Experimental Affixes and possible glitch?

I don’t know if this is a bug so I haven’t filed it there yet. It’s possibly my head just isn’t fully wrapped around Experimental affixes yet. But they say they can’t exist as shards, yet I’ve clearly got one in my supply and it’s giving me the option to upgrade it.

I didn’t actually try it yet as I thought I’d ask if I’m obviously not understanding something about how they work.

Yes, this is a bug. Experimental affixes are not supposed to be broken down into affix shards when you shatter Experimental items and then display in the forge like that.

I’m referencing @perrythepig for this, but he notes that it’s a confirmed bug in this reddit thread. It’s also been reported in this bug report, and possibly more from the in-game bug reporting.

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Not on Reddit. Didn’t see that in my forum search. Thanks for catching it. I’ll try to move this to bug reports.

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