Do you guys still believe game will be out by the end of this year?

LE is in a completely different position, the devs know what they want the game to look like & are unlikely to spend ~5-6 years ****ing about while they try & decide how they want their game to play.

No it wont come out this year. In fact it shouldnt come out this year, it wont be finished enough.
Just finished the story content yesterday and was amazed how little is in the game yet. No way they can ever finish the story, add multiplayer, add another class and fix everything wrong with the game in 4.5 months.

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Not unless they are working on many things simultaneously and are close to completing them all (which is possible) but even then I don’t think there’s enough time for balancing and bug fixing.

The game is only 90% done with phase 1, 75% done with phase 2, 10% done with phase 3,

and 0% done with phase 4.

Missing demo from phase 1.

Missing tool tipdps, and end game system - eternity cache from phase 2.

Only have chapter 8 from phase 3, and nothing from phase 4 yet.

Assuming Sarno was telling the truth here, there’s already been a few demos, but they’re probably not available anymore since the game will have advanced beyond what’s in the demo.

This phase 1 demo is indeed missing. He himself mentioned that said demo was not ready yet as they were updating their game engine and I believe nothing has changed in the last 155days or so since that post.

I think it’s pretty reasonable to believe that they’re working on a bunch of stuff simultaneously and possibly sitting on some mostly complete stuff. I also think the step from the last beta to 1.0 will probably be much larger, with a lot more new content than is released with new patches.

That said, even though I think this is already an excellent and remarkably well polished game, I just don’t see any way it will be officially released by the end of the year.

It happens to most of us :+1:

Multi by the end of the year is a more reasonable goal IMO. Without doing that soon they cannot spend the necessary time to iron out all the issues that brings with a game.

At this point, they either release the game without Rouge at end of year, or delay it. Based on how much redesigning they have done on other classes after testing and bugs, there is no way in hell Rouge will be complete by end of year. I’ve been waiting for the game for probably* 3 years now so I don’t really care if they delay it, other people might not be so understanding.

I have been quite disgruntled with the way they prioritize development, but hey, that’s probably why I never went into game development out of college. I always thought that the game engine/performance and classes should have been done even before extra endgame systems that they are currently working on.

On top of all that, multiplayer is nowhere in sight. Once multiplayer is implemented the entire game will be retested. There will naturally be a ton of broken interactions or bugs between different classes.

If I was a betting man, I would not expect the complete game until summer of next year.


EXACTLY … what Mithica said … no way this launches “good” by the end of year with bells and whistles and that’s dissapointing especially since i was so ready before they moved it so close to the original release date first time… the fact we haven’t smelled a whiff a multiplayer scream first second quarter of next year … i myself got to the point of if there’s no multiplayer to play at the moment i cant get any friends to buy this game to play therefore i wont play if i want to play solo i can go to d3/poe and grimdawn who by the way has awesome mods to extend the base game … and after the wolcen fiasco im clearly done with trusting any dev’s ill believe it when i see ver 1.o lol. don’t get me wrong i bought the game played it and want it to be good but been burnt too many times. less talk dev’s more patches (ones that don’t break).

Yeah. Very thoughtful and viable suggestion… Isn’t it?

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The hardest part for me when trying to get my friends invested, isn’t when the game will launch, but when multiplayer will be added. It’s hard to sell it (despite all my gushing) to people that you ultimately want to play with, without any real update or indication about that.

Good things come to those who wait, and all that, but it’d be nice to have an idea. I hope they handle this with appropriate fan-fair, as I’m sure there are a long list of people who are waiting for multiplayer before committing to EA.

You say that, but there was a thread where I said that & several other people were quite vociferous that punting out a blog would be a quick & easy thing.

Here infact:

And maybe this post would be illuminating:

Obviously your sarcasm detector is broken. :wink:

Probably. I’ve been trapped in the same house as my kids for months.


Yeah… my kids don’t get my sarcasm, either. :yum:

I disagree with some part of your post.
Adding endgame is important now too, especially considering the low time required to reach it at the moment.
Because in my opinion to pursue the game development you need a sufficient amount of players to get feedbacks/ bugs reports and overall build a player base. Here what is going to retain the players for long enough if not an endgame system ?

Not much use in that if the chat system is broken and never works. Might as well just be a single player game. they say the chat will get fixed with multi added so that is yet another reason on top of the already hundred others to get multi into the game now. If it’s not ever going in they need just say so.

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