Dear Last Epoch

Hence the “up to”…

I know, but what I meant is that the clear can actually be slower. Even if it deals more damage. In archetype terms, it would be a boss killer, rather than a mapper.


the way fred works is it shoots a cone of 5 projectiles, they dont pierce, but have travel time and like all the solo minion builds, the minion has insane cast speed. more then the other builds if you have +levels cause you can get 20% more cast speed inside skelemage.

So the skeleton will fire like 3-4 times before the first projectiles reach a monster, so the first pack of monsters dies, and there is still projectiles flying out past. Where as the wraithlord sorta just sits there and blasts 3 enemies per cast. its basically hard limited as its number of targets is always 3 x cps. it does not have aoe/projectiles.

So in theory solo archmage can hit way more targets in dense areas. but it falls off much faster so sacrificing a very small amount of clear speed for wraithlord is a no brainer.

like I would hazard to say abom can match wraithlord in dps, and against single target might even be able to surpass it given the right set up. But the wraithlord clears way fast then abom soooo again its not worth all the trouble of running abom when you can just run wraithlord. getting good enough damage and better clear.

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Yeah, this is the reason why i stopped playing the game months ago. I still come now and then to the forum to see whats going on, and all i see is that the game is still not finished and still not ready.

Sometime i regret to support them in 2021. They promised us that they will release the game when it will be ready, but that was clearly a lie.

I stooped playing the game when i was getting one-shoted from normal mobs that were 20+ levels below me, and constant DC’s. They are exactly the same as anyone else. As it now stands i would rather spend 120$ on a skin in Diablo 4 then play Last Epoch

This is where my friends and I stand. We don’t play early access games (with very very few exceptions.) We’ll buy it when it’s finished. So we didn’t even jump into LE until it released and even then we only got a few weeks out of it. It was a fun few weeks, worth the price I thought, but I agree there’s still lots to do.

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