Devs PLEASE re-think these issues

Glancing Blow is a Rogue thing. They have lots of passives that give it plus some skills generate it when appropriately specialised & melee Rogues can get it on melee skill use when hitting an enemy (from a passive and a prefix).

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I haven’t really felt like i was getting stunned at all on any class i’ve been playing so far?.
And resist is a must in an ARPG, i would love to see even a harder downside for not being fully capped like PoE.
The only half arpg that doesn’t have a proper system i D4.

If you hear a clang, you were stunned.

Dying in 500 corruption from DoTs that essentially 1 hit me with no reaction time is insane. The elemental damage also seems to be increased a ton too. I’ll walk into a dungeon and get 1 hit by a breath from a little bug. Even though my resistances are beyond capped. Feels Great Man :smiley: not.

Pretty much any build that doesn’t or can’t abuse ward is capped at ~600 corruption. Unless you have some other crazy mechanics like 100% Dodge / Insane armor stacking. Meanwhile ward builds are farming 1000-2500 corruption. Not even broken mechanics either, just ward per second, ward on kill, and a little ward retention.

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Hyperbole isn’t going to help your argument.

Weird that you’re getting stunned so much. I’ve never intentionally added stun resist to a single piece of gear, and the only thing that stuns my characters are the void centipedes and Lagon.

I agree with you man… Most rpgs resist is and should be a must, but i havent seen any others have the chance to cut your resist down to nothing and below making it seem as though you wasted your time even having it… I am able to keep my character ailment free 100% of the time so It makes me think that these enemies big shots are bypassing all my resists on the hit that did them, rather than putting 15 stacks of resist shred on ne then doing the hit (because as i said my guy stays ailment free) its odd

Yes youre right, and its disheartening when you dont want to play these classes or builds, just your own, and are basically forced to switch if you want to progress…

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