Feedback and suggestions after 800 hours

Hey guys been here from 0.7.10 or something :slight_smile:
here are my suggestions after a lot of hours in game (grew up on D2, adorder POE, Grim Dawn, Titan Quest)

  1. How much gold I have earned after each echo I think it would be a really nice touch to show after each echo complition
  2. I want some sort of experience bar for my faction and as well numerical value so I know where i stand at any given time withouth need press Y, same goes for weavers will items those experience bar would be perfect next to char experience bar
  3. Skill icons on main bar changes when you make conversion of that skill so that picture repressents element that you are currently using
  4. Account wide progress for corruption with ability for adjustment with a new character
  5. Loot filter sound change for certain chase items or affixes drops
  6. Crafting glyph that protect desired affix (50,75,100 perc chance to protect affix from rune of removal)
  7. Corruption craft final slam after compleating some new dungeon
  8. Monolith islands to be marked how much of corruption each one has
  9. Make keys stackable
  10. More colors and icons to stash tabs
  11. Remove from prophecys that you get all sets if you find one (it losses the point of farming for sets)
  12. Make sub-tabs under main tab able to fold like a folder hyerarchy on computer
  13. Fix this please
    Stop my character from moving when im on stash and sliding the slider down or up if im holding the slider and miss a little bit out from the stash tabs while im scrooling its moving my character away from stash and the stash is closed
  14. Move that BS mechanich shield from bosses let me melt the boss if I have potential to
  15. Make other monolith folow you corruption on certain monolith
  16. stop making monsters that are off the screen coming on me its so anoying when im looting something and it really is bad mechanic very iritating
  17. Make a sink for affixes i have 30k already after playing 150 hours of 1.0 (maybe allow to buy favour in certain ratio with those affixes bassed on rarity of affix itself) (
  18. 2h staff should visualy be in two hands not one (this is pure lack of time to change this nothing else)

Suggestions for future patches
I would love to see certain mechanic that makes Corruption deeper you go different enemies you see if you go deep enought there is a lot that you havent encounter before, whery deep you can meet some of the bosses you never so anywhere else
I think that mechanic would give a special vibe how deep you went, gave some sort of mysticism to the game as well although you have played for 100of hours there are certain enemies you still didnt encounter but you want to so much.

Thanks for the great game I hope community will help to make it perfect

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I’ve only been around since 0.9.2, but I’ll give you my 2c about your 2c :wink:

1- I guess it would be kinda nice, but not really too relevant. Nothing against, but I think there are more important things.
2- Nothing against that, though it will become kinda useless for legacy, since you will soon tend to have both factions maxxed.
3- It would be nice. Low priority, though.
4- Mike has said on his stream that corruption changes are coming at least for group play, where you can control some corruption gains or something. Details are fuzzy, but that will come for 1.1. I think he also said in the past that they’ll be changing catchup mechanics for alts. Let’s wait for 1.1 and see what happens.
5- Sounds and beacons would be nice to have and have been suggested lots of times in the past. As far as I’m aware, the main reason they’re not in the game is performance.
6- From what I understand a full affix can’t be interacted with (as in selected in the forge) so it’s possible that this change would require some changes to the code. Other than that, no issues with it, though personally not something I care about.
7- I don’t understand what you mean by this.
8- Agreed. I think Mike also said some changes will eventually be coming regarding this.
9- Also often requested. I think Mike said in the past they’d like to eventually do that but it requires some code changes.
10- Agreed.
11- Changes to both CoF and MG will be coming in 1.1. Anyway, that’s only a bad reward because sets are crappy right now. But it’s also in their plans to make sets better, so maybe that reward will become good? Either way we should wait for 1.1 and see what they changed.
12- I think you mean on the side window where they are shown hierarchically? I agree, that tab could have more funcionality. I believe Mike has also said it’s something they already discussed changing/improving.
13- Stash interface needs a few fixes. For example, when you hover the stash tabs and there’s an NPC behind the interface, you get an icon as if you’re going to talk to him. Also, although not in stash, when you’re selecting affixes to add in the forge, quite often it closes on its own because… reasons.
14- Lots of threads about this. It’s a divisive issue. Mainly, some people like to facetank/melt bosses while they’re watching a video, others like the challenge it provides. I would advise you to chip in on one of those.
15- You mean increasing corruption in one mono would increase in all of them? I don’t think the devs like that idea, but as I said, they’re reworking this for 1.1, so who knows?
16- Well, it’s annoying sometimes but you can also kill mobs offscreen, so it’s sort of balanced.
17- Mike has said in the past (usually regarding autopickup/autotransfer of shards) that they want to change affixes to that they drop less but in higher quantities and also that they want to implement a system where you switch one affix for another at a loss (like 30->1 or similar).
18- I don’t think everything is modeled yet regarding the gear you can equip and their animations. Maybe this is one of them.

This sounds like PoE’s delve (which is already a big inspiration for monos anyway). I expect this would be quite some work to pull off, especially because mobs are randomly selected for each echo (which is why some people will go in, check the mobs, leave if they don’t like them and go in again until they do).
Considering that devs don’t want us doing 1k+ corruption, ranges would be kinda tight, but overall it’s not a bad idea.

About the only one I don’t entirely agree with is 14 & I’m not sure about that. #15 is kinda already in the game, you get more corruption if your current mono is lower than your highest corruption.

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That is actually planned.

The 0.9.2 showcase promotional material they showed on Gamescom actually had some of these already.

I guess because there were not completely finished for 1.0 they didn’t implement them yet. But I am sure it will come soon.

They want to do this and it is in the works.
But it is easier said than done, because right now there are no items in the game that actually “stack” so there is no system currently in place to ensure stack size integrity.

Mox talked about this a while ago, I can’t find it.
But basically when they implement such system they want and need to make sure it is 100% working, to make sure there is no loss in items.

After the initial addition of customizable stash they always said they want to expand on it, but I guess that will be a lower priority, because the current Stash system already is really really good.

Adaptive DR will be removed in 1.0 and replaced with a much better, yet unknown system.

I personally think the goal of the system is fine, the implementation just feels bad for players.

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I’ll trust in it to be ‘better’ when it’s there and I can see it.

Their faction pitch of ‘solving’ the issue between Solo play and community powered play also was a ‘fantastic’ one and we know how it turned out. CoF is a decent mechanic and MG is a disaster lacking understanding of basic economy.

So I’ll trust in it when it’s out, as generally everyone should do rather then blindly believing in something to be an improvement before it shows it actually is.

EHG has a lot to catch up on from 1.0. Their release plainly spoken… wasn’t good.
I’m not even talking about the server issues, those were handled decently well after all with the scale of them, albeit they should’ve taken proper measures beforehand, some of the mentioned issues were repeatedly mentioned before release and just not fixed in time.
What I’m talking about are the broken skill points, the atrocious localization into other languages, the very lackluster and outright bad implementation of trade and the sheer gal to release a product which doesn’t even have a finished story, the last bit is Wolcen quality, which is atrocious.

Would the game have stayed in beta then all of that would’ve been excused easily, it’s unfinished as a basic product, a beta. As a release it’s just not acceptable though and hence it’s not surprising it’s treated accordingly, EHG damaged their reputation needlessly by rushing it, a mistake to learn from for the future.

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I presume you mean after 1.0?

That is fair,


Everything you said, like “solving” or “fantastic” was never advertised this way by EHG and rather been hyped up by the community.

While both factions still need some tunings you make it sounds like an absolute disaster and it is not that. Yes there are some people very unhappy about it, but it is definitely not that bad overall.

Story not being finished was planned like this from the start. If you agree with it or not is another point, but the story was not cut short to meet some release date.

Measurements that should have been taken beforehand is always easy to say, but basically every dev has issues when making big releases, even bigger and more experienced ones that EHG.

LE already did move the goalposts a lot regarding when to release, the game wanted to release multipel times in the past and you could argue that they coul have taken another 2 years to release.

The problem with these ever evolving games is, there is never the right time to release, there is always something they could have added, or removed or changed.
At some point they want to release, because release really doesn’t mean a lot other than some term.


I would argue that MG is that ‘absolute disaster’ though.
Acess restrictions which make it not usable for your first character beyond far too fast initial unique access before you could realistically access them in the game?
Then following up with giving you basically nothing unless you play through the whole content, reach close to 300 corruption before even being allowed to buy items which you’ve dropped variants of it 250+ times before?

That’s really… and I mean really bad.

Not to speak of missing affixes.
Search functionality.
No ‘1-click’ gathering of gold for sold items.
Bazaar coding issues (the database checks are a disaster plainly spoken).
And more.

I don’t know what you would describe as ‘awful’ if not that, any worse and it wouldn’t be functional.

Doesn’t matter, if you ‘release’ a game then even nowadays the core aspects of it are to be inside. Planned, not planned, going any weird routes, all useless arguments.

A ‘release’ version has a finished story, the core elements are solid and it provides a proper experience regarding the genre.
If a studio ‘releases’ it in a state missing those points then obviously they’ll get flak for it, and rightfully so. As a customer you’re not supposed to need intensive research before buying a product, the baseline info is to be provided and the baseline expectations towards a customer are to be fulfilled.
In terms of a video game with a story this means a finished functional story… cliffhanger for expansion of it for the future? Fine! Having the core storyline not implemented? Not fine.
Simple as that.

Agreed! Which is why I said despite the shortcomings there it was well handled.

‘should’ve’ rather in that case. So yes, absolutely, I’ll state that clearly, they should’ve done exactly that.
The game currently is not 1.0-worthy and won’t be until Act 12 is released, localization is handled and broken functionality - of any kind - is fixed. The ‘core aspects’ of the game. I’m not talking about anything beyond like minor non game-breaking bugs or the likes. I’m talking about the core functionality of the game being provided.
Which is why despite absolutely loving the game I can’t recommend it to friends and also can’t give it a positive review on Steam. I’ve abstained from giving it any review in favor of the quality it overall provides… but from the perspective of a ‘fresh’ and ‘unknowing’ customer I can’t recommend it simply.

Oh! There absolutely is!
Saying otherwise would be fairly nonsensical, there’s several states when a ever-evolving game can be seen as ‘release-worthy’.

I mentioned it even.
Finished core mechanics.
Finished story.
Localization handled properly.
No major game-breaking bugs.

That’s a 1.0, it has been this way since the conception of versions in programming and has only been washed out over the years by especially big publishers pushing the boundaries and ignoring to provide quality products in favor of mass sales. Which is not an acceptable state for any other product and also shouldn’t be for video-games.

The point is that it’s absolutely not ‘just some term’ after all. It comes from the times when the internet wasn’t a possible solution to provide patches for software. Hence devs needed to make sure to get as much of the product in a good state before it reached those states.
‘Pre-alpha’, ‘alpha’, ‘beta’ and ‘release’ are fairly clear terms after all. A ‘pre-alpha’ is barely functional but provides at least first views on what the product might be. ‘Alpha’ misses major core functionalities and is likely to have also major bugs which are utterly game breaking. ‘Beta’ is the state when the core aspects are implemented and it goes over to the polishing stage, which can see some major changes nonetheless… but it’s basically ‘done but not quite ready’ in a beta, the in-depth testing for mechanics as well as overall polish basically.
‘Release’ happens after all of that. Content available, polish done, everything tested. Beyond? That’s another topic.

Just because in the industry it’s changed to devs using the terms literally willy-nilly until they lost all meaning in every single way doesn’t mean that they don’t have an actual meaning. Terminology is important, and as you mentioned:

It showcases how washed out it has become, when a term has no meaning why even use it? Empty words can simply be left out after all! And if the term ‘release’ has no meaning then neither do ‘alpha’, ‘beta’ or even ‘early access’ because they don’t mean anything then. So… to have them reasonable exist they need mandatorily to have meaning… and it’s been perverted over time simply.

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What are even “core-mechanics”?
Is crafting acore mechanic? Is legendary crafting a core mechanic?

In an arpg that is planned to exist for at least 10+ years there will always be more core mechanics being added, at what point shoudl they stop?

Path of Exile had all of its core mechanics with 1.0 release, yet it doesn’t even resemble the same game 11 years later. Many things that have been added would now be considered core mechanics.

Last Epoch is planning on continously adding stuff, but at what point is it 1.0 and what point is post 1.0 additions?

Finished Story? Maybe, maybe not. I don’t see anythign wrong with a game that aims to get continued support to also roll out missing story content over time.

Localization? I don’t think that is needed for a 1.0 release. Even though I would have liked if they would labeled the localization Beta or “not final” yet with its addition in 0.9.2. Or make a public test branch with it before releasing it onto the lvie version.

There will always be some game-breaking bug for some amount of players, this is almost inevitable.

I woudl actualyl argue that LE really deserved its long long long EA/Beta phase, because they continously improved and added stuff and they never used it as a excuse, like a lot of other games that basically were finished and kept being beta for several years.

But LE received a lot of featurecreep over time, because of how successful and very well received it was relatively speaking.
So the amount fo stuff added far aexceeded what was initially planned for 1.0.
That is why they could have waited anotehr 2 years for release.

IMO they could have called 0.7.9 or 0.7.10 a release as well, the game was feature complete in my eyes at that point.

Like PoE’s D3’s & probably D4’s release? Have they all had complete stories? And Grim Dawn & Titan Quest, their stories didn’t continue in any of the expansions either. Plus, aRPGs are hardly played for their stories, so that’s a bit of a weird thing to complain about.

Why? It’s clearly not finished if that’s the case.

Crap localisation I agree on, but none of the other things are ever in a big release either. Would you slate PoE 1.0 for having a janky ending (act 3) & missing so many “core mechanics”?


It is if you want people who don’t speak English to be able to easily play the game rather than having to alt-tab out to check what every term means. Just because English may be widely spoken doesn’t mean foreign language gamers should be subjected to the jankiest of janky translations (& I say that as a massive Anglophile with the linguistic capabilities of a beached Whale).

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I dont know man. TQ released almost 10+ YEARS Ago, back then some how you managed to get a complete and functional product that had all its main features. Somehow the further we go forward the worse game quality gets. The devs had 5 years of EA. All these features should been complete. They been sitting on their hands for years it seems.

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No, they haven’t been sitting on their hands for years. They have been developing the game for years with half a dozen people, though.

Also, TQ was not a seasonal game. That makes a difference.

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In the case of a ARPG like LE?

Combat mechanics, hence a initial setup of all classes and all skills for them, roughly in line with each other… but that leans more into balancing. Too much disparity would mean something in the beta-stage has gone awry.

Since it’s been said there’s a story… that. So the quest system and the storyline up to a point where it makes sense to have a proper cut-off to continue in the future. Imagine the ending of a book which clearly has more ahead in the future, the story itself is told though.

Since it’s a loot-based RPG the itemization aspects. Hence since they went with it a functional crafting system, the item bases and the loot mechanics overall.

Everything else is a ‘beyond’. End-game mechanic is important because it’s a live-service game, but absolutely not needed to be able to say ‘released’, neither are the dungeons, their only functionality which can’t be removed is the LP mechanic… but that’s also something ‘beyond basics’ already. EHG chose those to make their game more enjoyable long-term, they have nothing to do with the core aspect of the genre though.
But… and that’s important… since they decided personally to have them at release it’s to be expected that they’re in at least a ‘decent’ state.
The same goes for every other chosen mechanic beyond the baseline functionality to say ‘yeah, this feels like a finished game’, hence the factions for example.

Then we have the quality of the product, which as a baseline is the localization, the balancing and the feeling of proper progression rate. Languages that are provided at release should be expected to be properly localized. Balancing is expected to not be utterly awful, wonky is ‘ok’ if it’s fixed along the line (shouldn’t be but acceptable) but nothing which is massively out of line. And the progression rate is one of the major aspects. Hence things like Act 4-8 not preparing you for the Lagon fight are a big ‘no no’ overall reducing the quality of the product despite the great mechanics otherwise.

That’s a ‘release’.

No, but EHG chose to put it in nonetheless, hence extra work for them to get the game release-worthy. If you chose to give someone content then it’s also your responsibility to provide the quality on par with your product otherwise. That should be a given.

Has that something to do with the terminology of when something can be called ‘released’ properly?
That’s the ‘beyond’ and a completely different topic.

Transformative changes of a product are a completely different topic as well, and a very complex one on top of that.

Oh, I do neither!
That’s why we have something that’s called ‘Early Access’. It showcases the minimum of the product isn’t done yet! Wolcen did the same shit with ‘releasing’ with a half-assed story that was unfinished and people ripped it apart for that (and a hundred other topics on top). Rightfully so!
I don’t see why LE should have a special status there when they screw something up, obviously customers will ‘rip them a new one’ when they do a bad thing… and ‘releasing’ with a unfinished main storyline is such a situation.

Not? So… if you’re for example speaking only spanish, buying a movie which promises to have a spanish dub and then that movie makes nigh no sense… is that acceptable for you? :slight_smile:

There’s a difference between offering something to the customer of your free will or not doing so for whatever reason. Localization could’ve been kept in their mother-tongue as well, solely so. EHG released with several other ‘supported’ languages though, some of them so badly localized that the core aspects of the game couldn’t even be deciphered then it’s a completely different topic.
If you personally provide localization then said localization needs to have the respective quality as a mandatory aspect. Otherwise… don’t provide it
That should be a given, not some novel point.

Yes, and for that we have a wonderful function to refund a product on Steam, because when your hardware doesn’t allow to run it you can give it back.

But for example getting soft-locked or worse hard-locked without being able to progress is not something your game should have. Soft-locks happen at times, fair, but a hard-lock happening? That’s a big ‘no no’ again, that should’ve been seen after proper testing and fixed.
The same goes for nodes of skills not having the right values assigned. That’s a easy thing to fix and test for, it’s a major oversight which is a lack of testing and not excusable.

What ‘excuse’?
There’s a distinct category of people which won’t buy a product that’s not ‘released’ ever. Why? Because they expect a specific amount of quality standard which those games often don’t provide. Which is fine.
If you buy into a unfinished product then you’re personally agreeing to never see it released and have a permanently broken product at your own risk. To a degree obviously.
The second a studio ‘releases’ though those excuses vanish at that exact moment, and rightfully so.

Exactly my point!
If the feature creep is there and it doesn’t have all the other functions implemented yet (like a finished story when the game clearly sells itself for having a story) then that’s on the hat of the devs. Really nice for us customers that they provide it! But never an excuse for leaving the major important stuff behind.

No, since the story wasn’t fully implemented then and also isn’t fully implemented now. Hence LE was never a ‘release candidate’.

PoE had 3 Acts in 1.0 if I remember right, said that more will come but it felt ‘complete’ as you killed the guy which was the reason you’ve been exiled. So yes, back at 1.0 it seemed like a finished story.

D3… I have no clue how 1.0 released, sorry, can’t comment to that.

D4 had a finished story in 1.0. You killed Lilith which was the whole reason why everything was happening. You’ve averted the danger story-wise. Sure, much open beyond cliffhanger-wise but the core aspect of a reasonably finished story is there.

LE… you kill Majasa which had been taken over and the actual perpetrator leaves.
All the while throughout the whole game you get ripped around the timelines trying to first get back only to find out shit’s going down and you trying to stop it… ending with… nothing?
How’s that finished? A finish is when you for example avert the direct danger, bringing stuff into balance but a new looming threat is on the horizon (expansion for the future)… or you fail and the story resolves by the downfall into it being a time-loop, where it makes sense why you go into alternative timelines.
As 2 possible examples.

Our end? ‘The perpetrator fled, where has she gone! Oh, that person knows something! Tell me where she went!’ ‘Nah, not in the mood’ ‘Ah, ok… I’ll lean back and chill then’
Wha? Whoever thinks this ending is reasonable in any way has definitely taken a few drinks too much. This isn’t a cliffhanger, this is the most lazy thing I’ve ever seen in storytelling, it’s a clear placeholder without effort and thought put into it, obviously saying ‘yeah, we’re not finished yet’ and it clearly being communicated like this as well.

Grim Dawn… well, you killed the big bad, so what’s left to discuss it being done? It’s obviously a normal ending.

Titan Quest… sadly never played it, should pick it up sometime. So can’t argument there.

For quite a decent amount of people it’s important though, Sacred 2, Dungeon Siege, Diablo 2, Diablo 1, Torchlight, Torchlight 2… all of them had the story as a major point. It’s just fallen out of favor nowadays… which doesn’t validate giving someone an awful experience. If people don’t care about the story at all… why put so much effort into it? PoE, Grim Dawn, LE… all of them put a ton of emphasis on the story, just because a good chunk of people ignore it doesn’t mean it’s not important. They’re grand stories even, tons of effort put into them… if it’s solely about the gameplay then they also could’ve just ignored them and put something utterly generic inside.
It works, absolutely! Can be finished easily too!
Alas… they didn’t. Their choice their responsibility, simple as that again.

Oh, it’s finished. Like a movie is finished if the core story is told, like a book is finished if the core story is told.
That’s storytelling 101. Cutting off the story in the middle is completely different from a cliffhanger for potential future stories, it means this story is told but there’s more stories ahead.

Diablo 1 followed all of thise.
Diablo 2 followed all of those.
Torchlight followed all of those.
Even Lost Ark followed all of those, a game which thrives through Pay-2-Play is superior to LE in terms of providing a ‘finished product’, and that’s a live-service too.

There’s no excuse simply.


Before I get into details, I’m kinda shocked by your negativity. I have read your issues, but all of them are everything but “core” to me.

Regarding this MG statement: While I don’t participate in MG, I think that protecting the economy in this way has it’s merits. What’s wrong about finishing the campaign once before you get access to your faction perks? This has the beneficial side effect of discouraging bots.

Opening up purchase options too early has the potential to truly trivialize the game and then those players are done.

Is this serious? I mean, talking about how many acts are needed before a release is one thing. But bringing up the game that established this procedure like they did the opposite is rich.

I personally am 100% with EHG here. We have 9 acts already and they provide a decent experience allowing me a smooth transition into the monolith system. It’s not like we’re repeating those acts 3 times like in D2 and early PoE. That might be seen as a lack of content in modern times.

And you would have delayed the release for this reason? Two more years of development without real revenue? Please…

Well, yes and no. I’ve seen parts of the localization and it’s truly silly. I would even go so far as to expect refunds for non-english-speakers based on the quality of their local product. However this doesn’t taint the main product.

Again, why would you trash the entire game for this particular reason?

It looks like we agree on the fundamentals being class, item and world design. And except for the unfinished story which is part of the world design, your complaints aren’t really core.

Class and item design are lightyears ahead of our biggest “competitor”.

And if you care for some actual core disasters:
open world
scaling monsters
group rewards >>>>>> solo rewards
real time based boss events
battle pass
no lootfilter

So please, just put your complaints into perspective. Those aren’t even first-world-problems but rather 0.5-world-problems :wink:

Let’s get back on track :wink:

Agreed, but low prio to me. Still good to bring those up.

I don’t know, I think not. Part of the joy of a twink character is to breeze through content thanks to the items your main has gathered on the side. The actual problem is the slow process of building corruption, if that changes (maybe due to balance changes soft-capping us at around 300), than this twink problem vanishes too.

Absolutely! And mini map icons.

Too powerful imo. If I could protect my t7 affix, it would probably be too easy to optimize the item. I had suggested to remove the forging potential cost from runes of removal for I generally agree that they are a bit too harsh. These are a last resort already and they feel bad when you “win” on the affix choice but still lose for you’ve lost 10+ potential.

Not sure if I like corruption orbs in PoE. It’s bad enough to brick great exalteds at Julra, but bricking “finished” items?

It’s truly a sad reward and we all hope something will change to either sets or this reward.

What do you mean, the adaptive damage resistance? It does feel weird at times, yes, but the intent isn’t too bad. Better than damage immunity phases…

Within one character I mostly agree. Would need some control however to reduce corruption.

I hate spires the most and Orobyss attacks after he died. Something should be done to let us loot in peace after clearing enemies in the vicinity.

Why? I don’t need a sink for something that doesn’t occupy stash space. I’d like to integrate keys into this functionality.

It very much shows, I recommend you trying it out, the issues become fairly clear then for yourself as well.

And I’m not talking about ‘access after campaign’. I’m talking about getting nigh immediate empowered monolith boss-drop unique access right after entering into the faction as the first failure.
Then following that up no functionality until around level 90+ where you start to actually get access to exalted items beyond your weapon.

I’m not talking about ‘opening up access too early’ which is an absolute non-issue if the mechanic would’ve been implemented in any other way actually… I’m talking about it having none of the expected functionalities a player can reasonably expect from a market during the playthrough of their first character. being broken in both directions at the same time with too early access and too late access.

As mentioned, try it out, I did specifically for both factions to have personal experience. CoF is well handled, as expected it has worse functionality the further your progress, which warrants the thought about adjusting the boss-unique situation as well as more targeted farming methods for the future… a minor point. MG? MG is - and that’s the mild statement - utterly fucked.
It just doesn’t do what it should do.

You’ve completely missed the point then.
Also they didn’t ‘invent’ this whole thing, they stumbled into the live-service aspect of gaming like nigh every other company back then, and some handled it far worse, like for example ‘Star Wars Galaxies’ with a complete re-invention of the game after years of service and hence following up in shutting down their servers because it’s mismanaged completely.

But that has nothing to do with the story-element itself.

LE could’ve 200 chapters and unless they actually finish their told story in some manner rather then leaving it a wide open gaping maw for whatever reason it wouldn’t feel complete anyway. I’m not talking mechanical transition here, which is fine, I’m solely talking about the story-telling aspect.
Which is not fine.

First of all: They set it up in this way, it’s a dev’s responsibility to handle those things, not the players.

Path of Exile actually provides a surprising good example there.

The initial 3 acts are ‘You’re exiled and you seek out revenge against the guy exiling you, achieving it at the end’ → sounds kinda like a finished story, doesn’t it? You got your premise, your adversary and you go and beat said adversary, resolving the issue, right?
Now they added more, Act 4. Killing your adversary after all showed he was in touch with demonic powers, so the new storyline is that you kill the underlying corruption of the church there as well, which was Maligaro. A step further! → Premise, adversary, plot-twist, resolving it. Once again, a done deal.
Then we got the expansion with 10 Acts, Kitava, full-scale current storyline, once again a good done deal → Premise, adversary, plot-twist, expanding on the plot-twist, resolving it. But this time with a second story for the end-game on top!
Then that bonus secondary story got expanded with Elder + Uber-elder
Then it got scrapped and re-made for the Warlords + Sirus.
Then it once again got re-made to instead have the Maven as the adversary for the end-game.

At no point in time was the story ever without a decisive ending. So yes, PoE is a prime example on transformative story-telling and always providing a full experience no matter when you as a new player pick up the game. We can talk about it being transformative in the first place and if that’s good/bad, but that’s another topic.

Go ahead and follow the storyline. At first we get the Epoch and thrown into another timeline. So… the premise is obviously returning to our timeline, right? So the first cut-off point for the story is After Act 3 as a finished storyline, the return to our timeline would’ve been the first possible point for a finished release. → Premise, the ‘void’ and ‘future’ as the adversary, return as it being ‘resolved’. Counts as a finished story.
Beyond that? We the extra segment of the Emperor, which is Act 6, next possible cut-off point! Another timeline before we can return and the story is ‘resolved’.
But those weren’t the releases, release is chapter 9 and hence a failure in storytelling.
Chapter 7 made no sense as a cut-off point, Heoroth leaves a open gape in the story as it’s clearly that our new adversary - Rahyeh - isn’t challenged. Neither does it happen in Act 8 (Lagon) or Act 9 (Majasa). At no time our current adversary is challenged and the story ‘resolved’, it’s still open.
Act 9 provides a plot-twist, declaring Apophis as the new adversary, but she simply runs away… which obviously doesn’t resolve it, it showcases we have one but we never deal with her.
So… where does the story resolve?

That’s not a miniscule thing, that’s a mandatory point for a story, which means it’s not finished.

So, the release should’ve been with Act 6 and no further storyline release until the next ‘cut-off point’ is reached, simple as that. Because the current story is not finished to be told and hence a new player doesn’t ever get closure.

It has led to confusion and rightfully so, which is a bad story-design for a game and a quite understandable negative point.

If it’s so bad it warrants a refund then yes… it’s a taint for the main pproduct.
Just not for you since you’re not affected.

Because if you buy into it as a non-english speaker it is a core aspect for your gameplay. Once again… if you can’t provide the respective quality then don’t offer it until you can.
That’s basic business, don’t offer a faulty product, make it on par with the quality otherwise seen before releasing it.

None of your points has anything to do with version status.

Open world is a design choice.
Scaling monsters are a design choice (and can be a major net positive if done right, example: No Rest for the Wicked’)
Group/solo rewards are a balancing issue.
Real-time boss events… I don’t even know what aspect of it you’re talking about there.
Battle-pass is a monetization aspect and a completely different topic.
Lootfilter is a aspect of itemization and the modern diablo-clone style drops, solely depends on the implementation of the item-drops and isn’t a mandatory aspect, a modern solution is a automatically adjusting lootfilter regarding your game-state without player-input at all to provide a baseline quality experience. Obviously needs some work to get there but giving full player-agency there as we have is also a viable option.

I put them into perspective for the related aspects. I recommend to re-read what my points are since it seems like you missed the core of it and talked around it mostly.

However, this is a cliffhanger and according to your own definition that’s acceptable. You get a plot-twist, the new adversary escapes and we get a “to be continued”.

I don’t think that I missed your points:

  1. MG bad because you get buying access relatively late. Looking at rank rewards, you get to buy everything but legendaries by rank 7. I’m excluding LP uniques at rank 8 for they are the mold for a legendary.

I don’t precisely remember at which point I was rank 7 but I stand by my estimation that this is early enough. You should not be able to buy items before equivalents of those items drop. If this statement isn’t met, I agree with you that you should be able to buy them earlier.

  1. Story bad because it has no ending so far. I didn’t miss that point but I consider it moot. I consider it better to have 9 acts without an ending than 3 acts with an ending that we have to repeat 3 times before we get into endgame.

  2. Entire game bad because spanish localization bad. Just no, that’s like a car releasing in 5 colors and one of them looks bad. Even if 4 were bad, that doesn’t affect the car itself.

Regarding D4, I never meant to stay inside this “unfinished” scope. D4 has fundamental flaws (some by choice, like you rightfully said) that make this game so much worse than LE. I only brought that up to put your complaints into perspective.

If we go back to the car example: D4 has 3 wheels, a driver seat off by 90 degrees and to add gas you need to remove a wheel. Those are issues, not a bad color.

It doesn’t ‘resolve’ the story.
A cliffhanger for a resolved story is what provides the option for a sequel, a cliffhanger without resolving a story is just a unfinished story.

We just have a unfinished story.

Which is why I even provided the examples of Path of Exile, their respective story is always finished but provided options beyond, nonetheless… finished. A good storyteller can spin a story on endlessly, writing a saga which contains several stories in one grand arc… but nonetheless, if a story is provided and not finished it’s simply that, even if the sub-segments and hence sub-stories of the arc are told.

Any story worth telling needs a premise, a adversary of some kind (a problem can also be said ‘adversary’) and a resolution.
Leave any aspect of it out and it’s not finished, it fails the baseline of what a story is supposed to do.
Diablo 1 leaves has you go out and kill Diablo, ending with Diablo being killed and you taking his place.
Premise being you’re a traveler which is drawn to diablo’s power, the adversary is diablo himself, the resolution is that you’re becoming the new diablo.
Obviously it leaves open the ‘beyond’ which led to diablo 2, 3 and 4. But the story in itself is resolved.

We have no resolution in LE currently.

Exactly, MG should provide items neither too early nor too late. Access should be roughly in line with progression.
Which isn’t the case.
Boss-uniques are accessed far too early.
Exalted items are accessed far too late.

You get access to exalted items in empowered monoliths earliest if you’re not dallying around, which is just not fitting with the game progression.

Not release worthy, no matter how long the story is.
The core element of a promised storyline is not provided, hence it’s not release worthy.

There’s a myriad of ways to handle stories resolving when you’ve planned more beyond, and EHG has even shown that they’re fine with implementing NPCs specifically with text to provide you a resolution to the status quo. So… instead of telling us through a NPC ‘nah, I’m simply not in the mood to provide you with the information you’re risking your life for’ they could’ve done it by telling us to find the solution in the alternative timelines which gives a fluid progression into monoliths. Still not resolved but at least better.
Or… they could’ve kept a placeholder to provide a reasonable outcome to solve the problems at hand.
As mentioned, we have 2 natural cut-off points in the game, Act 3 and Act 6, where Act 6 wouldn’t progress into it being a failure because of different versions of us having the Epoch but instead dealing with the emperor and hence ‘solving’ the problems coming up in the future in our mind, positive or negative outcome doesn’t matter. It just needs to be resolved.

Instead we got no resolution, without resolution a story isn’t finished, simple as that, every single writer can tell you that.

Wrong equivalence, which is why I used the example of a movie with bad dubs. We can also use a book with bad translation. It’s a core aspect, the story can be fantastic which is written… but the experience to dismantle the nonsense to understand the story is nonetheless awful, resulting in a overall worse product.

A good equivalency is bad anime-dubs for example, it changes the style and hence lowers the quality.

D4 is as ‘finished’ gameplay-wise as LE is. It makes for a vastly inferior product for several reasons (bad itemization which has been actually solved with the new season, surprisingly. Bad visibility of effects, wrong hitboxes and more) but it can definitely be called a ‘release candidate’ because it offers what a game is supposed to offer. How well it’s done is a completely different topic there though.

To get it into perspective:

Books can provide great stories or outright awfully told ones.
A half-written book though can never be called ‘finished’, which is the equivalence of ‘released’. Which means a ‘alpha’ book (half-written) can be superior to a ‘released’ bad story (fully written).
It’s a bit of a wonky comparison but should work to understand the argumentation there.

I don’t agree with this. A cliffhanger, many times, is basically a postponing of the resolution. Or a shifting of said resolution to a new plot which will be resolved in a later season/chapter/episode.
For example, if you look at the GoT series (and even the books), each season finishes without the story being resolved. And quite often with a cliffhanger. And many other shows do the same thing.

An even better example is the Matrix. The first movie resolves the story (because they didn’t know if it would be successful enough to have sequels. It happens quite a lot in trilogies). But the first sequel doesn’t resolve anything and just finishes with a cliffhanger that will be resolved later. It would have been better if there were no sequels at all, but that is another matter. :laughing:

And I’ll even give you another example from what is considered one of the greatest books in fantasy ever: Lord of the Rings. Each of the first 2 books doesn’t have a resolution to the story, only to some subplots. And even those are often left hanging to be resolved later.

So you have 2 types of storytelling:
-You don’t know if there will be sequels: you try to resolve things as much as possible while leaving something in the air for a possible continuation of the story
-You know that there will be a sequel: you just finish it on a cliffhanger and leave the resolutions for the last story.

So what we have in LE is basically the same thing where we’re waiting for season 2 to come and resolve it. Though, from what I gathered from dev communications, we’ll only get chapter 10 soon-ish and the last 2 will still be a while to come.
You might not like stories that do that, but that becomes a matter of preference.