Dear Last Epoch

In my opinion, you made a major error.

There were no challenges or achievements in the game. It gave me nothing to strive towards.

The Mid-Cycle Nerf compounded the error.
I thought about trying another character but I was not willing to risk it being nerfed. I also had nothing else to achieve so I had no reason to continue playing.

Like them or hate them (GGG), very rarely do they nerf builds. I do not like Necropolis but I am still playing. Even though there were some content nerfs, I kept playing.

I hope you will introduce challenges/achievements in the upcoming cycle.
I also hope you will reconsider nerfing builds once a cycle has started.


Bug fixing isnt the same as nerfing builds.

Bugs where fixed they didnt nerf them


To further the point @oldschooldiablo made, GGG have made mid-season nerfs when a bug strongly affected a build, like the immortal negative res build in Scourge.
To emphasize, bug fixing isn’t nerfing.

As for achievements, it’s on EHG’s todo list, there have just been more important things to implement first.
PoE didn’t have achievements at first either.


Having nothing to strive for in a game unless there’s a pop-up to pat you on the head and/or a progress bar to fill up by doing arbitrary tasks is a such weird take.

Can you not just play a game because you enjoy it? lol.


Sorry, I should have been more specific.

Please do not fix bugs mid-cycle that lead to builds being nerfed. I hope that clarifies my original post.

If you had read my post, you would see that I clearly said “rarely”. As you mentioned some that were cleaned up, allow me to do the same. I played an explody totem build for an entire league. I am playing the Holy Relic build right now. I think it will get nerfed next league. As I also said in my original post, this league had content nerf but I am still playing because I wanted to get the challenges.

There is a difference between Challenges & Achievements. I should have been more clear. My bad. Allow me to be clear.

Challenges for leagues started with the Onslaught/Anarchy League. As far as I can see there have been challenges since the first league.

I refer to my profile where it shows challenges. I am sure you can look at yours too,

I got 0 as I was not playing at that time. I have been playing for almost 10 years.

Achievements from what I was able to find were available from the release. Please correct me if I am wrong.

[Path of Exile Achievements - Steam Hunters]

While I realize/agree they might have things that take priority, I would like to think this (hopefully) is not a painful addition. I also think it would be well-received & bring more players to the game. But that’s my 2 cents.

I do enjoy the game. This is where we differ.

There are multiple levels of enjoyment.

Some want to kill everything before the first weekend. To them, that is fun.
Some want to make endless $. To them, that is fun.
Some, as you eloquently put it, want to get a pat on the head, I guess I fall into this category or to be more accurate, as I said in my original post, I enjoy having something to strive for.
Some want to enjoy the game. I am not sure if that is where you fall or if you just wanted to respond to my post.

Either way, I am just trying to offer some advice from my almost 10 years of playing PoE & some 20 years of gaming.

I did not want to install D4 again lol and quite honestly, I was hoping to move from PoE as I have played it for almost 10 years.

But from the responses I have seen, I doubt I will ever start a post again giving suggestions.

The worst thing that can happen to any business is when people stop providing feedback. They usually, very quietly, leave.

Gonna have to disagree with this. I just don’t get on with sandbox games particularly well as they are too unstructured for me in the most part. So while I don’t think the lack of achievements/etc is a “major mistake”, I do agree that it’ll be nice when they’re done. Plus I know that the devs want to add them they’re just not right at the top of their to do list, as they shouldn’t be.


Well, so far EHG only did it once, so in absolute terms, they’re still ahead. :laughing:
Anyway, EHG initially said no mid-cycle nerfs. But with the poll the community clearly stated that broken OP builds due to bugs should be fixed ASAP. So it’s not really on them.

I know what you mean. Yes, seasonal goals are something some people want, some don’t. For now legacy and cycle have the exact same content. Since there’s no cycle-exclusive mechanics or uniques or whatever, a seasonal goal makes less sense for now.
But I’m pretty sure it will come eventually.

It seems you are correct. I was under the impression they came later. Probably because I initially used their client. Steam achievements tend to stand out more. Also because I personally don’t really care about achievements much.
But either way, I stand corrected, they were available at launch.

I agree with the last part, but not the first one. There are many many things in the TODO list. Most would be well-received and bring players to the game. Implementing achievements/seasonal goals would require quite a lot of time and testing.
Anyway, I’m pretty sure it’s either being worked on by part of the team and will be released when ready, or at the very least, it’s in their own roadmap for whenever they can.

I agree with you. I have tried going back to D4 this weekend, since it seems that minions are finally viable, but I just couldn’t get into it because of the open world. It makes my gameplay feel aimless.
Even though they have seasonal goals and I started kinda trying to do them, as well as the seasonal quest, the sandbox-type gameplay puts me off. I stopped at level 30-ish and can’t really find it in me to return.

I am sorry to inform you, but you finding this is a “weird take” makes your take on this more weird then OP’s statement :stuck_out_tongue:

You personally not liking them or feeling to need them is fine, but then you are in the minority

Having achivements or milestones that you unlock gives you a feeling of “progress” after playing for a set amount of time. Especially during phases of your character progression where you might not get anything noteworthy in terms of gear upgrades, or level ups etc, these kind of things can still give you a sense of progression.

D3, D4 and PoE do this very well and I really hope LE will catch up with that.


However, it is also probably easier to implement and faster to test than an evade system, and I believe it would bring a lot more players to the game, and keep them on longer.
As said, it is a matter of priorities. On this topic, I strongly disagree with EHG’s choice of priorities, and I think at least a few achievements should have been added for 1.0, or added as fast as possible now this ship has sailed.

I see achievements the same way as chat rooms: hiding behind the argument that “we want something more than just a generic system”, we end up getting nothing, and that’s a real shame. Something simple would be better than nothing at all, and can be improved and build on later on.

I do not see Diablo 4 as a sandbox game, at all.
To me open-world and sandbox are two different things, one of the key differences being the importance given to building stuff (there are other differences).
But that’s just my definition I suppose.

Once more, Heavy says it all better than I ever could have!
Achievements are not the main reason to play the game, but because they bring this sense of progression, they are a huge boost to players retention.


Where I fall is that it’s weird to need so badly for a game to give you a sense of accomplishment that you lose all sense of “striving for” anything in playing a one just because you don’t have a checklist the devs came up with to tell you what to strive for, and that you’ve successfully striven for it.

And if true, I think that would also be weird. There was a time before formal achievements when you just… played a game because you liked playing it. And then when you got your enjoyment out of it, you moved on and played another game. If there was anything Meta that you “strived for” it was self generated. And I think it’s weird that achievements are just this expectation/demand level game feature now even though they’re not actually fun - even for the people who like chasing them.

If the only/major thing keeping someone playing after a set amount of time is “a feeling of progress” stemming from an arbitrary list of gopher tasks, that sounds to me like they aren’t enjoying the game anymore. To wit:

In other words, they keep people playing the game long after they have otherwise stopped enjoying the actual game.

Gaming as a whole and what players expect and want from games has changes and evolved.
Games get bigger, better, more features, more things. And it becomes the norm.
I agree that a very solid foundation of a game that is simply fun to play is essential for a good game.
But that doesn’t mean more things on top of that are not a good thing.
These things can extend the longjevity and enjoyment individual people can get out of the game by a lot.

Enjoymnt of a game coems from a plethora of different things.

A lot of these things are compounding and achievements are one of many aspects.

I also think it is important to differentiate between overall game achievments and season/league/cycle challenges.

The latter ones I personally really really enjoy and they give me a “path” through the game and for new players they can act as some “soft tutorial/guidance”.

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I can understand and respect the point of view.
But it is not what I feel, achievements are not by themselves a reason to play a game I don’t enjoy, they add to the general enjoyment all through the journey.
Having a target, something to do, gets me more involved in the game than just repeating the same thing again and again for no reason other than raising a number. It can be another level to reach, one more item to find, one last boss to kill, or one more achievement to get. It is all similar really, it works together to bring the enjoyment. Goals.

Just another layer of content.
A secondary one, that’s for sure, not a deal breaker at all, but still one more layer. And I think it is so easy to implement (compared to other mechanics and features), and standard in such a vast majority of games nowadays, I really struggle to understand why it hasn’t been done yet.

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At no point have I argued that achievements are bad and should not be added to the game.

Longevity, yes, which is the point of achievements in the first place - they keep some players playing a game longer than they would if they had stopped playing when they stopped enjoying the actual game.

Yes it does. But achievements are not gameplay, and…

Yes, that is exactly my point - If, as OP expressed, you don’t get a sense of enjoyment/accomplishment/“striving for something” or don’t have a reason to continue playing without a codified achievements bar to fill up, you do not actually enjoy the game. And that’s OK.

I have friends who are achievement junkies and it makes me endlessly sad for them that they feel compelled to keep playing games they are not having fun with anymore just to hit 100% achievements. I think more people need to be presented with the idea that it’s OK to stop playing a game when you stop having fun playing the game. Chasing achievements as a sole motivator to keep playing, it isn’t the game you’re enjoying anymore. It’s just being psychologically manipulated.

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no, that is still a nerf if it lowers the damage of a build.

It doesn’t matter if it is a “bug” or a “feature”, it is still a nerf

It IS on them, for making a poll in the first place.

I’ve been stuck in this childlike mindset that I just want to have fun while it lasts.

But I do recognize that there are people who like farming achievements. The only reason I ever go after achievements by intent is if they unlock something in the game, like a new character, game mode, etc.

Yes it actually does matter. A bug is a bug thats it.

When ur fixing bugs ur not nerfing. Ur bug fixing

Fixing bugs isnt the same as nerfing these are different things

Hopefully this helps u understand bug fixing vs nerfing

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There have been so little bugs that actualy made games better that this statement alone is one of the worst takes I’ve heared in a long while. Stopped reading there that’s to silly for my taste.