Crash at random intervals on Steam

error.log (39.6 KB) Player.log (1.4 MB) Player.log (1.4 MB)

I have a 7 more like this. I have no idea why it’s happening. Really setting me back with Echoes :frowning:

Hey, Welcome to the forum…

You dont provide much system info /settings you are using with the logs but LE is has performance issue if you try to run at higher settings… if you push LE, then it tends to get very unstable.

Can you try and set your resolution to 1080p, 60fps frame limited and set all graphics settings to very low…

Test this and see if the game is more stable for you…

Any more info ?

Yes… not as easy as a DxDiag file but it gives the info… :wink:

Lots of people are having crashes when trying to run at anything higher than medium/low graphic settings… Also, you are running at 2560x1440 with 154fps on high - with your system spec, this is likely to be unstable. There are people using 2070s that cannot get 120fps at that resolution without constant crashing.

Did you try my suggestion re running it : set your resolution to 1080p, 60fps frame limited and set all graphics settings to very low…?

If this is stable, then increase the resolution… once you have it at a resolution you like then increase the frame limiting - dont go above 120 tho. Frame limiting is important to stop LE maxing out the GPU - which it can do easily if left unlimited and then it crashes.

If its still stable, then increase the graphics setting a little… BUT i do not recommend going above low/medium… and leave things like anti-aliasing off.

Once the devs get around to fixing the performance issues, then we can all try better quality settings but for now its not worth the hassle.

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