Feedback: Grouping with other players with Wraithlord

Just wanted to add some quick feedback on Wraithlords Harbour. I’m playing a Necro using this helm and the Wraithlord is amazing. It’s my favorite character so far. However, I cannot group with anyone else that also has minions of any kind. It bugs him out as he just stands there trying to consume (unsuccessfully) their minions, which renders him useless in almost all groups. It really sucks not being able to play with friends because of this. PLZ look into this.

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Thats good to know.
I play Wraithlords and was thinking about making friends.

But I guess no friends for me again :sob: :rofl:

Yeah, this is an issue but there are already other threads about it.
Wraithlord harbour bug in cooperative
Wraithlord tries to sacrifice my friends minions

It’s better to go to an existing topic and Voting on it or at least posting confirmation of the issue rather than creating a whole new one.

Sounds like Wraithlords were made for me. People suck… I don’t want them around anyhow.

Thank you for this. Will do.

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This is a bug

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