Developer Stream - September 29, 2023 (Transcribed)

Below is a transcription of the developer stream on September 29th, 2023 that’s hosted by Mike Weicker, a senior developer at EHG. I’ve transcribed everything to the best of my abilities, but when (or if) the stream gets uploaded to YouTube you’ll be able to click each questions source link to watch them for yourself. Currently, those links are just placeholders and don’t actually link anywhere. Responses made by Kain, the community manager at EHG, and Reimerh, a game designer and QA tester at EHG, were done in the Twitch comments during the stream so there won’t be source links for those.

Also, the entirety of this stream is spread across two posts within this thread as it exceeded the 50,000 character limit, so please continue reading beyond this initial post.

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The Master of Summary, the Guru of Transcription.

Nothing can stop him.

Thanks for this!


Great work. Thanks @AndrewTilley

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