Feedback on Moderation Policies and Actions

EHG does not want to do moderation appeals in public, but apparently you want it to be public.

Unfortunately I think that doesn’t really help your case.
I only interacted with you a couple of times previously but from those few interactions I can already say that the moderation action were very likely valid.
I don’t know which comments exactly caused the moderation, probably some posts have been deleted or edited already.

But it is not about what you criticize, but the way how you do it and how you interact with people disagreeing with you.
You are throwing around the f word, other insults and accuse people of gaslightning. (I still think you have no idea what gaslightning actually is)

I wouldn’t call you a troll or doing trolling, but inflammatory, instigating or harassment? Yes I would agree with those.


There’s a difference of disagreeing and telling people are wrong for feeling certain way when that feeling is completely subjective to that one person.

It’s a word. It expresses urgency or it gives the context a tone of frustration. I never directed it to anyone. And I’d like to see the insults. If the f word was a problem it would’ve been filtered.

As for gaslighting, well, I disagree. Words evolve over time. Just like any other word that has more meanings, it’s all about the context in which its said.

Any comment on the no reply to my request to be reviewed by another person?

Also, again, point to instances. Because I have no idea what you consider to be inflammatory, instigating or harassing. You can be triggered over the 2nd definition of the word gaslighting like that other person was. I don’t know you.

Yes, words evolve over time. Just like gay used to mean being happy and now it identifies a group of people (often in a derrogatory way), gaslighting used to mean something but now just means someone that is abusive in a relationship and manipulates the other person into believing it’s their fault.

Context doesn’t matter for this. If you talk about gaslighting, this is what everyone interprets. Just like, if you call someone gay, no context will save you from the current meaning it has.
This is not to even go into the N word territory.
It’s not a context issue, it’s a “this is what the word means now” issue.

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Untrue. You don’t have to be in a relationship to gaslight someone.

To connect on my initial point. Read my first reply, and then all the replies that followed it.
People are just unable to freely post their opinions or criticism here without being instantly jumped on by unrelated parties to the topic.
Exibit C:
All the replies after my initial post in this thread.

Nobody said that you are “wrong”. Most people just tried to convey to you, that what you think as black and white /good/bad game design is a little bit more complex and there is a gray area in between.
Also what you think is bad someone else might find good.

I agree that words and language evolve over time, but that happens on a cultural/community level, not based on one person using that term differently.
What you refer to as gas lightning is simply other people expressing opposite opinions on certain subjects.

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Other people in the community are not “unrelated parties” and there is nothing EHG can or should do about that, as long as everything goes according to the CoC.

If you don’t like discourse on your statements or opinions just mute the thread after creating it.

This is a public game forum and there will always be more parties involved than just the person stating an opinion and the devs.

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In an ideal world this would be the case.
Except, you don’t see people disagreeing inside threads that praise LE, because it’s not our place to tell someone they’re wrong for liking the game.

No they are not. I talk with them all the time because I’ve different oppinions then some of them or most of the “core” LE forum users you see arround. Yet noone was a problem, insulting, gaslighting or harassing. When I look back into the trade discussions back in the day things went ugly pretty fast but still people had a discussion.

All I read in the other other thread is a person who had issues with opposing oppinions in kind of an unfriendly manor calling other people whatever buzzwords. To me personaly this has entertainment value for others it’s just unessesary crap they don’t want to be bothered with because it offers no value or meaningfull information because it’s a biased oppinionpiece.
Everyone looks at this differently and if EHG mods take their CoC literly without looking at it from case to case a lot of people, me included, should’ve had a ban already and more then once ^^.

What I dislike about the message i got when I did an oopsie was the missing information how to appeal the descission that was made. On top of it the person who gave me a slap on the wrist didn’t even answered when i asked what i did wrong. I finaly learned about it 2 days ago when the problem happened 1y + ago :smiley: .

First that is not true, even within threads that were overall positive about the game there is a lot of disagreement.
Even me, as a very positive member of the community about the game and EHG often likes to be confrontive about certain things that people post positive here on the forum.

Also I think this comes down to what types of people go to game forums to post certain things.
I would argue that people having to say overall negative stuff about the game would be less likely to go to a thread that overall is positive and instead choose to create their own thead or jump onboard with some clickbait-y/provocative thread title.

You must be new to this forum. There are plenty of threads in the past where people tried to praise EHG and there were a bunch of negative comments there. As is natural.
If you’re saying “This is bad” there will be people that disagree and will join the discussion. If you’re saying “This is good” there will be people that disagree and will join the discussion.

If only people that agree with a thread interact with it, then it’s no longer a discussion forum, it’s an echo box.


Been there done that.

If you don’t want other people to reply, send the devs a PM. If you do something in public you’re opening yourself up to them responding to it.

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They are.
Even now. The focus is being shifted from the actual issue to “words used” and why they were used. It’s obfuscating the actual replies.
Every thread. Even this one. Feedback and Suggestions. A feedback about the CoC is now a topic whether people think a word was used correctly. Even if it wasn’t (which was) it’s besides the point. It’s shifting from the actual issue to another irrelevant issue.
Since my initial reply, there hasn’t been 1 single constructive feedback related to it with no examples, just “you’re wrong. This was issued correctly.” No, this is why, no this is how, nothing.

You’re all raising the frustration, you’re instigating. It doesn’t matter whether you agree with my subjective opinions or not. It’s not anyone’s place to tell me how to feel. And EHG won’t do anything about all the unrelated replies that are obfuscating the actual problems. Is this the goal? To bury what was said?

Prove me wrong. Find me 1. Find 1 topic with inital praises in the title, and 1 dissenting reply telling them they’re wrong. People who have issues with the game don’t even touch these threads by the title alone. It’s not our place to.

Okay and with your last post I’m at a point where I stop to interact with somone who has some kind of, at least it looks like this to me, perception problems. You got feedback on the topic you brought up. It was constructive and relevant. You have different answers from different people who all pointed out that there has been an issue. All of this happened in a civil manner but you think you are in the right and everyone is wrong?

nah this is nothing that i want to be involved in and take my leave ^^.


Except pointing out the actual issues with example tied to the problem. A lot was written, not a lot was said.

And now attacked my character instead of the arguments. Where is your mute?

Your going too make some head’s pop with all a you’re English written rules and regulations. Irregardless of they’re feelings.


You left out this part.

If you say “it looks to me you’re an idiot” doesn’t make it according to the guidelines or CoC.
It’s still an insult and attack on someones character.

You sir! Are hurting my feelings (and my eyes) sir! I, sir(!) demand satisfaction SIR!

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