Since yesterday i have the error “Email address or password is incorrect” the first time i launch the game after rebooting.
I then enter my password and it works normally. Its just annoying and a bit strange tbh.
I am using the Steam Version
Hey… .Welcome to the forums…
Please make sure to verify the game files through steam to make 100% sure that its correctly installed and has all the latest files…
This could just be a temporarily issue - I know that last time EHG did a patch update, the steam login caching was causing people to be unable to login. Taking a guess here but maybe they have changed the caching so that it doesnt do this anymore and the side effect is that players might need to login manually more frequently.
Personally I have always found that when games update as often as EHG has updated LE in the last week that things can get a little messed up…
As its not stopping you playing, I would give it a few days and see if it goes away on its own…
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