Ememies that lock on and follow you thru whole map? really?

Feels bad, they need to lose aggro if you get out of range, it’s ridiculous

I don’t think the devs want people just flying through the levels just to get to the “boss” without killing anything. The problem isn’t the monster aggro, its your playstyle.


For me it’s the opposite. I like that I can pull mobs all over the map, kite them to the Forge/Spire/Boss and kill them altogether for XP and loot.

The reward chest at the end of time scales with number of enemies slain: The more the higher the reward.

I think it depends on what you wanna achieve in the monolith. If you are already max level and you want to chase boss specific loot, you don’t care for the mobs and go straight for the quest marker.

If you are still in leveling phase and are hunting for items in general, I don’t see why you don’t want to kill as many enemies as possible.

If your build/character can’t handle the aggro train at the end of the level, you just need to take some pit stops. Instead of pulling everything to the quest marker you could just stop once in a while and kill the aggro train before it becomes too much to handle.


Took a while to get used to when I first started playing… but I wouldnt call it ridiculous.

Whatever the underlying reason, it’s just how LE does it and we simply have to fit this into our playstyle.


ps. It does have one issue unrelated to actual play tho… performance degradation… I can just imagine the increased CPU cycles needed to path all the tagged mobs to find the character after run through the map.

And the sudden fps drop to single figures when you drop a few Devouring Orbs that proc ignite, poison, chill, slow & future strikes on 30-40 mobs all at once.

what is it with you and devouring orbs.,… I bet your man cave is purple isnt it?

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Imagine packing a huge amount of mobs then throwing hammers at them, with the idols that can proc Smite along with them. Mobs, hammers, standard effects, Smite particles, etc… zero FPS, here we come!


It’s not literally zero… but…

Not exactly zero.


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I have had less than 1 FPS before, it was glorious!

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Can confirm scenarios where i literally had less than 1 FPS :imp:

SO, it’s not me, it’s YOU (aka the game) with the issue

LISTEN please, this is NOT in every zone, it’s on SOME, I just ran several 90’s, did not kill every single scrub enemy (because that’s the way I WANT TO PLAY) and they did NOT aggro to boss.

So please investigate mob behavior in high density and reduce # of mobs that HAVE a persue script. Or, just let it fail later when we get (as noted above) ZERO FPS. Your choice


drop a decoy from rogue class, and every enemy on the map will focus, and run to it regardless of the distance you are away from the decoy. enjoy!

How “I WANT TO PLAY” doesn’t matter if it is in direct opposition to how the devs don’t want people to play. They rarely, if ever, tell people how to play. They DO, however, tell people very specifically how they DO NOT want people to play. Zooming through levels just to get to the end boss and not interact with the level at all was very much stated as a way they do not want people to play. That is why they are so against high use movement skills.

Nobody said all mobs in the map aggro you.

If you pulled aggro (you hit an enemy or got into aggro range) the mobs will follow you until they die. Different mobs have different movement speed. So if you run 3 minutes from one end of the map to another not all mobs will catch up with you at the same time. You will possibly be able to finish the quest before some if the mobs are able to find you.

Maybe they also have some pathfinding issues when you are too far away so that some may not be able to get to you.

You got a lot of different feedback on your “one sentence topic”. Nobody here has the slightest clue what your preferred playstyle is and exactly why it feels bad for you. Because you didn’t tell us. So people make assumptions on why you think you feel bad and answer with what they think addresses your problem.

To have a more qualified discussion on your own topic, maybe you could give a bit more information in your op next time.

Nobody is able to read your mind, writing with capslock doesn’t help, either.


I figured out WHICH mob seems to be the worst offender; the ‘fire jezuz’ ones that make the fire crosses; I (again) got mobbed and crushed even kiting these is impossible, PLEASE take a look at that mob type, it’s 1) super OP, 2) tone down the aggro/chase algo, OR at least consider it

So much this @d3viant I’ve seen several of your posts and every time I want to respond in non-constructive ways (read, rude and intentionally antagonistic).

You don’t need to emphasize these words to make your point.


So I just started levelling an OP SD build that works by zooming around the map casting SD via Shadow Cascade with Shift/Synchronized Strike all of the time and I can say that the mobs definitely do not follow you forever at least if you move fast enough.

I have gone through and tested this multiple times, I think there must be some sought of cutoff area where if you agro a mob and move outside of this radius then they stop following you.


It’s my choice to express myself as I damn well please

Of course it is. But if we want to have an actual discussion (as these forums are meant for), it would behoove everyone to take the feedback their getting and try to change the behavior that makes for either an unpleasant or confusing discussion. In your particular case you’ve gotten feedback from 2 people in one thread that the way you’re joining the discourse at hand isn’t helpful/enjoyable.

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I’ve enabled Slow Mode for this thread for the following two weeks. During this time, it will only be possible to post it in it once every 24 hours. I’d like for it to remain open, however things are getting a bit heated and I think it would be beneficial to reduce the proportion of posts coming from those whose viewpoints have already been heard and are clearly understood. Realistically, if the tone of conversation does not improve, the thread won’t be open much longer.