Costructive Ideas

it’s confusing why they don’t want that, a lot of skills kills creeps u did not even see (for example, minions tend to do this a lot), i would like to just rush on, kill more and see what i got from all the killing in the end by reading a list that i can sort through and pick out the things i need
do u want to miss a spot becuz u did not run around and check every spot on the map??

First of all, i wanna say thank you to anyone who replied, the devs especially, good communication with the community is i believe the key to a good game and player retention (comming from a Warframe player, Rebecca and Megan have saved the game on more occasions than i can remember).

Just one clarification, since i saw it getting derailed during the discussion, i never suggested auto-looting everything, JUST the crafting materials which in my opinion should automatically be arranged in the forge without taking space in the stash.

Now, i wanna add something really important that came up during my play and i will edit the original post to include it.

I have a serious issue with stash space, especially with the current iteration of the game, where almost every item could in theory be used in a build along with the fact that all characters share the same stash, 6 tabs are really just too few. I suggest one of the two:

  • Either have a separate stash of each character AND an account stash next to each other, or
  • After hitting lvl100, 2 or 3 stash slots unlock with every character you make.

I can only agree to all your suggestions, except the music. (my opinion!, because I like it :face_with_monocle:)
Mostly for the autoloot for crafting materials!!

added a new thread on the drops system currently in game, its also a suggestion but i didnt want to clutter this thread more, so here is the ling to that:

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