I feel like you’re missing just how unlikely it is any single player will get a 4lp of any unique that isn’t a levelling one, during a season. Unelss the seasons are like, multiple years long, or just forever.
A 4lp titans heart isn an aspiration, its a fantasy. You will never see it. It’s not chase, it’s an illusion of chase.
The reason people can get chase items in a week, is because really good players, are really good at the game, and know how to become optimal and efficient. If you design your chase item acquisition around people who truly dedicate their time to mastering a game, then you will make every other player of that game never see those things. 4lp uniques for the most part? Not even those of us who put in ludicrous hours are ever going to see them. Meanwhile we have t4 bosses dead in a couple of days. It’s a disparity that doesn’t make sense, unless viewed as the devs not intending people to get those items.
I get the argument you’re trying to make, I just think it’s completely missing that this isn’t a discussion about whether there should be items that take weeks, or a couple of months to get. But whether an item should be unlikely to get, if someone dedicates 8 hours a day, every day, for 2 months, to specifically farming that one thing. Because what we have is the latter.
Like theres people whoa re farming just any titans heart, they’re spending a few days farming it. Granted these are new players, and that grind will go down. But thats a 0 lp, any roll, titans heart. At best more casual players, after some time with theg ame, will need to dedicate a couple of play sessions to getting that. That’s good investment, it means a 1lp is gonna take a week or 2, it means a 2 lp would be something that will take most of the time people put into a league, it measn 3lp is super rare and a very lucky drop, and it means 4lp isnt real.
What that allows, is people who are truly dedicated to the game and mastering it, can aim for a 2lp in a week or two, or a 3lp as the final build defining item, if they aren’t interested in alts. But leaves teh 4lp still, as an impossible item for them as well. Theres no reason 4lp should exist there for me, and from the sounds of it, for you. If you want items that you literally cant obtain, then yes, it’s good chase, becuase you will never reach it. But if you’re viewing that 4lp as an item you could maybe get? Then you’re really misunderstanding lp rarity increases as you go up from 1 to 4.