Dungeon Ability not mapped to left D-pad on Controller

I read D was remapped to the left D-pad button with a patch this year, but mine is set to Ground Item Tooltips Hidden/Visible. I tried to remap it in the settings but wasn’t able to figure out how. Does anyone know how to fix this problem?


I dont use a controller so I wouldnt be able to help… maybe @Shtrak or @queermathsgirl could?


When in game, the new ability if on the left of the interface and the associated button is written there. You may be able to see what has been set for you.

Regarding the settings, I don’t know. I already tried to change them and I couldn’t, then I got used to them and I don’t want to change them anymore.

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For me, there is no button assigned to the Dungeon Ability and so there is no associated button that is written there. (When I fought Julra, I had to press D on my keyboard. Doable but annoying.) In the settings, there is a key bindings section. I tried clicking on the Dungeon Ability field under the Controller column in order to enter my left D-pad button, but nothing happened when I clicked on the tab.

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