Curious to see what ideas everyone has for launch for their characters

Yeah I will do my 2nd Creator Unique for Warlock as well. I already have some ideas but after playing with it a bit more the idea will probably get fleshed out a bit more.

Do you know that one of the Sets does support this playstyle fairly well?

Don’t want to spoil to much, in case you want to discover it on your own, but definitely keep an eye out for those items.

When I was comin’ up with my fire dot pally idea I noted in the original post, I was thinkin’ about FOrge Guard fire dot minion stuff, mainly focusing the Ring of SHields and just being overly tanky. Might still be a fun option

I’ll probably play Warlock or Warlock/Necro hybrid utilizing the new passives in Warlock that give damage to minions. Poison with minions maybe.

I’ll make a Javelin Smite proc Palading as well but that requires some idol farming so that won’t be my starter.

Does the Jav-Smite req idol farming? It’s not worth without the idols or is it just a nice thing to have?

Jav can’t proc Smite by default but there’s an idol that gives throwing attacks 4-9% chance to proc Smite. You need at least 2 high rolled ones but it starts to feel good with 3 and works properly with 4.

Oh okok. I was thinking Jav > Battle Standard casting Smite. I see what you mean now.

No idea yet. I just know that these are the criteria I’m running with:

  • I love the aesthetic of “debuff/curse” support characters over the “DPS NUKE” concept
  • I find Necro Curses in D2 and Curse in PoE awesome design-wise, but most curses in Last Epoch involve some amount of damage-dealing.
  • I like the “Haunting/Spirit” aesthetic more than “Skeleton/Zombie/Demon”
  • I love unorthodox hipster trash concepts (i.e: zDPS Witch Doctor in D3, Poison Dagger Necro in D2, stacking aura-curses in PoE)

Not sure what this implies in terms of design for LE, but I’m sure I’ll come up with some ideas; the easiest thing to implement (I think?) would be something like a non-damaging debuff that slowly increases in intensity as more debuffs are stacked underneath it, and releases once a certain threshold is met. They’ve already got a lot of that worked into Warlock it seems, but removing the damaging component entirely prior to the finale seems like a fun challenge: deal 0 damage until you’ve stacked the debuffs, etc.

Or something like WoW Warlock’s “Soul Swap” skill where a monster dying with effects on it gives you a buff that contains the effects it had on it, then you can unleash that on the next victim, etc, instead of auto-spreading to adjacent things.

I don’t know. Just spitballing :slight_smile:

Could you make it actually viable/useful this time? Sorry, but…

You might want to rethink that.

Then 2h melee Rogue is here for you! We can only hope that Orobys, in it’s infinite mercy has been kind to it in the intervening years & it gets a buff with Falconer.

LMAO. Yea I probably will. I think it’s Dot Node is cool for damage though, if I could find the minion damage on gear, and gear only bc the passive trees have none of it, to make it viable.

That is actually funny, because before I released it I thought that nobody will use it anyway.

But quite the opposite, quite a few people use it and talk about it. Relatively speaking at least for a skill that is very unpopular.

The viable/usefulness is actually quite high, you just need to like the skill. It is almost too high considering it is that rare and very hard to legendary craft.

It is just competed by very well crafted exalted Odachi (or Trident)

I know it’s not saying much, but there are 2 builds using it on LETools.

Edit: Though the most frequently used main hand is the Mad Alchemist’s Ladle with a whopping 2.3% of builds. Maybe just not make it a weapon? That might help.

And that is because of the Item or because of the Skill? :upside_down_face:

Probably both. Having a very rare to find unique that affects an unloved skill is likely to mean that it’s unlikely to be used.

But unique weapons seem to be less well represented in general.

And that is ok, I never wanted it to be used everywhere.

Quite the opposite, I would hated it, if every Harvest Build would use it. I despise BiS Items.

In which case it’s a phenomenal success because it’s not used anywhere. But apparently there are 2% of builds using Harvest, so 1 in 10 use that unique.

But in general, I just don’t get the point of creating uniques that don’t get used. They don’t need to be BiS (& you’ve just said, it isn’t), but if I were making uniques I’d want them to be used not just languishing in someone’s stash (or vendored).

I have not looked at all the builds, but I would assume there are a lot of Minion and Ailment/DoT Harvest builds in this as well, where the Unique doesn’t make any sense.

If you only take the Hit/Crit Harvest Builds my best guess would be something like 30-50% using it, dunno.

I didn’t know this item existed until a few days ago, I saw you talking about it. I might try it out, if only to prove to Llama that people want to use it. I got you, man.


My first out the gate is extremely likely to be a multi-DoT Warlock, probably witchfire-oriented. In the long run I’d like to get some kind of poison build with minions going on another 'lock, not sure how I feel about the bleed side.

If I was gonna run warlock, it’d be acid skin stacker crit blastin’ spam projectiles for sure. But DoT is heavily, heavily supported in Warlock so. Get 'em tiger.