Crafting Changes coming to Eternal Legends Update (0.8.4)

Items from before 0.8.4 that were fractured or had very high instability will have 0 forging potential.


Mirror tier items are now gonna be a thing.

Also the chaos scroll is not that good because there are too many affixes that it may roll, maybe if it also reduced the cost a little.

You can mirror an item ONCE.

not 100 times like in POE.

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Still it is close enough to be used only for the HIGHEST value items

Well the highest value items will be legendaries and those can most likley not be crafted in the forge … :wink:

no, highest value will be near perfect forged items

The only ailment that’s tied to an element is freeze, which requires a skill with the cold tag (& therefore base freeze rate) to be able to be applied. Every other ailment can be applied by any skill with any damage element tag. So that argument is just plain wrong (unless I’m misunderstanding what you’re saying).

They could & there are a couple of mobs that do have this, one of the scorpions takes less physical damage, but even that doesn’t have a particularly bit impact, since it’ll take 3 hits to kill rather than 2.

Agreed, which is why I said that you’d keep the skill graphical effects. Or at least I said that in a chat with Heavy…

True, but they could just inflate the numbers so you’d still get “35% resist” but need (75% x 7) 525"%" to have as much effect as resists do at the moment. There would be no mechanical/numerical difference compared to getting a (35% / 7) 5% resist. Though it would look very odd getting 525"%" resist & it would confuse people. I know I was being silly/extreme in my argument, I was just trying to get Heavy to see that there are already several instances of the thing (duplication) that he decries for glyphs.

It works how you’d expect it to. If you have 1,000 flat dodge from gear/etc and 100% increased dodge then you’ll end up with 2,000 dodge to be converted to a % chance to dodge.

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Sorry this is … weird :roll_eyes:

We dont know what exactly legendary items are
We dont know what they do
we dont know how to get them
we dont know how powerfull and rare they are

But you know their relativ value. :astonished:

But ofc. we will see copies of double t7 stuff … but only ONE copy not 100 of the exact same item like mirror enables you to make.

I don’t think 1 of ~15 is too harsh RNG. It is pretty doable. Besides in many cases you have options for example - Void res or Elemental res. Both could be good for your build.

about 15-17 affixes depending on a slot. Only jewelry has 25-26 options. Which is bad and I really hope the devs will see to it.

Even “second best options” are good rolls.

You want your T7 spellcrit staff with
a) its natural +10 meele void damage
b) your dream crit multi roll
c) % ele damage

So even a c) is a “hit” even if its not the best.

Well, it seem a little more exciting :slightly_smiling_face:

Can anyone tell us what happens if an item has only 5 forging potential left and a craft needs 1-15, for example?

The bolded part answers your question :smiling_imp:

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Ya’ll are doing really good work with this. I’m impressed with how many and how significant the improvements you’ve come up with for the original system.

Here is a “like for like” comparison from old to new system.

Sample starting item 1 - Magic: two T4 affixes you want, 2 empty slots

  • Add T1 new affix with Glyph of Stability (near 100% chance) - success
  • Add 2nd T1 new affix with Glyph of Stability (near 100% chance) - success
  • Bump 1st new affix w/Glyph of Guardian (100% chance) - success
  • Bump 2nd new affix w/Glyph of Guardian (100% chance) - success
  • Bump 1st new affix w/Glyph of Guardian (near 100% chance) - success
  • Bump 2nd new affix w/Glyph of Guardian (near 100% chance) - success.
    :: You now have a two T4, two T3 item
  • whatever you next attempt starts to have what I will call “significantly” more chance to fracture, so from here its kinda RNG.
  • You might break right here, or you might get the T3’s both to T4s. You might even squeeze in a T5, two if ludicrously lucky.

New: Item starts with only 20 forging potential

  • Add T1 new affix w/ Glyph of Hope (1-10 FP loss chance) - success (taking avg of 4) Remaining: 16
  • Add 2nd T1 new affix w/ Glyph of Hope (1-10 FP loss chance) - success (taking avg of 4) Remaining: 12
  • Bump 1st new affix to T2 w/ Glyph of Hope (1-13 FP loss chance) - success (taking avg of 5) Remaining: 7
  • Bump 2nd new affix to T2 w/ Glyph of Hope (1-13 FP loss chance) - success (taking avg of 5) Remaining: 2
  • Bump 1st new affix to T3 (1-15 FP loss chance) - success (taking avg of 7) Remaining: 0 Item fractured
    :: You now have a two T4, one T3, one T2 (worse than old system)

Alternate New: Item starts with only 20 forging potential

  • Apply Rune of Discovery - get two random T1 runes: still 20 FP remaining
  • Did you get affixes you want? If so:
    – Bump 1st new affix w/ Glyph of Hope (1-13 FP loss chance) - success (taking avg of 5) Remaining: 15
    – Bump again w/ Glyph of Hope (1-18 FP loss chance) - success (taking avg of 7) Remaining: 8
  • If not:
    – Bump undesired affix w/ Glyph of Chaos: - success (taking avg of 4) Remaining: 4
    – Bump undesired affix w/ Glyph of Chaos: - success (taking avg of 4) Remaining: 0 - Item Fractured
    – You have a small chance of this now being an affix you want, but not likely
    :: You now have a two T4, one T3, one T1 (may or may not be desired) item (worse than old system)

Sample starting item 2 - Rare: two T4 affixes you want, one T2 affix you want, one other affix you do not want.

  • Bump T2 affix w/Glyph of Guardian (100% chance) - success - T3
  • Bump T2 affix w/Glyph of Guardian (near 100% chance) - success- T4
  • Bump one T4 affix w/Glyph of Guardian (high chance) - success- T5
    :: You now have a one T5, two T4, one useless affix item
  • you could try more T4 to T5 upgrades, and might get more T5s as a result.

New: Item starts with only 27 forging potential

  • Bump T2 affix to T3 w/ Glyph of Hope (1-13 FP loss chance) - success (taking avg of 5) Remaining: 22
  • Bump T3 affix to T4 w/ Glyph of Hope (1-18 FP loss chance) - success (taking avg of 8) Remaining: 14
  • Bump one T4 affix w/ Glyph of Hope (1-20 FP loss chance) - success (taking avg of 9) Remaining: 5
  • Bump undesired affix w/ Glyph of Chaos: - success (taking avg of 4) Remaining: 1
  • Bump undesired affix w/ Glyph of Chaos: - success (taking avg of 4) Remaining: 0 - Item Fractured
    – You have a small chance of this now being an affix you want, but not likely
    :: You now have a one T5, two T4, and one T1 (random) affix item (same or worse than old system)

The devs said at t1 - t2 tiers there’s much more chance to have lower FP values taken on craft. Like 2-5. It is not completely random it is slightly for player’s advantage and more so on lower tiers.

I am using averages for the sake of overall crafting results, since as tiers go higher, that bias isn’t applied. Also, its a bias, not a guarantee (I could still lose 15 FP on my first craft.)

also you are assuming you got magic with two t4 and 0 instability? I don’t think that happens often. Usually you already have some instabilty on an item with affixes

You can do the crafting I said with that item, even if it has instability. Its very common.
First two T1’s with Stability will almost always work.
Making them both T2s with Guardian is 100%.
T2s to T3s is 90s%.