting on yourself and what you have said. Maybe you find the reason why this happens or happened in the past.

It is very rare that a thread is solely created for praise anyway.
The vast vast majority of threads are either critism or suggestions.

There are a million suggestions threads that generally praise and like the game but the suggestion they come up with receives a lot of backlash or negativity.

But having a thread that just puts out praise about the game there is very little reason to even argue against that. So that is why you don’t really see that.

But that is not something unique to LE or EHG. it is like this in basically any platform for feedback.

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I didn’t insist on anything. I just brought up my case as an example that what that moderator replied to the OP was in fact wrong. With examples where and how, and why I think like that. And asked a question why has nobody yet replied to my inquiry about having a different person review my case.

I later insisted (admittedly in frustration) in an edit for people to find where exactly I broke the CoC, and nobody provided any examples, or pointed to the actual CoC that was broken. How can they? I can’t really post the deleted comments. I have them in my email, but I can’t post them. They’ll just be deleted again, even as examples.
Since people don’t know exactly what was deleted, how can they make comments whether it was justified or not? I just replied to the moderator with examples.

It’s people like you and the others that come in threads and obfuscate everything, and EHG doesn’t do anything about it. They latch onto words used instead of the actual arguments.

Trust me, I have plenty of reasons to go there and comment, and I have things to comment about. Why should I? There’s plenty of threads, yes, not in the same amount as those that disagree, but they’re there. They disappear quickly because not many people comment on them, and people that have issues don’t even open them. There’s no reason to.

Why do have to go through loops and hoops to post an opinion about something we don’t like? Keep doing this, and you’ll have the player count reflect on it. If you’re open to criticism you’re open to criticism. They said so themselves. This is our criticism, and we can’t post it freely without being jumped on 10 people about the words we used to express that opinion.
When our replies are continuously ignored and obfuscated, and people reply with stuff that’s completely unrelated, the frustration rises. I feel ignored. Even in my email nobody replied. Completely ignored. For a company that accepts criticism they sure take their time.

This will be my last post here, I’ll just wait for a moderator to waltz in without addressing anything and close the thread for a reason “This has become too hot, we’re encouraging discourse, but people are starting to be aggressive, and blablabla” and I’ll get my comments deleted, and issued a mute again.

There are a few more. But the reason why there aren’t even more is that about 75% of the posts are about suggestions/general help/feedback, 25% of the posts are about “LE/EHG bad” and less than 0.1% of the posts are about “LE/EHG gud”. And most of those simply have no replies other than likes.
This is because people that are happy with a game tend not to go to the forums just to make a thread about it.


From what I can see they’re just acknowledge the post and saying their piece. They don’t argue with them telling OP is wrong.

It’s a simple dichotomy. If you can’t understand what’s being said here, I don’t know what else to tell you.

  1. Praise topics.
  2. Dissenting topics.

1.1 people don’t tell anyone how to feel or they’re wrong.
2.2. people jump to defend the game and tell people how their personal experience is wrong.

Yes, it’s starting to look like you do have a perception issue. It’s a thread thanking EHG for a good job and you get comments like:
-“You don’t need to thank people being paid to do their job…”
-“sheesh yall love riding these devs for failing.”
-“The 190K players who quit in the last month and a half are not behind you.
This game is broken and they are not fixing it.”

This last one especially definitely falls under your “renewed” category (considering that initially, in the closed thread, you just said that people that don’t agree shouldn’t even be posting, whether it was to discuss a good thing or a bad thing).

And, like I said, the reason why it doesn’t happen more often is that there are very very very few threads just thanking or praising EHG, or saying LE is a good game. Otherwise you’d see much more of it.

As you should. It’s a discussion forum. That’s what it was made for. It isn’t meant to be an echo box where each person just parrots what the others say. The devs want to see all sides of an issue so they can make an informed decision.


None of these are blindsiding OP.

  1. It’s crude, but correct.
  2. Person thinks the devs failed, could’ve worded it better sure, but it’s matter of speech. It’s an opinion, and yet, this person, doesn’t disect OP’s post, telling how point after point he’s wrong for writing that.
  3. Same as above. Not 1 mention how OP is wrong.

If you fail to understand a simple dichotomy, I don’t know what to tell you.
I have no issues with replies like these. I have issues with replies where people disect my comments, to tell me how I’m wrong, and why I’m wrong when I’m expressing an opinion. None of the above comments do that.

The intensity of how much something happens in regards to its counterpart, is besides the point. Your linked thread is a best example of that.

Right, because saying “The majority doesn’t agree with you” isn’t the same thing as saying you’re wrong, just using a different terminology.

Anyway, like I said, posts that are positive in nature are rare. However, according to your original complaint in the closed thread, you said that if someone doesn’t agree with the topic they shouldn’t even post. Which means that none of them should have posted.

And even if we simply use your renewed definition, there are plenty of threads that start with “I don’t like X”, someone replies “I actually think X is good” and then are told they are wrong.

It’s just how the internet works and how discussions work. If you don’t disagree with someone and try to convince them of your point of view, you don’t have a discussion, you have a fan club.

Disagreeing with you and even saying that you’re not looking at it right isn’t the same thing as gaslighting. No one is trying to brainwash you or place you in a position of dependance. They are just trying to get you to see like they do, just like you try to do the same thing.

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My original complaint was that people aren’t allowed to express their opinions without being bombarded about how wrong they are.
Yes, what I said was wrong in a later reply. What I meant to say was people shouldn’t directly reply to others to tell them they’re wrong when they’re just expression their personal experience with the game that you’re not privy to. You have your own experience. Therefore you should comment on something that you have no contact with. That’s how it should’ve been worded, but the frustration was doing its own thing.

I didn’t renew the definition, it was always like it was. It’s not renewed.
Yes, find me one, and we’ll expose the entire context. And if this is really the case I’ll be the first to admonish that type of behavior for being wrong. Since a personal experience is being expressed. You can’t tell someone they’re wrong for liking something. It’s subjective. It’s that simple. You can’t tell someone they’re wrong for disliking something. It’s subjective. It’s that simple.

Keep circling back to the words used. Because THIS IS WHAT MATTERS.

Yes, but as I said in the closed thread, my only argument with you was with things that you stated as objective. You didn’t say “I think this is bad” you said “This is bad”. How you phrase things is important to how people interact with you. If you have simply said the first, the whole discussion never would have happened.

Yes, words do matter. Especially when they are socially important and sensitive and target a group that is victimized, and are instead used by a slightly annoyed person as if that’s the same thing.

Anyway, like with the other thread, I don’t think anything fruitful will come out of this discussion and there’s no point in continuing to reply.


I’m sorry but you interpreting it as objective its your own fault. Did I also specify it was objective? I’m not gonna tiptoe around my words when its clear to anyone who understands basic grammar.

This is bad = this is bad according to me unless I prove that its bad, and then it becomes an established fact that it’s bad. You’re latching onto the simplest of things and you’re obfuscating peoples personal experiences about the game.
Just because I didn’t put “I think” in front of it doesn’t negate the fact that it’s subjective opinion. Now, I’d look within myself if I started interpreting things like you do for answers. Did you feel personally attacked about the game you liked and you felt the need to defend it? I don’t know what’s going on in your head, but this is my best conjecture I can come up with.

Your inability to understand that “gaslighting” is commonly used to describe the phenomenon of “Gaslighting involves one person manipulating another into doubting their own perceptions, memories, and sanity. It is a form of emotional abuse and is not limited to romantic relationships. It can occur in familial, professional, and social contexts.”
is not my fault.

You disecting people’s opinions is literally you manipulating their own personal experiences and telling them how their perception is wrong. When said perception is completely subjective to add.

It’s emotional abuse. It might not be on the same level as the other context, but it doesn’t make it invalid by definition alone. Just because the intensity of it is less than the other, doesn’t mean its okay. It’s wrong. And I’ll sure as hell call it out.

We’re simply not free to post our thoughts of disagreement without being constantly attacked.

Turning every complaint thread into an echo chamber where everybody gets to yell about how mad they are and no one gets to point out when and how they’re wrong is a non-starter. You are going to receive disagreement. Figure out how to deal with it. And if you can’t handle being disagreed with, don’t share your opinions on a forum.


oh nice, forums seem to have more action than the game now cause off all the ardent gladiators.


People can disagree all they want. I’m not opposed disagreements.
There’s disagreements, and there’s blindsiding where they actively disect opinions telling people how wrong they are for feeling a particular way, when its their feeling, and their experience.

There’s a difference between “you’re wrong I like this”
and “you’re wrong. Your perception is skewered. How can you say that when this and that or this and that happened. You can’t think like that.”

Does this look like debate forum to you? If it was we’d have a moderator that would keep the conversation within the topic and give both sides time to formulate and answer.
It’s a feedback and suggestions. This is OP’s feedback and suggestion.
You can add things. You can say some of the things don’t look good. But disecting their entire topic and telling them they’re … practically stupid, for wanting that thing is wrong.

And don’t come at me with that “oh mods need to see both sides”
If they wanted they can just poll the users, and be done with it. Nobody is going to read this thread now because the actual issues are obfuscated.

When did I say that, though?

You keep saying that I “manipulated [you] into doubting your own perceptions, memories and sanity”, when in fact you’re the one that’s actually doing it by constantly accusing me of doing that to you when initially we just disagreed.

Anyway, there’s no point in continuing to escalate this. Since you don’t want people gaslighting disagreeing with you, have fun in your echo box.

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It’s an example.
I already pointed it out in the locked thread, the wheres and hows.
No there’s no point. All the replies have been pointless, just like all the other topics that are obfuscated like this.

You equating gaslighting with disagreeing is wild. I’m done. I’m not gonna copy paste stuff from another thread here.

The fact that you accused everyone who disagreed with your takes of “gaslighting” you like they’re an abusive spouse trying to drive you insane says otherwise.

It looks like a forum to me. In other words, it looks like a place where you can put your opinion in front of other human beings who may disagree with it, and the onus is on you to deal with the disagreement, not on moderation action to shield you from it.

There is no actual issue in this thread. OP is mad that they weren’t allowed to be an unabashed, reprehensible bigot. You are mad that people aren’t barred from telling you when you are wrong. That is neither feedback nor “actual issues”.


Please don’t waste your time with discussions like this one.

Trolls will:

  • Demand extremely detailed rules, because the more detailed they are, the easier it is to find loopholes around them. Don’t worry about this; the spirit of the law is more important than the letter of the law. You gain nothing with players debating the minutiae of forum rules.

  • Deflect blame and claim that they are not wrong, it’s everyone else who’s wrong. There’s a reason why most online communities do not allow public discussion about moderation actions: you’re just giving trolls a soapbox from which to highlight themselves. You already give people a channel in which to plead after being moderated, there’s no point in allowing public discussions like this one.

  • Disrupt, disrupt and disrupt. Recently the Valorant developers have issued a message telling toxic players to basically go play something else, and unfortunatelly that’s the kind of position game developers need right now. The money those players bring is not worth the community disruption they cause. I suggest you just own it, be decisive and tell trolls that they do not belong here (regardless of how much they will complain to you).


The fact that I accused everyone who disagrees with my takes of gaslighting.
The fact… Where is this fact?

I was very specific with my words. Those that obfuscate, disect peoples opinions, and tell them they’re wrong for their personal experiences and opinions. I’m talking about those people.

If you can’t distinguish between gaslighting and disagreeing, it’s not my fault.