Death's Embrace | Creator Unique Reveal | Coming in Patch 0.8.4!

I should have explained this in text form here, I did it on my reveal on stream.

Yes the affix is changing.

So even the “regular” affix that is currently avaialble on 2H Melee Weapons “Less damage taken from crits” will change into “less bonus damage taken from crits”


I was more imagining it for a low life ward build, myself. Much easier to negate the drawback that way.

Yes, that’s what I figured out after!

Is this how all Ardent Creator supporters do it?

Serious question.

I mean, do they all just build extremely powerful items this way, especially and for their favorite abilities?


Serious Answer:

Obviously I cannot comment on what other people want to do or have done in the past.

But for my item in particular I will give you some key points:

  • Yes it is extremely powerful, but also very rare. Power can be balanced by drop rate, because there are uniques that are meant for different purposes.
  • It is not superior in every way to a rare or exalted item. You are missing out on a defensive suffix and you take more damage from crits, compared to a T5 “less bonus damage taken from crits”
  • There is a very high opportunity cost to use this item effectively, you need to sacrifice a relic slot or a prefix on the chest, both of which are insanely powerful for harvest or multiple mana regen prefix slots.

Obviously balancing will always be a thing and if it turns out, that this is beyond broken I am more than happy to see EHG adjusting the Item accordingly, but I would rather have the downside being adjust (make it even worse), than the offensive power.

Because I think LE does need these type of powerhouse uniques currently. To make loot exciting again.

Also a serious question:
If you want to question my integrity with this I have no issue with that, but would you think EHG will release “overpowered” items intentionally for Ardent Creator Supporters?

That’s rough.


Plus 1 heart for serenity.

Yes, besides the new Exalted system and possibly Legendarys, hopefully many new Uniques and whatnot, that fits halfway.

But I couldn’t help but ask this nice rhetorical question, after all you’re one of the few I’ve read VERY OFTEN which ability is his favorite.

Honestly, to one half I understand your approach completely.
With the other half I would just like to see that someone thinks up items which would benefit many classes and ways of playing [possibly new and/or additional mechanics, etc.]. For more experienced players, I’d like to see that happen much more.

Either way, by the end of this age, it’s going to fit well.

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This is yours?


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Is antique, an ancient heirloom from Odin’s nursery. :+1:

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By the way, this is the question. In connection with the change in weapons, will unique weapons based on them be reworked or will there simply be a transfer of suffixes?

Yes, if base weapon types change, Uniques will get adapted to it.

Not much difference from rolled correctly T6 T7 bone scythe

Now if only they revamp Harvest skill itself, to have more increase damage, deal more hit damage nodes, the item will actually be useful.

The consume hp part to deal more damage also sounds like suicide pass 300 corruption, especially if melee “reaper build” takes Hollow Lich passive. But if you sacrifice hollow passive, the net increase will take a hit.

Only thing is you would want a rare chest with mana gain on Harvest mod to offset that mana cost so no Exsanguinous.

Its a pretty cool unique and Harvest AoE should be really fun every 3 hits. Only issue with it I can see is the cost being variable as that means low rolls could be practically useless.

There’s the unique relic as well that gives 4-6 mana on Harvest, since the mana cost is every 3 Harvests using the relic would give 12-18 mana over that period, plus your natural mana regen would help. Though using a unique relic does lock you out of +harvest and +bone curse. But it would be sufficient to cover the mana cost.

I am incredibly humbled, by how much (positive) discussion this Item already caused over the last 2 days, since the reveal.

I received so much positive feedback already on stream, on discord and here on the forums.
Even some other streamers and content creators already shared and discussed it.

I never ever would have thought, that this will be the case and I want to thank you all!


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Nvm I realised that ur right it wouldn’t cost on the first and second hits so you probably would rely on those to get the mana back so t4 roll on chest should be enough to beat worst rolls.

Another Idea I had was what if Grim harvest also generated the cost as ward.

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Aww, man. I was going to critique this item and then you go and create this warm, fuzzy, happy message. Now I’m going to feel bad (but it won’t stop me from critiquing the item, heheh).

When I see this Unique, I don’t see any fun interactions with the rest of the Harvest Tree. Like others have said, I see it as a stepping stone to compliment, but not wholly replace, a standard rare/exalted Axe. That means if someone already has a really great weapon drop, the Unique sadly becomes selling fodder.

There are already nodes present that allow Harvest to have a Health Cost (Iron Mouths) and a Mana Cost (Wraith Skin). If I were designing this Unique, I would have went the direction of “If Harvest currently has a Health Cost, grant 200% more melee damage for a cost of X% of your current Health. If Harvest currently has a Mana cost, grant 100% increased area.” That way, it would be a BiS slot item if you choose to give the move a Health and Mana cost. It would still be somewhat useful even if you don’t want to spec it that way, but would be more likely to be supplanted by a well-rolled rare.

I have a hard time seeing Wraith Skin being used now, since I don’t see Harvest having any cooldown nodes, and using all of your mana every time you use a move you should be using as much as possible is a hard pass.

I see this Unique being used with the Skull Shards node, as “Harrowing Claim” is used every 3 hits and Skull Shards are used up every 6 hits. For the “minions gain more damage” part of that node, is that a standard 4 seconds? LastEpochTools doesn’t mention a length of time that the minions get more damage, and I didn’t notice any particular DPS increase when I tried to use Harvest as a minion buff tool.

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To be fair, there are ways round that that I mentioned above, plus Wraith Skin would generate more ward for you. I guess it depends what else you’d spend that mana on. I feel that it may not be as bad as you think it will be.

Nah, that is perfectly fine, I already did receive some critique or people saying “I would have done it differently”

I am very happy to discuss different perspectives.

I think the Problem here is, that Harvest’s Skill Specc Tree in General doesn’t have any thing “interesting”. I already did a post a while back with some more suggestions how to make Harvest more modern and compelling.

Now the question is: Is that a good or a bad thing? :stuck_out_tongue:

I intentionally wanted this Item to be not superior in every way, because I hate when Uniques are BiS (literally).
Even if you personally value the defensive traits of a very well crafted item more, seeing my unique dropped on the ground still might make you “look at it” and see how the rolls are (because the rolls are intentionally very wide)

That is a very interesting standpoint.
I personally always saw “Wraith Skin” as a Minion Node, since it works very well together if Harvest is not your main dps skill (like being a Summoner and in conjunction with “Undead Veins”)

While this might be something that is good for big per hit damage, the “Skull Shards” Node itself is not particular strong, effectively it’s a 10% more multiplier/point, which is good, but not amazing.

Anyway, I highly appreciate any feedback in discussion, so thank you for taking the time to post your opinion. It means a lot to me!

Took me 30s to go from “oh, Heavy’s gonna like this one” to “oh wait, he kinda… Allready knows.”

Nice weapon, seems balanced !


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