Depths of Eterra Update - Beta 0.8.5 Patch Notes

To me that is same story as with Bastion shield. Too common in too many builds. If I see that I know something is wrong. Ok, giving more options instead of nerfing is a better solution but the devs didn’t give any alternatives for Bastion and the RV gloves, did they? They just nerfed the items.


…and in the process just destroyed builds. That will get people to stop playing faster than leaving a moderately over-tuned item in the game.

Players are generally tired of devs who over-react, and harshly nerf anything that hints at needing a bit of tuning. %dmg reduction replaced for a miniscule hp-on-block amt is just a crappy change.

Absolutely. I was so pissed-off when I saw the Bastion nerf in the patchnotes… and they leave BH alone though with its up to 9% leech from all sources on a pretty common unique ! There are ways to nerf more wisely like - make Bleeding heart 2-4% and make it a rare drop. Then it would still be in game and pretty viable.
Same goes for Bastion. The problem with that shield was its huge radius. Make the radius small and leave DR as it was (or slightly reduce it). Voila! now it is an item for melee builds and they need that DR.


I would fully agree with that, tune it more for melee range, instead of the huge radius it has. As it was, it was a huge dmg reduction for ranged, which can also easier manually avoid attacks. Force them into melee range, and now the item also changes playstyle, for the %dmg reduction benefit.


Rayeh’s Light, Faith of the Frozen, Coral Aegis, Flayer’s Pride all give sizeable specific damage reductions to their correlating themes. All offer unique ways to enhance builds in their own right.

None of them are used when it comes to shields of choice because objectively speaking, how can they compete with a shield that gives a 100% block chance radius and general DR that also gives a sizeable flat health and mana increase and added flat melee damage? General DR is king.

When players were upset and quitting over not being able to obtain BoH, when the consensus default choice if your build can use a shield is BoH. Where LE at high end gameplay revolves around surviving rather than DPS, I can see why they made some changes.

Now the question of if they went too far or could have done something else to address it is absolutely fair and the developers I’m sure are keen for feedback.

I’m also one to try out the new BoH and see how it does, but it is still a very good shield. It’s just no longer is the de-facto default option which I think is nice as it gives other options a chance to shine.


Agreed, however as previous posts have said, perhaps it was the lack of gear with equal usefulness that was the problem. I think they could have made the changes more specific to the item type ie… makeing the block area smaller on BoH, then just a giant nerf bat hit. That’s my $.02.

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Then why make it even more rarer? Doesn’t make sense to me

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No idea honestly

I think it would be fine if it were converted to say Elemental Damage reduction rather than general DR. All-around DR is extremely powerful and even if the radius is reduced, most classes have access to movement skills that can close the gap easily enough. You also get into some consistency issues as Nearby is actually a standardized measurement within LE. It’s the border ring around the dummy at the end of time.

Personally I am just wary of any all-around DR with no trade off gear as they have an inherent advantage in my opinion. But that’s just one person’s opinion

I am interested in any information on what happened to zombies and parasites. I can now have 10 zombies instead of 6 (which was working great) and the parasites generated by them are significantly less, therefor generating 90% less ward. Nothing in patch notes about these changes. I dont know if this is a bug or not but yesterday I was soooo happy about not getting nerfed…and today… :frowning:

Ok, done:

Note that Squirrels aren’t in the review because the focus is on the skills, not items. Still, they really don’t change the wolves rating on the scale I’m using. There is one skill that did beat that 3/5 rating though, so I do stand corrected I guess.

Werk it

uh, are you sure you put the keys in the loot list ?
Because 5h of farm maps (not only monoliths)
0 keys obtained.

I’m sure there are some but … where ?

That’s a known bug with the boss drops, it’ll be fixed in 0.8.5b.

ok, thinks :slight_smile:

You can try farm the new arena. zthere are mods that guarantee a dungeon key drop from the boss.

Guess pet AI is still going to be atrocious, rip. Maybe next patch i can play the game


Dear EHG, when will the falconeer, runemaster and falconeer be released?

First, great response post. I do feel a little differently about this one though:

I get what you’re saying but in my opinion it would be better to get the new skills out before 1.0 to find out how they work and polish them up before final release.

Idk man. This looks for me just like an attempt to slow down the acquisition of high level item bases via gambling through RNG drop in Monoliths / unlocking higher dungeon tiers and finding keys in the first place.

Guess mission accomplished. Now additionally to a gold sink there is now a time sink as well.