Diablo 4

So I will say, out of the gate, I have never played D4, but I was a Diablo fan since the day my grandfather gave me my first computer along with a copy of OG Diablo. I love Last Epoch bought it like 3 years ago, and I play it for about 12 to 16 hours a week(mental disorder makes it hard to focus on something long term). But, I opened Steam today, and saw they were have another sale(seems to be weekly now) so I went to see what was on offer. Almost fell out of my wheel chair when I saw D4 on sale for $34.99… I seem to remember a game came out a couple weeks ago at about the same price point that is beating the crap out of D4 in views and players.
I Just found it fun.


Compared to LE it’s not worth it even for half, and I bought the preorder. Have 5 lvl 100’s and not started it for 3 weeks now. Maybe season 4 if they don’t mess it up again. But sure will not pay a second time. But I see no way, they can fix the itemization horror. And even then, it’s good for about 50 hours for the season or campaign if you are not wanting to do the same stupid loot runs 1000 times, which none of my characters survives, without the ubberuniques. But even then: Without additional content, it’s just a dead end for me. But we will see. There is a campfire talk soon :smile:. Maybe there will be a followup campaign.

Uh D4 has had multiple sales already. It also comes to game pass like on the 28th or something so could play for like $1 if you never joined or $10. You’ll also have to buy that $70 expansion later this year. I mean if you like it great but hard pass for me. Game is pretty okay until you finish the story. Just don’t collect Lilith alters until you get a mount. It’ll save you a lot of time and pull up a map on second monitor or phone anything

Also, there is Path of Exile 2 that is coming later on this year (beta this summer). And that game will be free to play (with QOL and cosmetics being the paid content).

So unless you are unable to understand at all POE (and honestly, with a bit of time it can be understood), then POE + POE2 + Last Epoch should solve your thirst for ARPG for a while.

And other games are coming soon like No Rest For the Wicked, only to name another one.

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Doesn’t GD also have an expansion? I think Titan Quest 2 is also at some point. Its like arpg year lol

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Don’t make statements like this if you cant back up the statement with some evidence.

Diablo 4 has averaged 3,850,627 players during the last 30 days as of February 15, 2024

Last month it was at ~5.8m Players (normal flux). D4 is not even close to anything else. Its a giant in this genre.

*[Additionally, Diablo 4 reached its peak player count of 6,750,114 players]


IMO, as someone who loved D1/D2/D3 and just about every other ARPG that ever came out… D4 is really bad. Among the worst of all the ones I’ve played. It’s just really boring, in a way that most ARPGs can’t be even if they tried.

There are a lot of other oldies-but-goodies like Grim Dawn ($6), Titan Quest ($5), Warhammer Inquisitor ($10), The Ascent ($9), Torchlight 2 ($3)… all of those are better games from small devs who deserve your money more :slight_smile:

And even PoE 1 is still excellent, even if you never get to the end-game. The campaign isn’t so bad with just a basic understanding (which you’ll probably already have if you get all of Last Epoch’s mechanics). The crazy builds (like in Last Epoch) are really more of an end-game concern that you don’t have to partake in at all.


I will never understand why some people get so desperate to have a game they don’t like be “objectively bad” that they use easily disprovable lies to support that opinion.

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Came here to say this.

Hate on D4 all you want but there is no denying it’s magnitude… If LE had half the player base of D4 the servers would Literally explode.

LE were struggling with a few 100k players on launch.
D4 was struggling with 6 Million, that’s the difference here.

You can hate on D4 for being Easier, having less content, less Grindy, easier to get good loot etc etc.
But you can’t Deny there is a massive player base out there that arn’t you that enjoy a different type of game.

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Or there is a major player base who bought the game because they though it would be a game at least as fun and complete as Diablo 3. I am one of them.

I was like: if they bring me a new story with the same gameplay than in Diablo 3, then I’ll have enough fun to cover for the money paid. But they failed at that, at least this is my personal feeling.

Trust me when I say that the player base you are talking right now is going to melt down at some point if they do not fix their game.

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Who said I am hating on d4? I was defending it.

LE does not have a “massive playerbase”. And if you were saying i am hating on le, I told the team “le could be the next league of legends if its done right”. I Think you should not get so upset about a simple correction to someone elses inaccuracies (about d4)

My Bad, I was generalizing and expanding on your point not replying to you directly.
(Note the “Came here to say this”)
But I do understand the mixup.


Blizzard can only be compared to itself. That’s just the reality of their reach. They have a much larger presence in the Asian markets than just about any other Western developer could ever hope to achieve, so their player-numbers will always be significantly higher.

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I like how you didn’t source it.

The source, activeplayer dot io, is VERY dubious and the numbers are absurd. Completely worthless. They get zero data from Blizzard.

Maxroll and IcyVeins probably have very interesting data on page visits per game though. Which would still only give rough data on how these games relate to each other.

This is a fascinating phenomenon.
I think it is a need to convince oneself they have made the right choice of game. Feeling part of the “better” community, and to be reassured, disparage all potential competitors.
I don’t know, it is not very rational, but quite common, and interesting to observe.

90% of all statistics are made-up.


I didn’t enjoy Diablo 4 for a variety of reasons but I highly doubt LE or any other ARPG has more players than it. D4 always sold poorly on Steam and most of the players are using Battle.net. Using a steam tracker is not a good gauge of active players.

It’s the truth, like it or not. Confirmed by multiple sources. Blizzard’s gaming services are connected to microsoft through api, and microsoft hosts that data on its services, like bing. ITs not just activeplayer saying it. Stop being so salty your beloved game is just not as successful as d4.

Actually the truth is that ppl take an interest if user/player numbers seem high. Why do you think every garbage product in an commercial has slogans like “sold millions of times” or is a “best selling product” or has some high amount of “satisfied customers”.
Nothing is gonna sell if you tell ppl that a low amount of “customers” bought a product or are interested in a product.

Back in the days I worked in retail in a drugstore and to be honest I tried this kind of psycological manouver to sell some non-selling products (most likely the last item of something no one heard of sitting in the stockroom for a year) my colleaques were desperate to sell. And it worked well.

As for D4 there wouldnt be any new players or players sticking around if they spread news like “declining numbers” or “only 432 players still play D4” in the news. There is a reason there hasnt been anything official from Blizzard, coz that can be tracked and questioned. Blizz is staying save from being accused of dubious manouvers to keep D4 interesting. The same is for Blizz or other big ass gaming companies not banning cheaters and bots right away. If they really want to show off legally high numbers they keep them in the game for a while until their statistics fulfilled their expectations. The keep the data for some time and release it after banning those asia bots and cheaters and whatnot.
Its all just common sense… or business sense. :rofl:

Ofc no one is talking about those business secrets and how to manipulate the masses coz its simply not good for business.

Blizzard has made it a very personal move to never share its information. Its an advantage and if people knew what they knew, then blizzard would have competition. its just that simple. You are over thinking this like its some conspiracy. There are many events we can look back at to show this is true, like the accidental leak of wow’s playerbase via api. It’s data that has never been public. Microsoft does not share that position. These numbers are accurate, I have confirmed them with a friend that works at the redmond office. People are just a bunch of sheep that follow streamers and get salty when they are problem wrong.

This is an ignorant position for multiple reasons. You watch the cheating they do to learn how they do it to make more effective moves. Why patch a hole when you can fully repair it. Also, The “bot war” is an endless war and a waste of time. IF you put trading in your game, accept bots are always there. To date no one has found a way to fully get rid them (i personally thing its more of a design related fix as opposed to security which is why people have not won that battle yet).

This has nothing to do with “blizzard being lazy”. No one has done it. So if we apply that logic, everyone is lazy or “does not care”.

In the end you should try some arguments that are not parroted.