Devs PLEASE re-think these issues

Yea I was agreeing, with math!

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Hmmm I run emp monos with a nearly bare naked too with almost no armor, dodge, crit avoidence and endurence and have only ward generation to compensate and it works out well. “Outwarding” dmg right now is far to easy.

On the other hand I play a Ghostflame Warlock who is fully decked and tanky af and the same thing happens.

I couldn’t think of a mastery that is completely fubar untill it’s setup badly or player errors happen 24/7. Heck even the now “harder” story and the 100 starting corruption in monos are a joke. Do we talk about 300 or 400 corruption or why are some people made out of paper? ^^

I’m not going to waste my time discussing semantics like terminology with you, the damage you take for a given set of circumstances, which is directly comparable between both compared paradigms (which all my examples cited) is the important bit, dress it up however you prefer.

As to why I ignored your “math” and instead focused on your conclusions, it’s because your math sections were poorly formatted and and contained a lot of largely irrelevant bits, with respect to the GB vs Res issue. Talking about Crit Avoid and/or armor when both sides of the comparison have the same values for those stats is useless since it all cancels out in the end. Showing math is only useful for demonstrating relevant reasoning for the important part, the conclusions.

Also this will be my last reply to you; and I’ll give you a gift: In a game where you can compare builds with different power levels as if they are the same just because both are “fully reliable” and you can macro your in-game responses so that you can always intervene in-between each discrete source of damage so damage averaging is never relevant (even when talking about actual character survivability in real in-game conditions), shred and other reductions don’t exists and/or you can also macro them away before any damage: You are right Glancing Blows is better than Resists. I’ll leave you and others to judge if that game is LE or not.

Have a good day to you my man, to anyone reading the thread looking for advice, you have my PoV and you have his. Build your character with his or mine or someone else’s or no one’s - it wont bother me either way. I hope you have fun and enjoy the game no matter what.


The solution for this is cleanse. Either have cleanse talented on one of your abilities so you can clear the debuff line (poison, bleed and ignite are also powerful), or put cleanse on your potion by using the belt affix “100% chance to cleanse when using a potion”.

This mechanic is OP for the same reason elemental damage is OP when you don’t have any resists or how physical damage is OP when you don’t have armor and physical resists.

It’s the other way around, when you take high damage from a single hit THAT inflicts the stun. The chance to be stunned is higher if you take a higher portion of your health/ward in a single damage hit. When you are stunned, you’ll hear that metal clank, but you’ll also be stunned for only 1 second followed by 1 second of STUN IMMUNITY. This is done so you aren’t being stunlocked and I think it is good design.

There are ways of being stun immune in some talents. If you are a mage for example, you can use the stun immunity on teleport idols (or talent if you go left). Although I use a strong mind and that gives me plenty of stun resist without burning my idol slots.


I just go by gut feeling and how much my butt hurts after I messed up. :wink:


A good schema to use. XD

Learning by Burning :fire:


Having capped bonus damage reduction or capped crit avoidance makes the other pointless.

In most circumstances yes.

Why? Resists in PoE are significantly more punishing if you’re not capped than they are in LE.

I missed the original post, but you need 100% crit avoidance to make all crits (regardless of their crit multi) do normal damage.

That the curry was too spicy? Never had a ring of fire (thus far)…

Nah, 30 years of enjoying Thai and Indian cuisine have given me some fireproof … resolve.

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Yeah, but crit avoidance is fairly abundantly available on gear.
Getting to 100 is actually surprisingly easy.

I would say it’s a baseline defense much like resistances.

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skill issue friend

In all the games i have played in my life, i have never seen a mechanic more annoying than the stun mechanics in this game. It is absolutely horrible.

It’s not about Resists being more or less punishing. It’s about the system (or rather how it’s being communicated) being more confusing in LE (at a glance); which is why people like the OP think they are worthless. You just “lose all your resists anyways” to paraphrase.

In PoE having 75% “Resists” means you take 25% of the damage; AKA you resist 75% of the damage - straightforward. In LE 75% “Resists” mean you take 100% of the damage; AKA you “resist” 0% of the damage.

BUT when you take the time to understand LE’s system is it easier to make comparisons between gear in; a 1% change in Resists always means 1% more or less damage taken (until the cap). Whereas for PoE a 1% change is actually 4% more or less damage (until the cap). How much worse is 70% Res vs 75% Res in LE - it’s exactly 5% worse - just like it says;

BUT; when people who don’t look things up or try to understand it themselves read the in-game tooltip and it says: “Enemies penetrate 1% resistance per [level]… after the Resistance Cap” which immediately makes them think they end up with 0% resistance (because they do); but then forget/don’t realize they still prevented 75% more damage from being dealt (when at cap). That’s what I mean when I say the resist game is harder to play than PoE - at a glance you get no “resistance” for having capped Res.

Then they, like the OP did, ask for things like a “resist shatter prevention stat” without realizing that stat is in the game and it’s called… Resistance. Over-capped Res is “shatter” protection.

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It was brought up once or twice, but for any future readers making it down this far:

Get cleanse (T1/2 sealed on your belt often works great) - can make a world of difference in the overall ‘feel’ of the game.

All this info is great, and i have actually put it to the test… Currently I am near maxed resists (i think my poison is low but that is it)
My armor ive had up to 49% but lowered it a bit to raise my dodge to 9%… so now armor is about 30% … i did forget to mention i have been using frostclaw as my main spammable attack and it hits fast with 1 ailmemt cleanse (i never see armor or resist shred ailment as a debuff- i am unsure if this even happens AS a debuff)
My health i have at 1459 and i generate up to about 2800+ ward during fights…
60% maxed Endurance with unfortunately a low threshold i think 400s
I have 150% crit avoidance (too much i know, thanks to blessing ill replace once i get a high LP of woven flesh… my stun avoidance is only 750s … It seems i have all the defensive layers i should need (minus block chance because i cant really build that without using a shield, and using a shield on my mage i dont feel should have to be done) - yet i STILL get to the point where these enemy Alphas or Rares sometimes blues throw down their ground effects so fast that if i even Stop in place for a second (another question i have about later) to cast a spell to build ward and kill sn enemy i get TING and all my ward is gone + 75% health down to my endurance threshold, but 1 more TING a second later ibam dead… i cannot see how to prevent this…
As far as on my mage having to STOP moving to cast every spell… Is this how it works on all other classes while using their abilities?? I feel like i could EASILY do what was meant to be done (avoiding damage, and incoming damage circles While building ward) if i could cast while moving…

I feel like i want to make a post to suggest this but i know i will get those people who “have been dealing with that for 4 years and never had a problem” rather than they admit… “yeah, that would be great if we could cast while moving”

Currently i am level 99 running 234 monos

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I have considered picking up GB but have only ever seen it on a quiver lol… i have not seen any passive with glancing blow on a passive or affix, or even idol… The only thing i could think may have it is a piece of gear i have never come across yet on my mage because it was most likely on a quiver or shield, and i feel a mage using a shield is crazy , a quiver even more crazy… if you know any good mage gear that has it, suggest it to me ill seek it out - thanks

Ah yes, that’s the positioning aspect of the game. Generally not getting the aggro of too many enemies is fairly important, as well as proper usage of your movement skill.

Lower the corruption. It’s what causes the harsh damage to come up. Yes it’ll make everything slower but it causes you not to lay flat on the ground.

For example my detonating arrow melee rogue can handle ~160 corruption comfortably with some fairly decent gear… my wraithlord build necro on the other hand simply yawns there.

It comes down to how quickly you remove threats versus how much you can survive their hits there, it’s always a balancing act.

Especially the mage is prone to that, extremely strong but falls down as easily as well, it’s - in my opinion - one of the harder classes to play well.

You’ll naturally get better over time, so… give it time, some of the people here have thousands of hours experience in ARPGs, that’s not the norm, which means to get to the same level where you can say ‘Pffft… 700 corruption is eaaaasy!’ is just something which needs a lot of experience.
Over time you’ll automatically remember which types of ground effects are coming from which enemies and how to handle them with your build better and better.

Your defenses seem decently solid, enough to let you survive through a good amount of punishment, so now it’s about finding your sweet spot where you can say ‘Yes, this is enough defense and this is enough offense, it feels good for my playstyle’. And forming that can take tens of not hundreds of hours depending on the person in these types of games.

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No way this is a real post. EVERY single class has access to a 5 second or less ailment removal feature.

I use one of those “cleans ailment” removal skills 3x every 1 second during fights… So i ask, how the hell am i getting nailed by such big shots…

Noway was that comment written without reading first

Post your build and I can tell you exactly what’s wrong with it. Also you are being extra dramatic. I guess you got the responses’ you wanted though… lol