Look, i won’t say that Last Epoch doesn’t need any kind of Tweaks & Polishing in regard of Crafting, Itemization and stuff. I mean for this exact reason they even created this topic for the upcoming changes to begin with, because they know it’s still not onspot. However in regard of “scrapping” Shattered Arguments and stuff, i’ve to point out:
This isn’t an MMORG, this isn’t an Crafter Game or a traditional RPG. We’re talking about a ARPG or specific talking: Hack’N’slay. This Genre started out for existing with one of it’s biggest major core-experiences, the loothunting. unlike MMORPGs and Stuff where you have like 100 different Items, which you mostly even can farm specifically for, and Crafting can be a huge way to enhance it even more, this is a Game where majority of it’s fans love it for wasting hundreds of hours to get ton of loot. Heck the very reason why we get lootfilters is because the amount of loot. And in general for Hack’N’Slay majority of the loot you pick up ends as trash (either because they aren’t good items to begin with or simply doesn’t fit your build). And look at majority of ARPG’s which offers Crafting, it’s only a small side-feature than a huge part of it, simply because it don’t want to shift the focus of people running around and trashing monster to get new neat loot to a crafting simulator, and i’d argue the same goes for most HnS Players as well.
And that’s where Last Epoch Crafting comes in. From all the HnS which i ever played, i’d argue this is one of the most potent Crafting-System which i’ve ever seen. It’s not “craft an item based on recipe” or “enhance it with a few gems and runes” where you have limited slots and only a few variation of gems / runes. You can freaking enchant weapons with affixes. That extremly op, and if you look at the very first hours of the game, where shattering is almost non-existent, it kinda shows how strong this whole concept ist. For my Characters i hardly swap out Items at this stage because the crafted gear is way better than almost anything you pick up, which gives you even more useless items than even before. Not to mention that if you might pick up a potent base-item, especially right after you’ve put into your thoughts and work into crafting and have made a pretty strong item, you might be frustratet over the fact that you wasted 5 minutes before a lot of enchants on an item only to get a bit better base item afterwards. I quite often decide against swaping this items out, because of that (which makes even more items useless) due especially while you level, you get better gear a few level laters anyway. And tbh that’s the issue.
For Last Epoch it still works, because we’re talking about the first few hours with low-tier items where you don’t have any much issue with fracture and stuff anyway, (but it’s a good way too see how f*** up crafting would be if they scrap it) but as you push forward it balances itself out. And that’s thanks to Fracture due it’s a vital part to keep them of shifting from a HnS with loothunting to a enhance-crafting simulator. If they do that, they can scrap 99% of the Items anyway and only offer base-items from now on, because it will makes the hunt for loot no fun anymore and basically useless. That’s why crafting like this needs a limit or better say, a Risk vs Reward concept, because than it becomes a additional way for min-maxing and progress(if you unlucky), which enhance the experience, but not completly replace hunting for loot with such an potent crafting concept. (Not to mention how the market will look once they added it in).
It’s great that they look into it, and tweak it, maybe the punishment was too hard so far, and i agree if there is a chance to fail, there also should be a chance to have a critical success. I also like the idea which people put out that a critical success should lower the stability, because that would also iron out the experience more without f*** over risk & reward. But there needs a chance to fail and a punishment for that, especially that you can’t craft on said item anymore. Otherwise it will shift the focus from loothunting to crafting, and while i still “love” crafting in this game, it’s also mostly thanks to the fact that i can fail and might need to hunt for fresh gear. It’s a risk which i willingly take to min-max my items. But if they would scrap that completly i will be most likely the one of the first many people who uninstall the game because i bought a hack’n’slay, not a mmo or crafting simulator.