Hi everyone, it’s me again and again. Since no one seems to be motivated to create a real guide (another post) which explains all the mechanics of the game. I would not hesitate to spam the questions.
The subject tightened the critical chance.
Already the basic calculation does not always seem logical and clear to me.
What I do know is that the “+ X%” are flat increases. Calculate basic you have 5% of basic crit add 5% gives 10%. So far I agree no problem.
My problem is the multiplicatives, or at least the cumulative multiplicative which makes me want to explode the game.
Example I have 5% critical base (0 flat) I get 20% critical so it gives 1% more so 6%
But when I add 50% it seems to recalculate them on the basis of 5% and not the total which is now 6%. Finally it is the impression that I have, at the end I have X% everywhere on my stuff in my passive ext I do not exceed 30% of crit chance. There is a bit of abuse.
Whereas on a basis of 5% + 5% flat + some multiplicative one is quickly at 100% of chance.
So basically a weapon without crit is equal to impossible to play crit. It’s a bit sad.
After that, I may be mistaken in the idea that it is a discussion and not a criticism because the calculations are always complex.
Then there is another point on how to calculate the critical chance of a melee spell.
In fact the critical base of the spell is to calculate how it is additional to the critical base then are added the multiplicative … I understand that dal.
Let’s say I take a melee type X spell. In these passives I add + 10% of critical base (of the spell). These 10% is added or multiplied or in the calculated according to your critical melee of your character?
Let’s take a simple example, I have 10% base critical on my melee spell and 30% critical melee chance on my character (5% base + various multiplicative). What are my chances of criticism and how is it calculated?
Same I allow myself the question on the Critical strike multiplier of a spell. If my spell has + 150% Critical strike multiplier, and my base character has 300% what is it?
450% in the logic?