Eleventh Hour Games | New Partnership

well I have lost interest in this game thanks to going with tencent and have uninstalled. Will just find another arpg that isn’t with tencent, same thing I did with path of exile. Joining with tencent in any form is a huge mistake and you say it is just a small thing. Sure it may be a small thing at first but before you know it they will have more control. It is just a big no,no,no for me when it comes to this.


I feel bad for all the people who made all these extra websites to assist with making and storing builds for a game thats now co-owned by one of the richest corporations on the planet that is currently helping with the genocide of an entire race of people in their own country while banning conversations of the genocide on their state owned social media companies.

So ya’ll just do work for free for billionaires now.


It will still happen eventually if they’re profitable. I’m also upset that I basically funded them doing the exact opposite of what I wanted. I only gave this game a chance because it wasn’t Tencent and for moral reasons I avoid them. At least major companies like blizzards are still self-owned.

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Soul-crushing realization. Worse than my personal issues with China and Tencent. I care much more about the US and the damage they’re doing to us. and it’s a slow bleed/poison.

Because like it or not, the people you give money to can use it to exert negative influence in the world around you. Like how Americans latched on to Wal-mart even though it basically aided in outsourcing. And just now we’re whining about it/realizing it’s a problem.

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LOL you realize Blizzard merged with Activision in 2008, and was bought by Microsoft
like a month ago?


Ha, I remember the deal, my brain didn’t make the jump that it was free of their clutches (or at least free inasmuch as Msoft is). Thanks for giving me more reasons to stay blizz. Even though all their games are basically crap right now.

It has become a subsidiary of a country that supports the invasion of Ukraine.
After all, they are not aware of the risks, nor are they aware of what the users are anxious about and uncomfortable with.

It betrayed the trust of users who are supporting from the beta.
Is money from Tencent more important than user privacy risk?
It’s almost time to give up everything.
I had a lot of fun playing and I was looking forward to the completion, but it’s the worst.

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Great, Last epoch end before even lunch…now instead content will be milion microtransactions per update just like poe. It will be no more passion game, only flow money game. Maybe im wrong, but all tencent games end like this.

Anyway, good job you sell your soul, atleast you will have money. But moment when micro will stop selling will be your last for shity corps like tencent .

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These are terrible news but not unexpected news to be fair.

GGG partenered with Tencent as well and what were the 2 things that happened?

First, the game became a lot worse in the following years. Could have been a coincidence, GGG was already making some questionable choices in the year prior but it became a lot worse once Tencent was involved.

Second, any criticism aimed at Tencent in the forums was immediately deleted which just shows who is actually running the show.

I have no doubts that Tencent offer was better than the others, but not for a second do I believe that EGH retains control over their IP and the direction it goes. On top of that Tencent owns both GGG and EHG which is to say, they own the 2 games that were supposed to be competing for the same area of the market. This can only spell disaster for the consumer.


This is an absolutely wrong assumption. A big company owning several smaller companies that share the same target group is absolutely common in business. Big companies spread their products over several brands so it is more likely a customer buys a product of that company.

Just think this way: You have PoE, LE and Diablo 3. TC owns only PoE. Just from the pure choices that are available there’s a 33% chance that a customer buys a TC product. Now they own 2 of 3 availible brands. They have increased chances to 66% that customers at least buy one of their products. Maybe they even buy both.

That’s very simplified. But this kind of business is all around you without you even knowing it. In the food industry the big companies sell the exact same products under different brands without you noticing. They even haven’t the same price.

Holy crap. I don’t care if the literal dollar bill that I handed to EHG eventually makes its way to the Chinese government.

What I care about is that I am contributing to a pool of money that, yes, will ultimately be headed to China. And if you think the monetary link between Tencent and the Chinese government is fictional, think again. Tencent is about to be fined by the Chinese Central Bank for money laundering (which is a whole other can of worms), so they are going to just literally hand over money to the government. One day, my money will be in that pile, hook or by crook.

If we have to lean on literalism to justify the idea that my money “isn’t going to China”, then we’re trying too hard to avoid the ethics of the matter.


Sigh. I would rather you take money from Epic Games than these people. I’ve been on board since the beginning but this is the main reason I don’t play POE. I just can’t.

Such a shame, too. I really, REALLY loved LE. Damnit. Best of luck.


Except that it isn’t wrong. It is a fact that Tencent has ruined a lot of games, you have plenty of people saying exactly how the games have changed after they took over. I saw first hand how thing changed when they took over PoE.

You are right that such practices occur in the industry, but that doesn’t makes it good.

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what did they do with poe? I’ve played more than 10,000 hours and that game is at its best moment xD

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I don’t care because development that has been stagnant for years and needs an injection of capital, I’m here to play not to give morality lessons

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I don’t care because development that has been stagnant for years and needs an injection of capital, I’m here to play not to give morality lessons, bye bye

What did they do? They completely alienated it’s core audience by making bosses ridiculously hard, making all the game content much harder, removing all the power from base player levels and moving it into extremely high end gear.

As a result, average players can’t really do any end game stuff because they can’t get enough currency to get the gear that is required to progress.

This is why prior Delve PoE had 33% player loss in the first month and now it has 50% player loss in the first week.


That’s a very subjective point if view. Most of the people I play games with are very happy with the last league, saying it’s one of the best ever.

Player loss also isn’t a very good indicator. If you have 100k peak players and lose 20% over a month and drop to 80k, compare it to having 160k peak players dropping to 80k. It’s a 50% loss what looks worse than 20% just from the numbers. But in absolute player numbers your company would have been way more successful in the 2nd example.

The average player numbers are at very high value currently compared to PoE history by also having had an all time player peak record with the last patch. This, I’d say, doesn’t look like somebody or some company Ruined PoE.

There are be individuals that don’t like the direction of the game anymore. But looking in the numbers these people are outweighed by far by people who like PoE in its current state.

From a moral standpoint I get that people are upset. I’m not supporting the Chinese Government and human rights violations. So doesn’t EHG or 95% of the players that still support EHG / LE.

Bashing on EHG now us easy. Because they actively communicated their ties to TenCent. It’s a very obvious target that exposed itself. And because everybody sees the target now with a bright marker over the head, people start bashing. It doesn’t need any afford to check or develop an opinion on that topic. Its crystal clear, there are no doubts.

On the other hand there are so many weird connection and bad things western companies are involved in. But just because it isn’t obvious and those companies don’t show their involvement (or even try to hide it), people are not aware and in result those companies don’t get a negative backlash.

So I find it kind of unfair or out of place that EHG gets that massive backlash because of being transparent and communicative while other companies - that have a much higher impact on bad things happening in the world - fly under the radar without consequences.

So my take on that topic is that people take the easy way here. They can show their moral standpoint on the internet and know they have a lot of support from others.

Doing research on other products they consume or use is not that easy. Often its not easy to get clear informations and they may be even controversial. So they shut their eyes and turn on EHG because there it is really obvious they are doing bad things.


Well, just as you are free to partner with Genocidecent, I’m free to leave your game, this is a free market.

You are disgusting, no more than 4-5 days ago you pledged your support to Ukraine to get some PR points and “prepare” us for this deal. You are manipulators. I’m out, I want no part of this