Crafting Changes We're Exploring

funnily enough my friend got me into playing chronicon after i bought it months ago, got a character to 100 and started filling out its endgame gear and well the crafting system there is so user friendly it’s insane. while not as open ended as last epoch the possible affixes are laid bare as to what you can roll, and augmenting them locks them in from being rerolled, it’s also incredibly easy to cap them out and all it ever costs is money and materials; both of which come in ample supply late game.

Granted the two are very different games, but yeah the crafting system there is practically painless in comparison

I’ve just logged in, gambled a bit, found a base I want to craft on to replace a unique helmet with some stats I want. Blue base, two useful affixes, I have shards to keep crafting on it. Using reduced instability on each craft early on, bricked at 82%.

Logged off 20k gold poorer, no item, and wholly unsatisfied. Got more fun games to play on a Sunday than that. I don’t actually see myself playing this in the medium or long term if fracturing remains a feature of the crafting system.


I feel in a similar way. A game should feel like a game, not a vocation and, unfortunately, some developers have turned good ideas into grindfests for a small percentage of die-hard fans. The most “fracturing” I can accept is one that makes further crafting more expensive, like needing multiples of the same glyph to proceed further.

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Actually it ISN’T easy to cap items in chronicon, you can white cap items easy, but yellow cap involves ancient enchanter - and echoes take a long time to farm even at max difficulty.

Of all the coming updates, crafting changes are the most important (imho).

The single most annoying thing for me in this game is spending hours grinding for suitable late game gear on which to craft only to have a potentially good item fracture at 91% and total of 5 instability. ok… deep breath, lets try the next one… 2 affixs… boom, 90% fracture again. 8 instability total.

Seriously… I am all for taking a chance gambling a roll but ffs. I am not saying that I am unable to eventually get something decent, but it really turns the game into a chore when 1) its incredibly hard to find useful late game drops and 2) crafting is a surefire way of making sure the last few hours of grinding was worth f all…

Sry… irritated… great game but am getting frustrated…

The thing that irks me is the fact that there are insanely low drop affixes as well.

I’ve been on the hun for Splitering (pet reflect) for what feels like ages, I’ve yet to get one drop.

Once I receive a handful after who knows how many hours… what if my item which finally is worth rolling bricks on me?

This is enough for a rage quit for some.

Is it a game breaking stat? No, it goes on two items… but is it quite powerful and useful? Absolutely and to work hard for these things to drop to be unlucky and stare at 10-20 hours of gameplay to try again is daunting.

Drop rate etc are problably a different topic of discussion indirectly related to crafting, but yes, I agree with you…

I had the same problem with the Mana on Vengence “of Attenuation” affix… I understand its a very powerful affix and should be hard to get. But I eventually just changed builds because it was so hard to get and then when you find it, you try and use the 3 affixes you have after 200h of play only to have the single item craft fracture and waste it all…

So… everythings related in some way or another - especially for higher level chars & gear - that LE really does need to do something… I really have no problem grinding away at a game to get what I need and have done so (grief I have over 200h in the latest beta of LE alone), but the combination of issues right now are compounding my general frustration levels when all I want to do is have some fun for a while and know that my time is not going to be wasted.

If rare affixes exists then there has to be ways to invest in protecting the affix. It really is unrealistic to expect people to farm godly amounts of hours all for it to evaporate. The frustration is understandable but we do need to keep in mind it’s beta and these are the things we need to find and speak out about. It’s good that it got brought up.

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Vaal orb says hi.

Just because it exists doesn’t mean it should be realistic :neutral_face:

And this is from someone whose first game was Lineage 1. If there ever was a game that took evaporation to its finest…

I agree, I personally don’t like the “worst” two fracture types & I’d be happy to see them go away (then if a craft fails, you’d be left with what you started with).

The problem with that then is stability is almost a meaningless stat. People would just craft until it fractured. I have several pieces of gear that aren’t fractured yet but I don’t want to upgrade anymore because damaging fracture is up to 12-16%. When I get a suitable replacement piece, I may slam another tier of affix on and hope it works.

It’s not meaningless. If I’m stopped at T15 I’m not going to be able to improve it further. I’ll have to find another base with the affixes I want and craft again. Removing damaging fractures is a stop gap measure for a lot of us. Fractures just really needs an overhaul.

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You completely missed my point. People don’t always go until fracture now because of damaging. If damaging was removed, people would just keep going until it fractured EVERY TIME.

Maybe it isn’t that different in the long run, but removing damaging still makes STABILITY a pointless stat.

Yeah. But fracture is a result of instability. You have the same chances of fracture as before. Nothing changes. Only the “lose item tiers” would be gone.

I see that some people would then be brave enough to do another crafting attempt because they don’t need to fear that the item becomes useless.

But for the already brave people nothing changes.

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Maybe that is why there is so much complaining? People just keep hitting craft until it breaks. The only option for success is T20. That is a silly, wasteful method and shouldn’t be used to judge the worth of the crafting system.

What other goal should there be besides getting the highest tier affixes on an item?

Don’t misunderstand me. I’m not saying everything is fine with crafting. I just responded to your statement that you think instability is a pointless stat if you just take out damaging and destructive fractures.

That is the goal, but there should be some cost/benefit analysis on whether you should slam that upgrade. Part of that should be if you have an alternate item to use. People on here keep complaining about bricking their items when they have no alternative item to equip. That is a failure on their part, not the system.


No, you missed my point. I understand your point completely. You are judging whether fractures are of some use or pointless by the ability of fractures to stop people from attempting a craft. Which is just really asinine. I’m saying it’s not pointless because even without damaging fractures it would still halt progress because you can no longer attempt an upgrade. Whether you get a minor fracture or damaging fracture you still need to find another item to craft because of the failure. There’s nothing wrong with going for it EVERY TIME and if you think so then I’m just going to have to disagree with you. Don’t judge my ability to read and understand your point just because I don’t agree with your premise. Stability has a point even without damaging fractures: instability has a chance to lead to a fracture, which leads to any progress on the item to halt as well. By its very definition, there is a “point” to the instability whether you agree with it or not. Don’t confuse opinion with facts and try to push your opinion as fact.

And moving on to your other points: you’re right that the current cost benefit analysis should factor in whether you have a back up. That’s not in dispute. We all have experience with the crafting system so please don’t treat us as if we are newbies at this. The whole point of the feedback is that the basis for that cost benefit analysis is not a good experience. The very basic foundation of losing an item is not a good experience. The very foundation of every progress being halted is not a good experience. There are ways to slow gear progression and keep the loot cycle going without implementing a bad (opinion!) feature. Feedback was given and suggestions were given with the opinion that it’s not a fun/good experience from our point of view. Now if you like the current system then that’s your feedback. Not trying to take anything away from that. All I’m asking is not to get carried away and act like we’re completely wrong because we don’t agree with your opinion.


Sure, and you can go bet on sports games and get mad when you lose at that too because you feel like just slamming the craft button until you can’t anymore is the most efficient way to go about it.

Everyone would also be happier if there was no crafting system at all to “feel bad” about when they fail at it because they didn’t properly calculate risk.

If they get rid of damaging and destructive fractures, they should also get rid of shattering items for affixes.

Any artificial progression filter in any game ever is arbitrary. You can call it “asinine” all you want, but that is your opinion. Some people don’t find the fracture system as stupid or foolish. It is good to have limits in the game or the game quickly becomes boring. Having more choices adds meaning to the game. If there are no choices, the game can be played on autopilot.