The chat code of conduct filter is WAY too aggressive

“The hardest part about Lagon is not getting so bored in the fight that I look away and he 1 shots me.”
This innocuous joke gets blocked for “containing content which does not adhere to our Code of Conduct.” I’m completely convinced its a false flag, and there’s no point in doing this so aggressively when there’s an in game option to censor offensive words. It also makes it borderline impossible to type in foreign languages especially Swedish and Polish.


Exactly, 90% of “normal” direct messages in Polish is blocked. Of course, harsher words in Polish are not blocked. Most probably, they couldn’t afford to have some better filter which knows more than just English (US), but why they set it so aggressively then?

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This filter is nuts, maybe a crazy AI solution.

“The hardest part about Lagon is not getting so bored in the fight that I look away and he 1 shots me” - blocked.

“The difficult part about Lagon is not getting so bored in the fight that I look away and he 1 shots me” - blocked.

“The difficult part about Lagon is not getting so bored in the fight that I look away and he owns me” - not blocked.

“shots me” - not blocked.

“1 shots me” - not blocked.

“he 1 shots me” - not blocked.

Looks like something weird is happening when the filter tries to build context or something like that. It’s not only the words, but the composition.

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Also, quite apparently filter uses user interface as base, when I write in Polish having set English as interface language, almost none of my messages passes filter, but when my friend writes to me in Polish, having set Polish as interface language, it works much better.

Pity that Polish translation in general is terrible, but its subject for different topic :wink:

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I found out what specifically blocked it btw “is not getting” and “shots” together in that order completely ignoring literally every god damn thing in between triggers it. also if you remove the s from the end of “shots” it doesnt trigger either.

Well, let’s get some shots to celebrate the discovery: the filter doesn’t like tequila. Cheers! :wink:

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can confirm impossible to type in Hungarian because of the forced censoring.

It’s funny that you are allowed to swear on their forums like there is no tomorrow but ingame it feels like you get blocked the moment you typed the first letter of the sentence you want to write ^^.

I’ve seen stuff go through on the update thread about the servers that would have been blocked on the first word for the in game chat.

Yeah but I give you a short example “FUCK!”… Let’s see if I can write it ^^.

I must agree 100%, the code is insane. It’s buggy too… words that aren’t even remotely offensive are getting checked as well. Sometimes for the life of me, I can’t figure out what is triggering it, so I figure it’s a bug or it’s something lame like the lettering of serperate words linked together makes a swear word. Like something like (this is hard, I’m not clever)… ‘The Lack of Understanding will cause bad amning ok i just couldn’t do it, but that’s what I mean.’

What’s worse is that the entire chat is blocked instead of just substituting stuff with ****.

Also, what’s the point of having a setting that turns the filter off if it’s just going to filter everything anyway? Right now I don’t think the settings does anything.

Same in Danish i can barely write messages to my friends in my own language, and have to write in english instead simply because it seems to block whatever i write.

The funniest thing I’ve found with this filter is that it blocks you from typing “Chris Wilson”.


I can write that, no problem.

The fact that it is inconsistent is the worst part of all this.

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