Ememies that lock on and follow you thru whole map? really?

Yep. I paid a lot more attention to this when I played recently. I can confirm this. Can’t say where the threshold is. But I pulled very large groups of mobs and just ran straight to the end. At the end a bunch of enemies cought up. But it was only a fraction of the enemies I’ve pulled. I needed to walk back and they were devided all over the way I came.

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In this thread you haven’t made an argument about why you think this is ridiculous. Why would it be better for the game (not you) to have such a mechanic?

I do agree with the point about FPS concerns, but that is an issue that will be continually worked on through the entire lifetime of the game regardless and so I don’t believe should motivate this discussion even though it may be particularly prominent now (in beta, which is expected). However I don’t believe this was your original point because you raised it only after another poster commented in its regard.

Please correct me if I’m wrong but what I understand from your post is:

  1. You run through mob packs without killing them (or some of them) causing them to aggro you.
  2. You arrive at the boss fight mechanic, start fighting (while knowing that those mobs are still chasing you) and then die?

This reads like you’re complaining that the game is too hard for you and you want the devs to make it easier.

Unless you make an argument for why this mechanic should be changed, there’s not really any feedback to discuss. Play slower, or think more about the design of your build so that it can handle the fights you create.

Saying “Change this because I don’t like it” is childish.


I found it to work both ways. For some builds I had it was handy for everything to follow, and more dangerous than I thought :slight_smile:

It took a little while to get used to, but it has pros and cons.

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