Eleventh Hour games, are you children?

I find it HIGHLY Childish you guys have CENSORED the word ‘Trump’ in game, and blocked ALL messages that have the word. Whats even MORE childish is the words Biden, Kamala, Harris are NOT censored… If this is due to only ONE childish Dev, then I apologize to the rest… But to the Dev/Devs responsible… You dont belong Outside of your House, much less at ANY job. You belong back in kindergarten… plain and simple… D4 doesnt have ANY of these restrictions, i am guessing because they are Adults. Let that sink in before you remove this post… CHILD.


How about if it wasn’t due to any of us and it got added automatically?

(Do you want me to remove this for you or do you got it?)


To be fair, and while knowing it’s from a third party contractor installed… you’re working with a released product now and the current filter is just not up to par for professional standards. Overzealous and large scale unusable at all.

Much like the localization it’s a major downside of the game since it’s nice to have implemented but does more harm then good by being very low quality.

And you guys as the developers are the ones responsible for it existing after all, you contracted said company and let it happen.


Very low quality doesn’t do the translation justice. It is far worse, I am afraid.

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As sympathetic to EHG as I am, I’m with this. The language filter has always been massively excessive & treats us like kids. Unlike the previous profanity filter (why is this still here?) it can’t be turned off.


Yes, I also agree with this. In my mind what we should have is unfiltered chat (other than filtering for bots) and an option to filter on the client side. So that if you turn it on it will mask offensive words/messages. It should be opt-in, not mandatory. You could even have it turned on by default and make it opt-out, but the “opt” part should always be there.

It’s especially frustrating because there are many times when I’m trying to explain something to someone (crafting or LP, for example) and I’ll get a message filtered for some obscure reason. Then I have to write the same thing again in a different way hoping I can avoid whatever triggered it.
The current system is too opaque and many times we don’t even know what triggered it, nor do we have a way of knowing.


Opt-out, not opt-in in such a case.

This avoids complaints in those regards.

And yes, it’s extremely frustrating currently because random stuff gets blocked and you don’t even know properly which one.

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I love how no one is considering that the word “rump” is what’s censored and any variation of that (crump, prump, qrump, wrump, etc).

The censor has been known to be highly sensitive and many censors will block words for even containing the censored word (Assassin is a frequent offender)


And then there’s also censors which automatically exclude regularly used words without a offensive context.

So it goes both ways.

It’s not an excuse, it’s simply low quality.

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Never said it was an excuse. I’m responding specifically about OP making this political instead of the logical conclusion of “rump” is the issue, not “Trump”

The censor is absurdly restrictive, that’s a fact. But in this case it’s pretty obvious what the issue is and it’s not political


Yup, it’s a good job nobody tries to talk about a certain seaside town in the north of England (Scunthorpe for those unaware, remove the S & the “horpe”).

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That’s hysterical. I need to talk about going to vacation there and see if the game censors it

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Probably is not a specific issue. Well, I’m from EU, but I have two eyes.

The US (much like EU BTW) is corrupted to the bone, most of the big tech platforms and the legacy media is pushing hard for one side while suppressing the other.

If you search about Trump, you will get “Trump bad, Kamala good”, if you search for Kamala, you’ll get “Kamala good”. They are not even trying.

Going out of the main discussion, do you think it would be possible to deactivate the censorship for offline character names? I mean, if I want to have an offensive name that I’ll be the only one able to see, why stop me? Typically, I have been stopped from using the japanese name for bear as a character name, and that was quite puzzling.

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I don’t understand rage of TS. Post look’s like he is literally on fire. Btw, very adult (lmao) post.

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Avoiding the political commentary to note that unless you’re doing absolutely everything you can to prevent your search history and trends from getting out, or are using very niche and specific search engines, your search results are absolutely catered to your preferences and has nothing to do with government censoring.

But tin foil hats are easier to wear I suppose


As we here at EHG are a fully remote company, we have team members from all over the world, representing all sorts of world views. EHG does not promote any real world political, religious, or ideological views. Discussions of real world politics, religion, or ideologies is also against our Code of Conduct. People play games to escape the real world - Last Epoch is not an appropriate platform for pushing these views, regardless of individual political figures.

There’s also some misunderstanding here regarding how our filter system works. We can’t really go into too much detail about how exactly it works, as that only provides fuel for bad actors to circumvent it further. However, it’s not a regex library as has been suggested. To use an example brought up: the system has no issues with mentioning “Scunthorpe” just because it contains a string that would alone be blocked (I actually just tested several message variations containing this name to verify). If a specific term is regularly identified in conjunction with messages identified as harassing, volatile, or otherwise very commonly used in messages which violate our ToS, or CoC, they can become automatically blocked.

We are listening to feedback regarding the in-game moderation, discussing it, and have some changes in the works for it (beyond individual changes we make in response to specific feedback). We support discourse regarding moderation happening, though please keep in mind to keep it civil, and that desire to directly violate the ToS or CoC isn’t often seen as a strong argument for changing moderation.


That’s great, thank you for this.

On another note about Chat, I know many would like this and it was mentioned above, are there plans to make it possible to know exactly what caused your text to be blocked? I sometimes try to respond to someone and the response is lengthy but absolutely nothing offensive (in language or content) or anything else against the TOS. I try to rephrase it and still get the same block.

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Whatever your system is, it got many false flags for perfectly innocent messages from me.

One example from the past:


I just checked these blocked statements against our system, and it doesn’t appear to have any issue with them. I also don’t see these messages in your recent history. Do you recall when this was?

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