Enemy Population, Odd enemies where you wouldn't think they would be

Been playing for quite some time now and have been enjoying it, and looking forward to full release and the rest of the story.
I have a recommendation on map population for the MoF. I often see enemies where it doesn’t make sense that would be there. I just did a Frozen Forest and it had Sirens, which are water-based mobs. When you have a frozen area, it just doesn’t make sense to have creatures like that or fire creatures.

Thank you

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Wait till you get Ice Golems in Volcanic City… :wink:

I agree its odd… but for now its something I have gotten used to ignoring…

I figure that there is more content to come which will likely improve mob & map variety and the bigger pool of content would allow the devs to spawn more appropriate mobs in maps…

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Thanks. I’ve seen that too, just used the one example but there are more. Hopefully they will flesh that our more.

I don’t think that coherent mob types are that important for the games immersion.

MoF is about some randomess and seeing unconventional enemy type combinations.

Longjevity and random generated stuff goes over immersion in that regard IMO.

I appreciate the conversational feedback, it just make immersion a little harder in my opinion when you see fire creatures in an ice environment and vice versa. I am by far not the only one that plays and has an opinion though so it’s just my feedback.

Thanks again Heavy

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Exactly, different people like different things. Where some want to min-max to the, er, max even if it means wearing gear that makes them look like clowns, for others it’s more important to have a coherent looking character, or a thematically-aligned character (like having an armour-clad Sentinel rather than one that’s just wearing a loincloth).

I understand where the argument that Travoas is putting forward comes from even though it doesn’t bother me much in an aRPG.

So unrealistic that we have to kill water mobs with our magic bow that fires twelvton arrows at once in a winter zone. #unplayable.


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We aren’t talking realism here. If you don’t agree that’s fine but there’s no need to be sarcastic about it.
What I’m talking about is thematics. We all suspend realism to play these games, but that doesn’t mean they should have a theme that plays to common sense. Ice creatures in fire environments just don’t make sense from a thematic perspective.
I only provided feedback from a player perspective, I didn’t say they couldn’t keep it that way if they wanted to.

While @Gorgorel probably was a little bit too sarcastic there, it is really hard to draw a definite line for realisim vs. theme.

Monolith of Fate is a game mode that revolves around “different timelines”, so there could be timelines where ice creatures invaded a fire realm and vice versa.

In the story content all of the enemy types do match the area themes, it’s just that in Monolith of Fate we do have some mixed/varied enemy types and areas, which really helps with the replayability to a certain degree and makes pretty good sense, with what Monolith of Fate is.

I agree that the storyline content is consistent and I’ve only seen it in the monoliths. It could be explained the way you say it or something to that effect.

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