Gotta say its very weak to use “You are over thinking this like its some conspiracy.”, “People are just a bunch of sheep that follow streamers and get salty when they are problem wrong.” and “In the end you should try some arguments that are not parroted.” and call that valid arguments.
Nt but you have no arguments, all u got is attacks towards ppl here that just think differently.
Its ok to have an opinion but if you need to be toxic to validate your arguments/opinion thats just lame.
Gl finding someone falling for that. gg
You are suggesting things that is false is toxic. Praise the good, forbid the evil. No game is perfect, because every game has imperfect makers.
1 billion dollars in sales does not agree with you. The longevity that comes out of blizzard games also does not agree. Either LE will eventually grow to this point or fade. There is a reason why blizzard is the most successful gaming studio to date, even with all its poor leadership. You seem to be in denial about that. Its fine, live in your bubble but the other ~6 million players wont be engaging in it.
You wanted data as reported by Bellular News 6 days ago:
In Feb 2024 Diablo4 had 1,976,386 hours of content views. In Feb 2024 Last Epoch had 14,547,054 hours of content views. In March at the time of reporting Diablo 4 had 202,915 hours, Last Epoch was at 2,683,510 hours. I do not know about you but 10x viewrship sounds like beating the crap out of them… As for players I could not find a site that had numbers for both games at the same time, and Blizzard is notorious for not releasing numbers. But the best I could find was that blizzard had 460k ish number in Feb daily, and Last Epoch according to steam is 146k ish numbers. No clue how many players are directly play through Last Epoch’s website(I would hazard to say some but not a lot). So you have a AAA game released a new season last month versus an Indie game released in the last 9 days of last month. So yes I have numbers, and yes LE is eating the hell out of D4. If they were not Blizzard would not be half pricing their game after a year it’s release. Look at any WoW expac and you can only find it on sale like that once maybe twice a year, not just randomly in March. Oh and btw Bellular is a Blizzard report good and bad, and at one time I would have sworn he was their simp, but that changed sometime during shadowlands.
Last Epoch made Steam mandatory in 0.9.
Well there you go not a lot can equal zero. Also I said I never played D4 so I neither hate nor like like it, I posted this just because I found it funny the Blizzard dropped a sell on their game to the same price as a new indie game. That is all, but the troll in my cold black heart does love the drama. Blizzard is a juggernaut, and they recovered from a poor release of D3, and I really enjoyed Reaper of Souls. So Though I love Last Epoch, no I don’t think they will take the place of D4, or PoE. I am looking forward to PoE2, although every time I see PoE’s talent tree 3 out of 4 times I nope out and reuninstall the game. If D4 release a patch or Expac that brings they game to a level of D3 post Reaper of Souls I will probably buy it full price then. It don’t hate the game, no idea why anyone thought I did.
“people watch epoch” is not an argument for “people play epoch” or “people like epoch” you are drawing that conclusion, not them. They could simply be watching because the game looks bad and they are unsure if they should buy it or not. This is where blizzards metrics and genius come in. LE should sell the game for 50% off right now to see if they can snag the unsure people into the game. Thats marketing, not “oh noes the game is on fireeEe”
Blizzard sold 8 million copies. They milked the gamers for all they got, then made a choice to make more money at a reduce rate. That marketing genius, not “oh noes, our game is bad we need more people, lets half off it”. You my friend do not understand the difference between a few crying children who oppose a massive multimillion player game and marketing.
Btw, bg3 which was praised by so many and is still good according to many half offed their game a few weeks after the hype. Kind really shows how silly your position is. Its things like that that make me make statements like “streamer parroting”. Its dishonest, and ignorant.
I dont care what streamers or others say. When numbers prove d4 has millions, the conversation ends on that metric. Fact: d4 has millions, LE does not. nothing you or i can do will change that.
Blizzard don’t release player numbers but they do release quarterly reports with financial details.
It’s pretty easy to derive from there where they stand.
Some Financial Stuff
I realise “Some guy on the internet said D4 is dead” but if you google damn near any tracking site the numbers are close and D4 is doing pretty well.
Yeah it might suck, But the fact of the matter is it’s a Blizzard Game called Diablo.
People will play it just because of that… If it wasn’t a Blizzard Game called Diablo more than half those players would’ve refunded at launch.
It’s like the current Star Wars Phenomenon.
The last few movies absolutely sucked but people still watch them because the title says “Star Wars”.
The Witcher 3 sometimes goes on sale, still one of the best games ever created.
Baldurs Gate 3 is currently on sale, still one of the best games ever created (Also a tiny studio, if you want to learn how bugs should be handled read their story)
Elden Ring occasionally goes on sale, still a masterpiece.
TL;DR - Yeah D4 may suck but if you think LE is doing better than Diablo you’re naive and delusional.
Source? On Steam you only see steam users and I don’t think D4 had less players on release or their first season. I think there were even more players playing D4 at the start of the actual season then in LE but I can’t pinpoint that because D4 and Blizz aren’t transperent with their numbers anymore.
I think we need to step back and really sum up all this to a simple fact. Each project has good and bad. LE is undoubtedly capable of great things, but potential is only potential until its not. We need to remember that potential does not equal the current situation. We should focus our energies on truth, praise the good and criticize constructively the bad.
No game is without faults, but there is no gain in stating things that are not true and lies by nature are destined to destruction. Let’s focus our energy on making LE the best game IT can be.
Yes and no. Yes, they’re an “indie” studio. Yes, comparing to the big studios they’re small (or were small). But Larian had a bit over 100 employees working on BG3. LE still has less than that (or maybe the new hires brought them up to that number).
Also, BG3 didn’t have much else to implement/create after launch, other than a few features like the wardrobe. So they could fully focus all their team to bug fixing. LE, being a live service, has to constantly work on new features/mechanics, so they can’t simply focus everyone to bug fixing.
I agree that LE should give a little more focus to bug fixing, but I think they have started to do so now that the servers are more stable. They will never reach the volume of bug fixing of BG3, though, simply because the nature of both games means one can have everyone working on bug fixing and the other has to have a significant part of the team working on new stuff.
The thing is, D4 doesn’t suck. It just targets different people than LE does. It tries to get the same playerbase from D3, attract more casual players and even some that enjoy MMO mechanics.
Whether D4 is better than LE or LE is better than D4 (or PoE/D4/LE in any combination) is very subjective in this genre. D2 die hard fans will always think PoE or LE is better than D4 simply because D3/D4 “strayed” far away from their D2 roots.
They never were.
There are things in LE I don’t enjoy. However, at the exact state all 3 games are (4 if you include GD, although that is mostly a single player game), I have more fun playing LE than I do the others.
Part of it is because I “burned out” on PoE some time ago and that influences my desire to return to it. Part of it is because I was disappointed on the simplistic mechanics of D4. But mostly it’s because LE’s systems are mostly focused on the type of ARPG player that I am.
Personally, EHG could just abandon the game as is and I would probably still play it for a few years. I am very happy with the money I spent on it.
Sure! Remember the short time when WoW was a groundbreaking success and they told everyone their player numbers? Even people who didn’t want to hear them? Like everywhere?
That was one case to sell everyone on a new product. And even that didn’t last long. We never had numbers for Diablos. Even Starcraft barely had any over time.
The whole point is that they sometimes release a few numbers (when it’s convenient) but they never release those numbers steadily.
Yea, its very subtle. IF you think back to hon/dota/lol/hots, The games were fundamentally the same. the math made them different. One succeeded because of it. I think LE is in a uniquely similar position to Lol, but it needs work.
For example, the defensive building aspects of not intuitive. The resists feel like the resist in d4 season 1 (useless). The idea of putting stun on auto attack/casts was easily the worst ability and thing le has in it. I cannot express how bad that choice was. It actually makes me want to quit and iv seen others rage quit over it.
There is some room for class and social improvement also. Lets hope that those of us who just love to help made good games can influence the game enough to become the greatness its worthy of.
Not true, the game had stellar reviews at launch, written (or filmed) by the same people flaming it now. And people had two free weekends to try the game before buying it, and enjoyed it enough to buy.
Yes, there are issues in endgame, but by the time you reach that, you are way past refund point.
Anyway, just nitpicking, I agree with the rest of your post.
I have been playing since the beta opened (it is to me the best game ever made, by miles), and I always thought it was over 400 staff? Don’t remember where I have seen it, that’s the number I have always had in mind.
Doesn’t matter, your point is valid either way and I am too lazy to check the numbers.
I like D4 but it need time to evolve a bit. I think they have way to much bloat on their itemization which hurts the hunt for items… to me that is the biggest problem.
I also like D4, a lot, because I care more about story and atmosphere in a game than about endgame mechanics.
But be careful, writing that here is dangerous, you might end up covered in tar and feathers!
One of the best traits… not caring what others think about you or your opinions. Will get you far in life.
Some people might do that, but I’d like to think it’s a minority. Trolls will be everywhere. It’s a personal preference and it’s fine. Just like it’s fine to like D3.
What people react mostly negative to is someone trying to make LE like one of those games, when each game should have its own distinct identity.
No they make absolute guesses. Everyone knows D4 has more players than POE and LE. But the numbers on that site are just absurd.
They are not. People are just salty they are wrong. There is a long history of intentional neglect of the more hardcore playerbase. I have played my part in that. I think that playerbase (which is very large in LE) is just venting.
If you think about it, its really a long reach to believe that those numbers are not correct. Multiple sources are citing the same values. You are going out of your way to suggest or directly say that they are a lie. That requires proof, and until proof is presented the claim is opinion.