Emperor of corpses AOE is hitting when safely outside it

Last Epoch 2023.03.12 - (streamable.com)
Last Epoch 2023.03.11 - (streamable.com)
faded colour due to HDR not playing nicely with streamable

In these clips I’m clearly a safe distance away from the edge of the attack, and in the second one you can see it’s not a matter of lag because I was out for a second or two before the cast went off.

It doesn’t happen every single time he casts, but it happens often enough that I’m unable to kill him before I get deleted. Happens on both characters I’ve got to this point, please fix asap as I’m unable to progress any further in monos due to this bug.


Where you pushing or pulling the boss? We are currently tracking a bug where if you move Emperor of Corpses his visuals get desyned.


I have the same issue as well.
I got killed 4 times today despite my charachter wasn’t in the AEO this is really frustrating.
I wasn’t pushing or pulling the boss at all, I am playing necromancer.

Same issue, this is asinine. HC char down the drain.

Oof! I’m sorry this happened to your HC character. I hope they disable this ability until a fix is ready. This is easily the most irritating issue I’ve ran into.

Nope, the first clip with the VK starts as I initiate the fight and you can see he doesn’t move an inch from his starting location.
On my Necro he definitely gets pushed around a bunch (Bone Golem is a boisterous lad so there’s no way to avoid moving him on that toon), but it looks like there’s something else going on, is it possible that the desync persists between fights?

Same thing happens to me. I can’t progress because I can’t kill him fast enough. I’m outside the circle but still get deleted.

Yeah I’ve had the attack desync twice now. It just killed my friend in hardcore even though he was clearly outside of it.

Hi, i would like to add some feedback related to the aoe:

i also had the aoe attack blast 2-3 seconds after entering the area. Since the intuitive behavior is to go forward, locate the boss and start attacking you practically die guaranteed the first 1-3 times until you realize you need to wait out the first aoe attack at the edge of the map.

Maybe I was unlucky, but I had the aoe blast the first seconds repeatedly when entering. It would be great if the aoe would not start at least 10-15 seconds after entering, so new players have the chance to realize what is happening.

I received more information and background on this issue internally. Looks like we adjusted the zone to be slightly smaller without adjusting the aoe of the boss to compensate, which doesn’t create opportunities to run out of the aoe. We have a short term fix coming.

I know this particular bug is super frustrating, thank you for your patience.

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Shame we had to wait for a popular streamer Steelmage to show the whole fight on stream and highlight the issue in order for EHG to acknowledge it.

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Will this also address the boss leaving the zone? The boss keeps going backwards, and sometimes goes outside of the zone, and it gets annoying to kill it, since the blood pools are there as well. Literally have to stand in the blood pool to deal damage to the boss.

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