Difficulty not being English

If you can manage to find some other french-speaking members of the community, maybe you could do something together.

When we started out, i did set up the discord server, but for example @XLVI_carpo did helped out alot with some of the actual content inside the discord (like translations of news etc.)

Having enough people interested and some of them mabye even willing to invest into something, you could potentially grow a very healthy community.


Just tagging @Shtrak, because i know he is french.

Not sure if he has time or the will to do something, maybe you two could dm.

Even if you don’t end up creating a whole community, just having a few like-minded people to talk about your favorite games in your native language, can already give you the feeling of some sort of community.

Yes it is true, but the French is difficult to convince to invest. And most of them try to make their own way ^^.

I have already dealt with discords for only guilds in games, but it must not be that different


Thank you I did not know, yet I often talk to him. But we speak so little other language than English here, that I can speak to a lot of people without knowing their nationality. Proof I had no idea you were German

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Auf jeden Fall freue ich mich, Sie kennenzulernen. Entschuldigung, wenn dies nicht perfekt ist.


Yeah it’s crazy, that sometimes you write/discuss with people for days, weeks, maybe even months and don’t know where they are from.

I think i discussed quite a few topics with @TriKster and @XLVI_carpo for at least 1 or 2 months, until we randomly discovered, that we are all german xD

I also did a cool thread back then, i fee like i shoudl start a Part 2 on that one, since it’s already closed.

Sehr geil.
Ich freu mich auch dich kennen zu lernen. Dein Satz war sogar fast perfekt :stuck_out_tongue:

Je m’appelle Heavy et je suis heureux de te connaître aussi

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It was cool, good idea, indeed why and I thought I would not put the foot in the dish as they say and open a French discussion to find another person, but it can be a good idea.

When i meet any other french LE players, i will try to bring them in contact with you, if you don’t mind?

I kinda exposed @Shtrak here and i hope he is not mad at me (he did tell me that he is french in dm).

Not sure if everybody wants, that other people know where they are from.

For my part, no problem, it does not bother me at all. I don’t think it bothers shtrak, although I can’t assure you. But trying to bring together people of the same nationality is rather nice, we see that you have known this problem.

Btw, there was a french thread a while ago, not sure if the people in there are still active players, but maybe you wanna give them a dm.

Also @Natsul is french.

I know that from this thread:

thanks i am watching this

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Well, the digging operation is a failure the two subjects are closed. No problem I will open a new one ^^

I am not even European(and don’t even speak English), dude, so every video game is the same for me. So, yeah, learning English to play video games is a must, especially for people who barely speak English on daily basis.

I’ll start a new job in several days so I’ll have less time to participate, but I’m always happy to help! I will always stay in the global part of the community, but I’ll for sure be OK to play or talk with French people, or to help them if they don’t understand English.

BTW, @Arussa, your translation says “Diablo faults” but the right term is “Diablo rifts”. People may be confused by “faults” :wink:


Heya everyone ^^, yes i’m French, i really play the game a lot and i understand it in its entirety ^^. If you need help don’t hesitate to add me as a friend and to MP me on discord or on the forum!

Bonjour tout le monde, oui je suis une baguette ! j’ai vraiment jouer beaucoup au jeu et je le comprends dans son intégralité ^^. Si vous avez besoin d’aide n’hésitez pas à m’ajouter en ami et à me MP sur discord ou sur le forum !

Discord : Creamy#7118


Try this, i think it’s clearly better than google translator and such:
DeepL Translate – Der präziseste Übersetzer der Welt (They are from Cologne.)

Thank you all, I’m trying the new neokortex translator, you’ll tell me if it’s better. I hope to avoid mistakes, like the one raised by shtrak. Otherwise eradicus I’ll add you to my discord.

Thank you in all for not judging my words too harshly, I know that sometimes I’m hard on the game.

After that we have the DM gaming discord, a French youtubeur, not very well known, but he makes a discord LE france, but there is never anyone in voice, but people connect, there may be a way to bring people back on the voice.

We haven’t much traffic in our voice channel either. You’d need to make a date to talk to somebody :grin:

But this will change in the future with MP, for sure!

My interest in English grew when I started watching a lot of Anime in the 90s. They often were only available in Japanese with English sub. If I was lucky it had an Englidh dub.

I think this also helped me a lot in school. I’m not that experienced in talking in English. Writing and reading is much better :grin:. But I’m working on it.

What I really like about the current community is that it is not separated into national sub forums or channels. I already met a lot of really nice non German people I would never have met. I met a Dutch LE content creator and we play coop games from time to time. There are so many nice community members here that are spread over many different nationalities, I would never have come in contact with. I really love this aspect of the current state.

Of course some people are left behind if they don’t understand the game and/or have problems communicating with the rest. This sucks, badly.

But you @Arussa are doing a good job with the translator. I can just imagine how tedious it must be to have to manually translate all that stuff. But I think I understand your posts well. And as long as I have in mind that you use a translator I know why some phrases don’t make that much sense in the context of your posts. But this is refreshing as well. :sweat_smile:

Yes, I apologize for those sentences that don’t make sense, in fact French has a lot of subtlety, not necessarily translatable. Like many languages I think.
Afterwards I tried to “integrate” despite my difficulties, I was like all those French people who said I would wait for a translation. But it’s the choice of simplicity, the English in game is not complicated. After on the forum it’s more complex.

I’m not sure if it’s a good idea to separate the nationalities. It’s not important what country we are from, we are all part of the LE community. I’m not talking about separation, but having a small place where you can communicate easily is still nice.

Translated with DeepL Translate: The world's most accurate translator (free version)

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Nope, I don’t mean that anybody does this for purpose. But from experience with gaming communities I know that most of the people focus on the community sections that correspond their nationalities. This happens automatically.