Depths of Eterra Update - Beta 0.8.5 Patch Notes

This might be a dumb question, but is there a full changelog somewhere?
For example, it seems like the fix for the Beyond Death node in the Dread Shade tree isn’t mentioned anywhere. Maybe I’m just too blind but even with the search function I can’t find it listed in here.
I’m also asking because some people claimed that their characters feel very different now (weaker) even tho nothing should have changed (or just very minimal changes that should not explain the sudden drop in power) according to the patchnotes.

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If it is not listed, then it is unlikely that it changed.

The people complaining about their characters feeling weaker are 90% playing some version of channelled flurry which got fixed/nerfed depending on how you look at it.

Rive new sound is… to be honest what game im playing for real. And the old End of Time song was better trust me.Congrats for the patch but i was expecting more as always


There are a bunch of changes that are undocumented in the patch notes. Just a few that come into my mind from a couple hours of play: area/tileset updates, model/object changes, lighting changes, etc.
So, I do think that there’s a decent chance for undocumented skill/passive/item changes as well.

Well this change is pretty obvious as it was the whole point of the Necrobomber build. :wink:

Then let me rephrase that: I’m also asking because some people that do not play a Flurry build claimed that their characters feel very different now (weaker) even tho nothing should have changed (or just very minimal changes that should not explain the sudden drop in power) according to the patchnotes.


I can say that my wife reported me the same problem, basically after the patch the necro that I build for her as a ward generator (super slow but really hard to kill cause lot of ward) feel basically useless.

After some testing I also see that now there is 10 zombie max?? but also really less parasite as you said, but also dread shade dont work properly, or at least like it was before. now I see that it’s applying really less frequently and I feel to the same target?? basically before the 6 wraiths (look super nice now btw!) get super fast each one of them the shade, now it’s only 3/4 max before they die, so again less ward here.

I hope it’s only bugs and not new hidden/not in patch note working as intented!

It is understandable for graphical updates to not be included in the patch notes. PoE usually just has a line in the patch notes saying something along the lines of “continued to improve graphics etc etc”. After all, if they included the details of every single model, texture etc that has been improved, it would be a very long and bloated patch note.

That being said, I do agree that there has been a lot of feedback about people FEELING that their characters are weaker. However, without something specific like what Volcko said above, it is hard for them to actually investigate the issue.

Some of the feedback seems to be surrounding minions and ward gen etc. I find it hard to believe that they might have left out major changes like that in the patch notes. If it really has changed, I’m more inclined to believe that it might be a bug rather than a stealth change. And if they somehow did leave major changes like that out… Yikes

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You’re correct, it was accidentally omitted. I’ve updated the patch notes:
Dread Shade’s Beyond Death now only raises a single Volatile Zombie (previously used Volatile Zombie skill tree to determine amount of zombies raised)

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i checked and from what i see and when i used the zombie skill when it came out the 30 percent chance on minion death for zombie to be created doesnt come from zombie or parasite death. dont know if this was a old or new change.

yea, big surprise on this one. That is a huge, massive, monumental nerf to miss in patch notes. I totally understand the nerf because the ward I was generating was over 300k…but I wish there was a more playable alternative. This completely wrecked the style of play I was working on simply by making the flow of the characters abilities unlikeable for my playstyle. So the nerfs I totally understand, I just wish my character was able to function in a similar way regardless of ward generation. It was a blast to play. Now theres just tears in my beers. Back to the drawing board…

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I’ve uninstalled the game and haven’t played the patch, don’t tell me it’s somehow worse than before lmao…

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Yet you still troll the forums for some reason?


Not playing the game currently and commenting equates to trolling? Must’ve not been on forums very much nor very bright.

I’ve always been positive with LE except when it comes to the supposed visual and SFX updates which to me are always half assed. Hence me asking if they’ve done it once again.

But yeah no, “still” trolling.

i don’t think you even read what he said